A War Between Spies

Chapter 771: Victory eve

When Yelebin once again cooperated with Yang Yi, it was not so perfunctory, and Yalebin’s initiative to shake hands with Yang Yi was recognized. Is it respect?

It is recognition and respect, but more is the appreciation of Yalebin for young people.

If you pay attention to the details, you will find that Yelebin did not shake hands with Anton. He did not shake hands with Brian, but he just looked for Yang Yi to shake his hand.

In particular, why Yang Yi actually did not show any extraordinary strength, why did Yalebin appreciate him?

For this reason, Yang Yi didn't even think about it because he didn't think that Yalebin's appreciation was great.

After leaving the hotel where Yalebin lived, Brian took out his mobile phone, and then he quickly dialed the phone. Just when he was talking to Anna Starkina, Brian was hiding next to him, Yang Yi and their three. But I can't hear what Brian said on the phone.

About ten minutes later, watching Brian come back, Yang Yi knows it, this time it really became.

Brian was covered in red light and walked up and down the wind. After he strode back, he hugged Paul directly.

After a long hug with Paul, Brian choked: "Thank you, brother, sorry, I...thank you!"

Because Anna Starkina, although it is a black pot, but Brian did indeed betray his country, he may not betray his brother, but his brothers are tired of his facts is an indisputable fact.

What is rare is that in this case, there are people who are willing to follow Brian.

Now that Charles is dead, there is only Paul who can share Brian's happiness, touch, and embarrassment.

Paul patted him twice on Brian's back, whispering: "The past has passed, now, congratulations, head."

Brian let go of Paul. He nodded to Paul and turned to Yang Yi.

When Yang Yi had just spoken, she was hugged by Brian.

"Thank you! Thank you! When I saw you on the first day, I knew that you were the one God sent to save me. It is really like this. I am so excited now, thank you! Thank you!"

Thanks to Yang Yi, and then Brian let go of Yang Yi, then he hugged Anton again, loudly: "Thank you, thank you my brother."

Anton was somewhat repulsive to Brian's hug, but he didn't say anything, just Shen Sheng: "Congratulations."

Brian let go of Anton, and then he said loudly: "I have contacted Anna, I am going to Moscow, go now, go right away!"

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Is she waiting for you?"

Brian’s red face said: “Yes, she is in Moscow, I am going to see her now!”

Paul said with a little concern: "Go to Moscow? If the Black Devil has any bad thoughts, it will be very dangerous. Can you change places to meet?"

Brian repeatedly shook his head and said: "I don't have to change places, I can't wait, but you are right. If there is anything bad about Yalebin, then we have no chance to resist in Moscow, so I plan to go by myself. ”

If you want to go to Moscow, it is impossible to let everyone in the water organization follow it. There is no need for it, and if there is any bad thoughts about Yalebin, the Russian KGB can also completely destroy the water.

But it is not too reassuring for Brian to go to Moscow alone. Although Brian does not need the care of others, there is nothing in the event of a photo.

Yang Yi Shen said: "Go back first, then go back and say."

The four people quickly returned to the foothold, and this time Brian had to rush to book a ticket.

"If there is no accident, there will be no more problems this time. Brian has already contacted Anna Starkina. He is going to Moscow. I will go with him, but other people will not have to go."

Just after Yang Yi finished, Kate looked forward to the look: "But I also want to go, what a valuable love story, I really want to witness it."

Xiao Yu was also a eager to try, but after Kate took the lead, she had no interest in speaking.

Xiao Yu was going to give up, but she quickly changed her mind. This is Brian's business, not Yang Yi's business. Why can't Kate go to her, it doesn't mean she is hiding from Kate.

"I am going too, I have to go, there is nothing wrong now."

After a look of disappointment, Xiao Yu stood up and said: "I am going to clean up the equipment."

Brian wanted to say something, but he ended up just laughing a bit.

Brian actually wanted Paul to accompany him to Moscow, but there was a problem. Although Paul forgave him and chose to help him at no cost, it does not mean that Paul also forgave Anna Starkina.

In fact, for Anaskinna, the KGB, a woman who tempted Brian’s treason, Paul can be said to hate it. Even after so many years, hatred has faded, but Paul’s to Anaskinna is still Very disgusted.

It is one thing to help Brian complete his wish. It is another thing to refuse to forgive Anna Starkina, so Paul will never go to Moscow to witness the two people who have reunited for a long time. He can't hide it.

Brian knows Paul's intentions, so although he wants Paul to go, he certainly won't say anything about it~lightnovelpub.net~Women, it's still more interesting for emotional drama, but no one else is necessary. Go with it.

"We still have one thing to do in Ukraine, but now Ukraine is a little dangerous. Justin's commission is still to be completed later. It is not too late to come back after the war of Ivan and Deyo. As for where to go..."

Yang Yi really didn't think about where to go. Now the water organization is like a rootless duckweed, and there is no fixed foothold. The most familiar English of Yang Yi can't go, so after a moment of indulgence, Yang Yi Shen Sheng Road: "We are going to Germany first. Let's leave when we are ready. We will go to Germany and join you when we return from Moscow."

It is better to leave this land in Ukraine or to leave earlier. It’s not related to the big Ivan. It’s not a friend or a friend but it’s definitely not friendly. As for the Djoin, it’s definitely an enemy, if Jetero If something is said, it will immediately become a thorn in the eyes of Deyo. It is best to avoid it first, and wait until the situation in Ukraine stabilizes.

Zhang Yong suddenly spoke up, and then he looked regretfully: "It's a pity, in fact, I am quite looking forward to seeing what you will see when the old lover will look. I bet you will cry, someone will gamble with me? Then... ..."

Looking up and down Brian's eyes, Zhang Yong smiled and said: "I think you still make makeup better, after all, you are really ugly now."...

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