A War Between Spies

Chapter 800: Traditional

Yang Yi sprinted against the wall, the lights came into the door, the lights quickly widened, and Yang Yi was close to the door, so he slowed down and looked back at the garage door.

The garage door has not been closed.

After the car enters the yard, it will immediately turn, and the car will only face the garage door immediately after the turn. Even if the car does not stop in the garage, the person on the car will definitely see the door that has not been closed. Tip light on.

"Come on! Hurry! Hurry!"

Yang Yi made a silent cry in his heart.

“Get ready to distract!”

The opening speed of the gate is much faster than the closing speed of the garage.

Yang Yi had to give a helpless instruction. If the hostess had to enter the house before the garage door was closed, it would only distract her attention.

In fact, Yang Yi does not want to take any distracting measures, because the more he does, the greater the risk of exposure, but the consequences of being opened by the woman for no reason are so serious, so if necessary, then only Can let Anton or Paul distract the hostess's attention.

The door was completely open, the garage door was less than twenty centimeters from the end, and the lights on the car began to move, which meant that the car had moved.

The car entered the door.

I looked at the position of the car lights, looked at the position where the car had to turn, and then looked at the speed at which the garage door fell. Yang Yi whispered: "Don't move, don't move!"

The car turned and the garage door finally landed completely when the light was one meter away from the garage door.

Even if it is taken, the hostess will probably not find a gap in the garage door, but Yang Yi is not willing to take the risk, so he is bending over from the car and quickly rushing to the door that is closed. Twisted and looked at the garage door completely closed.

Only a trace of it, good insurance.

Yang Yi was relieved. He ran out from the door that had not been closed, and then he immediately slowed down and walked forward at normal speed and pace.

"Good risk, but nothing, she is unlikely to find someone in the garage."

Especially when the lights are very bright, people's eyes will only look at the bright areas, it is almost impossible to notice what is in the dark, although there are always exceptions, but this chance is not even one in ten thousand, so It is almost impossible to say.

Anton and Paul did not rush to walk with Yang Yi. They walked each other and walked toward the car.

Yang Yi whispered in the intercom: "Hans, informed Schultz to work."

Hans started to call Schultz, and after Yang Yi was in the car, he first took a long breath, and then he was facing Hans Road in the driver's seat: "How about Schultz? ”

Hans hung up and smiled. "Everything went well, it was perfect."

After waiting for a while, Anton and Paul got into the car, and Yang Yi, who had just been scared, waved: "We went back, no, we went to eat, I was shocked, I was hungry."

Hans drove the car up, and Anton disagreed: "Is the line pulled?"

Yang Yi didn't have a good voice: "Of course, I haven't done it. Can you do it when I am so simple?"

"So what about the switch of the electronic fuse?"

"Of course it is open."

Anton smiled and said: "Okay, then it's okay, we can have a hearty dinner."

Yang Yi’s lazy way: “The next step is to wait for Mark Shapo to come back. Anton, can you find a way to get some information from your good position?”

Anton did not hesitate: "Yes, the time in the day is too tight. In the evening, I can have a night to deepen my feelings and get more details. I know more details and more information, but you Let me sacrifice the color to complete the task of the organization, is there any compensation?"

Yang Yiji was surprised: "You are going to benefit now? This is not your usual style. What compensation do you want?"

"The simplest, most direct, money!"

Yang Yi was even more surprised, because Anton had no interest in money before, and now he started to ask for money.

"Why do you want to add money?"

Anton shrugged: "Because... tradition!"


"Yes, the tradition of the black devil, what sacrifices are acceptable, but the sacrifice of the hue to complete the task must be compensated. The most common compensation is vacation, can you let me take a vacation?"

"Oh, this..."

"Do you think your verbal awards mean anything to me? So it can only be money. I don't want much. One hundred thousand dollars is good. Isn't this money?"

Yang Yi loudly: "100,000? Why don't you grab it? At most... 10,000! No more!"

Anton did not insist on it. He smiled and said: "It’s just symbolic. It’s 10,000. It’s paid now. I want cash. If you don’t have cash, remember to go back to me. Together with the last one, now you owe me. 20,000."

Yang Yi felt very awkward, so he frowned. "It feels very strange. It is like, no, it is just that you are going to be cool and I have to pay you~lightnovelpub.net~Andong smiled Then he said very sincerely: "You can go there in the future. We pay you, it doesn't matter, there are not many 10,000." ”

After that, Anton said faintly: "You three are going to eat, I am going to a date, let me call first."

Anton took out his mobile phone and turned it on. After waiting for the phone to get through, he whispered: "Hello, convenient?"

Soon, Anton looked at his watch and said, "Let's eat together. After half an hour, we meet at the restaurant. How about the restaurant near your home? Ok, see you in half an hour."

Hanging up the phone, Anton smiled: "Send me a place to take a taxi, then go eat yourself."

Yang Yi said carelessly: "Where are you going, what is the name of the restaurant."

Anton didn't think much, he said the name of the restaurant, then he was placed on the side of the road, and Yang Yi left on their own.

After waiting to see Anton, Yang Yi suddenly said: "Lies, do you want to see what kind of goodness is Anton?"

Paul did not hesitate: "Let's go to that restaurant and wait for him!"

Hans smiled bitterly: "This is not so good?"

Yang Yi said very seriously: "I don't think Anton is as unhappy as he said!"

Hans finally nodded and said, "Okay, go see!"

Yang Yi took out his mobile phone and started to navigate. Then he didn't feel good. "I have to pay Anton. The money doesn't matter, but I always feel a bit awkward."

At this moment, Paul smiled and said: "Think about it. Generally speaking, Anton is normal, but it is not normal to charge. So what do we usually call this man? ”

Yang Yi thought about it and suddenly realized: "Duck!"

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