A War Between Spies

Chapter 806: Hug punk

Schultz is somewhat suspicious. Rodriguez is a little surprised. They can see from their eyes. They don't believe much about Yang Yi.

Suspected to be a very depressing thing, Yang Yi wants to say that I can't take Xiao Yu, I can't make Kate, but if I don't even have an anchor in the water organization, I still have a fart!

Yang Yi pulled Schultz to the side. He sat in Schurz's computer chair. Then he pointed to the black screen computer. "How did you get it? I don't think you are shutting down. Now let me adjust the picture. come out."

Schultz was reluctant, and he looked tangled: "No."

Rodriguez said impatiently: "Why not? She is an anchor. I don't know how many people have seen her."

Schultz still has a firm face: "I don't want to."

People's psychology is very strange. If you like a woman, a woman who doesn't wear clothes and dances, then anyone can see it. Of course, this can't be stopped, but his friends and family can't see it, and this is a way to stop it. .

Yang Yi understands Schultz's psychology very well, but he must look at what kind of woman Schultz likes.

"Schultz, if you want me to help you get this done quickly, then you have to let me see her, you said she won't be all right? Then there is no need to worry too much, just look at it. Ok, just fine."

Schultz was full of vigilance: "You don't look at her with a sly look?"

Yang Yi pulled her face down and said, "Hurry up and decide."

Schultz still hesitated, but he finally reached out and tapped the keyboard, so the screen of the black screen immediately appeared a twisted woman.

It’s true that there are very few clothes, but this avoids the trouble that may be in the future. This is good, because wearing a swimsuit on the beach is also unacceptable.

Rodriguez whispered, then he screamed: "The chest is not big."

Schultz is going crazy, he angered: "Rod!"

Yang Yi put it down, then he sighed: "It looks like the environment is not very good, the layout is very simple, the recording equipment is also very simple, not like a professional anchor."

Schultz immediately said: "She lives with her roommate, college roommate, oh, she has not graduated yet, but she is about to graduate. Her roommate is the anchor. She was dragged by the roommate, but her roommate’s performance is better than her. It’s so hot.”

"She is still a student?"

"Yes, the University of Seattle College of Arts and Sciences studied anthropology. Her student loans owe more than $40,000. She has no necessary source of income because her family is in a bad condition, her mother died of drug overdose, and her father died after drug abuse. Speeding, in short, she is very miserable."

Rodriguez looked alert: "How can you know this? It won't be her story?"

Schultz angered: "I didn't say a word to her! I said that I checked her chat history, her posting history, and her library borrowing records. In short, I can find her everything. This is the result of my own observation, I have observed it myself!"

Yang Yi suddenly said: "So she has a boyfriend?"

"Oh, no, broke up half a year ago, a relationship that lasted for a year and a half."

“How long has she been in this line?”

“Three months, under the persuasion of her roommate, her roommate found a cognac, but her roommate licked her cognac after discovering that she was making more money, and then she was dragged down by the roommate. Now that Lint is studying during the day and anchoring at night, she is very motivated. There is no way to do this! Oh, her roommate has been persuading her to perform a bigger scale so that she can make more money."

Rodriguez said with a sigh of emotion: "The hacker is terrible. You have never seen her, but you know everything about her. How do you do it?"

"I said I am monitoring... No, I am observing her!"

Yang Yi described the way: "How much did she earn?"

"Oh, a total of 1,640, she just got the first income."

Yang Yi laughed and said: "There are not many earned, she has a cat?"

"Yes, the cat is called punk, so her name is hug punk."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he nodded: "Yes, after my observation, her condition is more in line with what you said, underwear is cheap, jacket is cheap, even cosmetics are cheap goods, in the room The furnishings are very simple, but they are very clean, dancing is a bit simmering, the performance can't be opened, she is very resistant and afraid of the job."

Schultz had a strange look: "Can you see it? I mean, you know it at a glance?"

"Of course, well, the next step is much simpler. Do you have her phone right? Take your mobile phone to me."

Schultz handed the phone to Yang Yi. Immediately after Yang Yi took it, she said: "Now shut her live broadcast and make sure that no one can see what she is doing, except us."

Schultz didn't ask anything at all this time. He immediately stood in front of the computer next to him and called out a special document. After knocking a few times, the picture that Yang Yi looked at suddenly became black. After knocking a few more times, ~lightnovelpub.net~ The picture is lit up again.

Schultz hurriedly said, "Okay, no one can see her except us."

It can be seen that Cargini Lint has not found that his live broadcast has been cut off. She is still dancing hard, and Yang Yi dialed the phone at this time.

After a long time, Cargill Lint had to interrupt the dance and picked up the mobile phone on the side to answer it.

"Hello there."

Yang Yi said slowly: "Hello, hug punk."

Cagney Lint suddenly became nervous, her body immediately froze, and immediately rushed to the front of the computer to end the live broadcast, then Yang Yi was Shen Sheng: "Do not turn off the computer, do not use Fear, listen to me now, I am not malicious to you, don't ask me how I know your phone number, you only need to know one thing, that is, you are lucky."

Cargini Lint still turned off the computer, and then she was very nervous: "Who are you! What do you want to do?"

Cagney turned off the computer, but the computer was still working, but Cargill Lint didn't know it.

Yang Yi smiled and said: "You don't have to be nervous, calm down, you are a good girl, Lint, I noticed that you have been there for a while, I appreciate you, so I decided to help you. Now tell me how much you need to spend. Go through the storm?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I just want to help you, to help you end the current predicament, just that I am still a rich man, so tell me how much you need is enough, you can think of it as a donation, let's say, you need how much is it."

Schultz is close to Yang Yi's voice: "$46,000, 50,000 is definitely enough."

Yang Yi impatiently pushed Schultz to the side and continued on the phone: "Say, how much?"

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