A War Between Spies

Chapter 817: Simple and right

There is a car coming out, black, is the car of Mark Shapo.

Yang Yi opened the protective cover on the detonator. As long as he moved his finger, the car that was slowly coming out would become a fireball, but he can't do it now because he has to determine whether the person on the car is a mark. Shabo.

The car came out, there was only one person in the car, it was Mark Shapo.

"It's too simple, it's really too simple..."

After whispering a few words, Yang Yi wanted to press the detonator, but he found that there were people on both sides of Mark Shapo’s car.

Why bother to catch the lives of innocent people?

Yang Yi waited a bit. He had to wait for Mark Shapo’s car to open to a place where it was empty, and then set off to make sure that it would not hurt other people.

It didn't take long, that is, a few seconds. I watched Mark Shapo's car without a car. When no one was affected, Yang Yi finally pressed the detonator.

A loud bang, Mark Shabo's car instantly turned into a fireball.

It’s over, everything is over, the mission is over, Mark Shapo is dead, and it’s just a matter of moving fingers.

It is not necessary to confirm in the past whether Mark Shapo is dead, because if Mark Shabo can't die under this kind of explosion, then he is not a human being.

Yang Yi looked at Rodriguez and smiled. "What are you waiting for? Go away, the mission is over."

Yang Yi did not inform Anton, no need.

Anton also held a phone in his hand, although the screen was black, but the call was in progress.

The driver thought that Anton thought he was extremely abominable. The **** hit his car, and he missed the task assigned to him by his boss, and the **** was still eager to find something with him, but now he made A poor phase.

The driver has ignored the consequences of lifting the gun on the street. He is not afraid of the police. In fact, he is waiting for the police to come, and then he will show his identity. He will take Anton away and give him a good lesson. It is this right.

Big deal, after the interrogation, throw Anton into prison and let him know how powerful it is.

When I saw Anton’s hand holding a mobile phone, the driver who did not hit the air angered: “Give me your phone!”

Anton pitifully sent the phone, and when the driver's hand just touched the phone, there was a loud noise in the phone.

Yang Yi is only a few tens of meters away from the scene of the explosion. The explosion sound can of course be transmitted through the mobile phone. Therefore, although the explosion sound in the mobile phone is not particularly loud, it can be regarded as a loud noise relative to the sound of the call.

Anton was too familiar with the explosion, and the driver was familiar, so at the moment he touched the phone, after hearing the sound from the phone, he subconsciously paused, so his hand was stiff. In midair.

Anton smiled slightly and whispered: "Sorry."

The driver realized what he was. He subconsciously raised the pistol that was hanging down, but he had no time to do anything.

Anton lightning shot, he let go of the phone, his hands clasped the driver's face, and then his hands slammed hard, the driver's head turned back 180 degrees, with the head of the head aligned with Anton.

Anton loosened his hands and pulled back his cell phone from the driver who was still standing in front of them.

The driver’s face and the back fell down together, and Anton didn’t look at him more. He took his cell phone and opened the door without hesitation. He sat down and hit the car’s butt. Deformed car.

Putting the phone in my ear, Anton said: "Is it successful?"

"Of course, very successful, what about your side?"

"Oh, it was very smooth, but it just caused a little sensation. I will see you later. I have to go and throw the car away."

"Okay, see you later."

Yang Yi hung up the phone, then he picked up a camera on the front of the car and put the image inside, and then smiled: "Good, the shot is very clear."

Rodriguez drove in the car, and he was a little surprised: "It's that simple."

Yang Yi disapproved of the road: "How else can it be difficult? It’s just a... oh, it’s just a director of the Ministry of Defense Intelligence."

Just, just.

When Yang Yi said these two words, his face was not red-hearted, because he really felt that he was only the director of a Ministry of Defense Intelligence Bureau in Ukraine. It should be simple. If it can't be done easily, it can only explain the water. The organization is still too bad.

You don't have to worry about Anton, he will definitely not have something, then you should contact Justin.

Yang Yi was not willing to wait for a moment, so he immediately called Justin.

"Tell you a good news, Mark Shapo is dead."

Justin is a bit stunned: "When?"

"Just, just now, a minute ago, my mission has been completed, please call the money soon."

"Hey, I need to confirm."

"Of course, but I know you have to confirm, so I have some evidence, do I need to give it to you now?"

"Okay, send it to me, very good, very good! Great!"

Justin couldn’t talk about ecstasy, but he was very happy to hear it.

Yang Yi hung up the phone~lightnovelpub.net~ He sent the video to Justin, which took a little time, so after ten minutes, he received a call from Justin.

"No problem, the job is doing well, Poseidon, your movements are fast enough, very good."

Yang Yi laughed and said: "Why, don't you have to wait and confirm?"

"I don't want to pay the bill, I will give you 10 million right away."

"Thank you, there are any tasks welcome to call, goodbye."

Yang Yi hangs up the phone, and then he whispers whistling, saying: "Ten 10 million is so good, it is easy, this money is too good to earn."

Rodriguez curiously said: "Why do you want Justin to kill Mark Shapo?"

Yang Yi shrugged: "Maybe Mark Shapo blocked Justin's financial road, or for other reasons, Justin will spend 10 million US dollars to kill him. There must be some reason. I think it should not be a personal grievance. Who knows, this is not our business, Rhodes, our curiosity should not be so heavy."

Rodriguez nodded and said: "Then we should leave Ukraine."

"Yes, go now."

Rodriguez thought for a moment and said: "There is still something that I and Tuario said very clearly. If necessary, he would not hesitate to kill Jetero. I said to him, and Yario also agreed, he knows how to do it."

Yang Yi took a moment, then he smiled bitterly: "In fact, I didn't want him to assume this role, because he is not a person who can do this kind of thing, but... since you said it, then let me, I It will be arranged, but I have to tell you that if I want to arrange a person to assume this undercover role, I will personally tell him, not to do this in the future."

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