A War Between Spies

Chapter 839: Willing to hook

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Yang Yi and Xiao Yu received a warm and courteous hospitality, and then there was no accident, the two of them had to live in a room.

Therefore, Yang Yi did not sleep very well.

Don't misunderstand, she can tolerate sleeping in the same room with Yang Yi, but never give Yang Yi the chance to sleep with her in the same bed.

On the floor, only a thin blanket can be placed on the floor for a night, and Yang Yi certainly sleeps uncomfortably.

"Get up, show love goes."

Yang Yi opened his eyes in confusion.

I don't know why, when Yang Yi and Xiao Yu are together, they can sleep very hard.

For a spy, it is not an exaggeration to describe the vigilance with the rhetoric of one eye sleeping, but the high vigilance means a serious lack of security, and Yang Yi is like this, no matter who. Sleeping together, he will never be unaware of the other party after getting up.

But with Xiao Yu, it was fine. Yang Yi didn't sleep well, but he slept very well.

It may be that Yang Yi met Xiao Yu and was saved in the most dangerous time. He was rescued by Xiao Yu when he was most dangerous and helpless, so he was completely unprepared for Xiao Yu and was rescued by Xiao Yu. After that, Yang Yiqian thought that Xiao Yu was reliable and safe around her.

After Yang Yi climbed up from the ground and let himself wake up, he looked at Xiao Yu: "What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Xiao Yu looked disdainful: "Install, continue to install."

"I heard it clearly, I don't quite understand it."

Xiao Yu held his arms and said: "You really don't understand?"

Yang Yi flashed up and climbed up. He went to wash and came back to prepare to clean up the cover on the ground, only to find that Xiao Yu had already packed up.

Xiao Yu simply dressed up, then she sighed and said: "Go, go see the morning scenery."

Yang Yi followed Xiao Yu out of the door.

Yang Yi looks a little sleepy, but he does not hide this point. For a man, it is best to stay asleep in bed in the morning.

Xiao Yu seems to be very interested in the scenery of the winery, and Yang Yi seems to be somewhat listless, and then after the two walked out of the room, Xiao Yu looked naturally holding Yang Yi's arm.

It’s okay to hold hands, but the two people who are about to get married feel better and hold their arms more intimately.

Two people are hanging out in the winery. They both talk and laugh, but there is nothing worth mentioning, and there is nothing to be happy about, but two people have a tacit understanding and laugh at the same time. It is also a very difficult thing.

After visiting for an hour, Xiao Yucai and Yang Yi came back until they saw Lunuo, and she let go of releasing Yang Yi’s arm.

"Good morning, Mr. Luno."

Luno smiled and said: "I saw that the two did not bother you while walking. Now the breakfast is ready, please come with me."

Yang Yi and Xiao Yu were invited to the restaurant, and when the breakfast was not delivered, it was an old man.

When the old man came in, Luno smiled and said: "This is the owner of the winery, Mr. Bena."

Pierre Pena, who looks like he is in his 70s, has white hair and is sparse, but his spirit is very good.

"How are you, how did you sleep last night?"

Pierre can speak several languages, and his English is not a problem at all.

After a chill, the three men sat down at the table again.

"I am very sorry to let you take time out of your busy schedule. I should visit you."

"You're welcome, have breakfast, let's talk while we eat."

Pierre does not mention the transfer of the winery, he is talking with Yang Yi and Xiao Yu, the topic has been around the winery, such as the history and scenery of the winery.

After breakfast was almost finished, Yang Yicai took the initiative: "Mr. Benner, I know that you want to transfer this winery, and my girlfriend and I like it very much, so I can take the liberty to ask about the transfer conditions? ”

Finally, I have to turn to the topic. Pierre didn’t come overnight because of this night.

But Pierre didn't seem to be in a hurry. He smiled and said: "I like this winery, but I am older and have a lot of business. I can't put all my enthusiasm and energy into it, so I think Give it to someone who loves it too."

After that, Pierre slowly said: "The transfer price will cost four million euros."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "I am not very familiar with the process of acquiring a winery in France. Is it troublesome to buy a winery as a foreigner?"

Pierre smiled: "No trouble, just a little time, no trouble at all."

Yang Yi looked at Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu nodded gently, so Yang Yi Shen said: "Sorry, we can't make a decision right away, but there is no big accident, I think I may need to ask a professional. The broker comes to talk to you about specific acquisitions."

Millions of euros is also a big business, can not say buy and buy, and Yang Yi and Xiao Yu are always reflecting that they are not bad money, but very emotional, want to buy a very satisfied winery.

With this premise ~lightnovelpub.net~ Xiao Yu smiled at Pierre: "We have seen a lot of wineries, and my favorite is here, so I don't plan to visit other wineries again. We will not leave France for the time being but have to live in Nice for a while, I like it very much, so if there is any new progress, we can communicate at any time."

Pierre is interested: "Of course, this kind of thing is certainly not too urgent. As for Nice, it is a good place, a very beautiful city. I don't know where you live?"

Yang Yi smiled and said: "The hotel, as for which hotel to live in, is not sure, go see what is right."

Xiao Yu sighed: "He wants to live in a hotel, because it is more convenient, but I want to rent a house, because the hotel can not give me the feeling of home, but it does not matter, maybe we can find a hotel that feels good. ”

Pierre Haha smiled and said: "It doesn't really mean to live in a hotel. In addition, I have a villa in Nice, a very beautiful and quiet villa. I think it is right for you."

Yang Yi didn't want to shake his head and said: "Oh, no, thank you for your kindness, but we want to live in Nice for a while, it may take a month or two, so I won't bother you."

Xiao Yu’s words and stops.

Pierre smiled and said: "I won't bother because I don't live anywhere. How long do you want to live? Please believe me, you will like it, I am very confident about it."

Yang Yi looked at Xiao Yu, he hesitated, and then he finally decided to have something to say, so he said to Pierre: "Thank you for your generosity and enthusiasm, but I think it is not suitable, hey, we Can I rent your villa?"

Pierre gave a hand and smiled. "Of course, but you don't have to rent it. I sincerely invite you to live there."