A War Between Spies

Chapter 840: freed

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After spending three days, Yang Yi got what he wanted.

Put a bunch of keys on the table, Yang Yi sat on the sand, very comfortable and sighed: "I finally got it, Schultz, to arrange the equipment, from today you finally do not have to Hiding in the car to monitor."

Brian glanced at the key and said, "Is it smooth?"

“Successful, very smooth, since Pierre knew that we wanted to buy his winery, I stayed in the villa where we were invited to go, and finally rented his villa at half the market price.”

Brian looked at Anna Starkina, Anna Starkina smiled at Gao Yang, then she whispered: "I will immediately let Schultz go to the villa to install the signal transmission system, from now on, that villa. Only two of you can be inside. If you only want to monitor with Xiao Yu, it will be very hard."

Yang Yi waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just sneaking in front of the window, nothing hard."

Anna Starkina smiled and Brian laughed, and Anton laughed.

Yang Yi said incomprehensible: "What are you laughing at?"

Anton shrugged. Brian was a young man. "This is a long-term surveillance mission. Do you know what long-term surveillance missions mean?"


"Extremely boring, extremely boring, extremely nervous, you will be insomnia and irritability, then you will begin to doubt yourself, and finally you will collapse if no one else will help you monitor."

Yang Yi only had a short period of surveillance. It is really unclear what this long-term surveillance is. So he will be suspicious: "I don't know if you are bored, but are you so exaggerated?"

Anton faintly said: "You will know if you try."

Brian smiled and said: "Of course, the premise is that you must be a qualified and responsible watcher. If you just stand on the window several times a day and look at it, even if you monitor it, then these words will not be me. we have a deal."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Fortunately, I am not alone. Oh, you can call Hans and Paul back. They don't have to stay in the car to monitor."

At this moment, Schultz rushed out in a hurry. He rushed to the coffee table and took a bottle of water. After unscrewing it, he sipped two drinks and then hurriedly said: "What do you eat? Have you eaten? I am eating, I am starving to death!"

Schultz's hair is like a chicken coop, his eyes are red, and he wants to eat like a wolf who has been hungry for a few days.

Yang Yi was shocked and said: "How do you look like this? Why do you look like you have not slept for a few days?"

Brian shrugged: "He just didn't sleep for a few days. He kept himself in the house and forbidden us to get close, then he became like this."

Schultz did not answer the question of Yang Yi, but he hurriedly said: "Give me food, I am starving."

Sitting on the sofa with a buttock, Schultz took a long sigh of relief, and then he said with a look: "It is finally finished, and it is finally finished!"

Yang Yi yelled: "What's done?"

Schultz said wickedly: "I and the white roar tracked the person who installed the monitor! Yes, we tracked her!"

Yang Yi was anxious, and he said loudly: "What? I didn't say let you not follow it? What to do if it is exposed!"

Schultz shook his head and said: "It won't be exposed, it will never be exposed. You believe me. I know that the consequences of exposure are very serious. If it is not necessary to ensure that it will not be discovered, it will take so long."

With a long sigh of relief, Schultz struggled to sit up, and then he looked at Yang Yi with a look: "We followed it. Now I tell you who is installing the monitor. He is called a silent god. !"

Brian's eyebrows wrinkled, and then used a very unpleasant tone: "Who dares to use such a name!"

Schultz said with a smug look: "It's just a net name, but he is a godless man. This guy can't, let me tell you that this guy can't!"

Yang Yi suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and said: "What is his true identity and where he lives."

"Real identity? I don't know, I don't know where I live. I can't check it. I found it when I checked it. We only found out who did it, and it was the God without words."

Yang Yi is a little bit sullen, he is very depressed: "You have been busy for three days, only found a name?"

Schultz said with excitement: "Of course, you know what God is without words?"


"God man! The most powerful hacker, he challenged fifteen hackers at the hacking conference, the **** who pulled them all out, he is a godless voice, oh, this person is doing network protection, he is the natural enemy of hackers. Although he is a hacker himself."

Schultz was very proud and excited. He reached the point of incoherence. He stood up and waved his arms and said: "We tracked him! I traced it. Although I didn't find out where his IP address is, we know that The wordless God did ~lightnovelpub.net~ we know!"

After shouting twice, Schultz looked at Yang Yi and said: "Do you know what it means? I did it with the white roar! I! Black roaring, this is the best hack in the world, it is me, is I!"

Schultz fell back on the sofa, and then he waved his fist and said, "We really did it. I know what I am doing, I know! Is there something to eat?"

Anton stood up and said, "Wait, I will take it for you."

"Thank you, I am really hungry, I am still very sleepy, but is this all worth it? It's worth it!"

After a long yawn, Schultz leaned his head on the sofa and sighed and said, "We really did."

When the voice just fell, Schultz closed his eyes, and then he whispered: "I am so sleepy, I will close my eyes first, I am so hungry."

When he spoke, Schultz fell asleep, it was so fast.

Yang Yi took a breath, then he looked at Brian and whispered: "Why not stop him?"

Anna Starkina whispered: "It is my suggestion. I think that for young people like Schultz, you need to take care of his needs and feelings. It is also necessary to trust him. He is guaranteed not to be taken by the other side. After discovering, I think he can track down our potential enemies with Tang Guo, especially if the opportunity is rare."

Anna Starkina whispered: "Sorry, I did this without your consent, but it is really necessary, if you don't want Schultz to do something uncontrollable under uncontrollable circumstances." Then let him vent his heart in a state of control."

Yang Yi was miserable by a hacker. He was bitten by a snake for ten years, so he always worried that Schultz would give him a scorpion, but Anna Starkina said it also makes sense.