A War Between Spies

Chapter 903: Thin ice

What is most terrible about secret organizations is the secret word, not the organization.

Grey people are secret organizations, and water organizations are secret organizations, but the gray people are strong and the water organizations are weak. However, the water organization has at least firmly held the secret word, which means that their traces have never been Let anyone find out.

The water organization has already won several victories against the gray-clothed people. Up to now, the water organization has the upper hand. This is because the water tissue is dark and the gray-clothed people are in the clear, so the water tissue can not respond to the gray-coat people. When the pain kills a fierce, then take advantage of it.

The impact was immediately overlooked, and I immediately hid myself. The water organization did a good job at this point. However, the water organization succeeded several times but it only hurt the gray coat, and maybe even the fur was not on.

The gray-clothed people are too deep. When the water organization is not easy to find a trace, it is a clue that the gray-haired people will be lost immediately. If you want to follow the clues, you will not have that chance.

The gray-haired people don’t even know who the enemy is to lose.

Yang Yi has always felt like a hunter, but he is still blindfolded in the darkness of his fingers, holding his eyes blindfolded, holding a knife and hunting a cannibal tiger in the big forest. .

And the gray-clothed people, they are also in the darkness of the five fingers, they were bitten by a mosquito that did not know where it came from, which was annoying, but could not find where the mosquito was.

But it is different now.

The company of Egtoni, or the heritage of Deyo, is like a piece of meat, water tissue and gray people are looking for it. The water organization gets this piece of meat, just like a hungry hunter can have a meal, not only after the meal Big increase, but also long muscles, even the knife in your hand can be longer.

The gray-clothed person gets this fat, can eat a full meal, although it will not let the gray-shirt people increase the strength, but at least for a long time will not be hungry.

But now the gray bear, the giant bear and the watery tissue, the weak hunter, came to the fat meat. If they want to eat meat, they have to grab it.

That is to say, because of the Egtoni company, the water organization was exposed to the vision of the gray-clothed person for the first time, and the gray-clothed person also gave the water organization a chance to take a knife.

The problem is serious.

For the first time, the Grey Man and the Water Organization stood on a platform that could feel each other and even touch each other.

In other words, the Greys finally have a chance to directly intersect with the water organization.

Yang Yi and Anton looked at each other and they all could find the fear and vigilance in the other's eyes.

The problem is too serious, because the gray-clothed people are the first to go, they saw Wien Rushford yesterday, that is to say, the gray-clothed people have ample time to wait for the rabbit.

Aigtoni is a bait that fishes the fish out of the water.

As a fisherman, the gray-coater does not have to care about the fish to bite the bait. They only need to pull the fish out of the water after someone has bitten the bait.

So what can I do?

Do nothing, immediately withdraw, the question now is whether you can successfully withdraw rather than get the Aigtoni company.

Yang Yi stood up and Anton stood up.

"Mr. Rushford, we should leave. If someone accepts the company in the name of Mr. Joseph, please give it to them, or wait for Mr. Joseph to personally accept the company. That's it, goodbye."

Anton said he left immediately, and Yang Yi and Kate followed.

Don't say anything, let's consider whether you can leave this building.

Yang Yi is very nervous. He feels that a fierce battle is inevitable, because if he comes to deal with this matter, he will definitely lay a heavy ambush.

Because the fish that can bite the Aegoni company is not even Steve himself, it is absolutely close to Steve, so whoever bites the bait will die.

"What do you mean?"

Wien Rushford looked surprised, but Yang Yijue’s company continued to say that it was no longer necessary, but after leaving the house, Yang Yi was still facing Wien Rushford: "You performed well. For the time being, business is still the same. Unless otherwise notified, the people who came yesterday are with us. Since they have come, we don’t have to say much. Now Mr. Joseph is very busy. You don’t have to worry about anything. If Mr. Joseph wants to take back the company, he will send it again. People come, if no one comes, he thinks that you are suitable to continue to take charge of this company, there is nothing to worry about, goodbye."

Wien Rushford stunned, but he looked surprised, and Anton put a hand on his waist. He didn't start when he opened the door, but waited for Kate to open the door for him.

It is very dangerous now and very dangerous.

Anton can't be touched by the door. He is now like a toy with a clockwork, ready to jump out.

Yang Yi has never seen Anton so nervous, and he is as nervous as Anton.

Yang Yi unbuttoned the suit and he put his hand on the handle.

Kate opened the door, and Anton came out, Yang Yi followed, and Kate closed the door.

Now even if Wien Rushford can immediately, immediately, the company will be handed over to Yang Yi, Yang Yi will never want.

If the water organization is in charge of the Egtoni company, it is a gray-clothed person who has left a highway, and opened a light that allows the gray-clothed people to go straight to the Huanglong, and the water organization is uprooted.

But Aegtoni is no longer important~lightnovelpub.net~ What is important? It’s an escape.

Hastily walked through the office area of ​​Aigtoni, Yang Yi and Anton's eyes were always sweeping around, but fortunately, in the Egtoni company, Yang Yi did not encounter any abnormalities.

The elevator was up, but Yang Yi did not enter the elevator at all.

When I got out of the elevator, I was shot and killed in the elevator. Yang Yi didn't want to see this.

So they are walking the stairwell of a safe passage.

After entering the stairwell, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "The highest alert, there may be a crossfire at any time, ready to cover us to escape, tell me the situation outside."

Hans was very surprised in the walkie-talkie: "All the outside is normal, what happened?"

Yang Yi is now even afraid of mentioning the name of the gray-clothed person. Even the gray-haired people are not allowed to mention the code.

The code name of the gray man is the big villain...

What do you think of gray-clothed people if they are listening to the big villains? Since it is a villain, then the water organization is the protagonist. This code is too easy to reminiscent of the fact that the decent and villain must die in the movie.

The gray-clothed people are not sure who their opponents are, but if they know that the fish that bite the bait is called the big villain with a certain tone, is it not to prove that this uninformed organization is hostile to the gray-clothed people?

Why do you have a hostile attitude towards the Greys? Was it an enemy before? Is there a conflict of interest?

The imagination space brought by a code name is too big, and the organization of gray people will definitely think of anything in the worst direction. Therefore, Yang Yi, who is afraid that he has been monitored in all directions, can only whisper: Someone comes before us, don't know the identity and origin of the other person, but we are behind, may be stared, be careful, cover us!"

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