A War Between Spies

Chapter 93: Best soldier

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The first lesson that Zhang Yong gave to Yang Yi was to teach him to respect life and to figure out whether it is necessary to do so before starting.

Yang Yi remembers, because he has found that he seems to be born with a lack of respect for life and a lack of respect for the rules.

Let an ordinary person take a knife to kill an individual. The vast majority of people even have a deep hatred and hate it is really difficult to get down. After killing someone, they will never be as calm as Yang Yi.

Yang Yi doesn't know why Zhang Yong wants to teach him this, but he thinks that Zhang Yong teaches him this is definitely reasonable.

"I remember what you said, but can you tell me why you want to do this? I belong to the kind of person who likes to ask questions."

Zhang Yong nodded, then he looked at Yang Yi very seriously: "I have been a mercenary, but also a killer, and then I found that your character is very similar to the two people I know."

Yang Yi did not speak. He knew that Zhang Yong would explain it clearly.

Zhang Yong moved his **** again, first smiled a few times, then he slowly said: "I debuted as a mercenary, first mixed a small mercenary group, but less than a year, the mercenary group did not Now, when people die a little and then they are scattered, but the best mercenary group in the world has taken a fancy to me, and it is a blessing in disguise."

"The best mercenary group?"

"Well, the angel mercenary group, have you heard of it? The best small mercenary group in the world, but the ranking is only the second, but the first few years have not come out, so they are the first."

"I have never heard of it. I don't know anything about mercenaries."

Zhang Yong sighed and said: "I used to be a soldier before going abroad."

"When you are a soldier? Special forces? Is that the most powerful?"

"I am indeed a special force, but it is not a special force that people think. I am an anti-chemical soldier, but I am an anti-chemical soldier but not the kind that wears chemical protective clothes for decontamination. I am a fire fighter. ""

"Ah, Spitfire? Is it the kind of flamethrower? Is the Spitfire professional?"

"Yes, it is like this in China. Our training is very bitter and the requirements are very strict. Don't think that the anti-chemicals have relaxed in the training of infantry skills. On the contrary, it is stricter! And I still went. At the military academy, do you think anyone in the fire squad can do it?"

"No, no that meaning, just curious to ask, you continue."

Zhang Yong sighed and said: "It is quite interesting to say that the fate of the angel mercenary group. The mercenary group I was in took a task in South America. It was the two groups of drug smashers. The first time I went in. It was also very miserable at the last glimpse. I died a few times, hurt a lot, and the worst happened to be surrounded."

In the memory, Zhang Yong was silent for a while, then he whispered: "That was the first time I saw a scene of flesh and blood. I have served in the military for several years, and I have seen military exercises."


Zhang Yong suddenly looked at Yang Yi and smiled: "Is it right?"

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "No, no, I like to listen to this, you will talk about it carefully."

Zhang Yong nodded and said: "I am guarding six people who are all wounded. No one cares about them. Everyone is a mercenary. Everyone is flying, but I can't ignore it. Someone has a good relationship with me, but this is not. Mainly, I feel that I can't leave my comrades and not give up. This is the style of the Chinese military. When I was a mercenary, I felt that I couldn't leave them alone."

"and after?"

"Later, I played for a long time, no one around, no one, there are six seriously wounded, I want to kill one enough, kill one is to earn one, then, um, I killed There are about forty or fifty people, but all of them are the drug dealers. Those who are really powerful have no chance to fight."

"so much?"

"It's a lot, but it's not too much. It's really hard to fight in the jungle in South America. It's done by a few people, but we are in a small town. I am afraid of them?"

"What then?"

"Later, suddenly someone came out with a white flag. I saw that he didn't kill him when he hit the white flag. Then the kid said that he was an angel mercenary group. Their head asked to talk to me."

"Does this work?"

"Yeah, I also think this **** is OK? But I still agreed, and then the head of the Angel Mercenary Corps came out. We both talked face to face. He asked me which country I am, I said it is Huaxia. People, he said that he especially admired me, let me mix with him, if I promised that he would let us pass a few people, and let people treat the wounded."

Yang Yi laughed and said: "This person is a hero."

Zhang Yong smiled and said: "I certainly agreed to such a good condition immediately, then he really injured our wounded, six people lived two, this is not bad, and I did join Angel."

Sighed, Zhang Yong said faintly: "I later realized that Nate is crazy at all."


"Yes, crazy, the average person is a mercenary for what, money, but the angel mercenary group is not ~lightnovelpub.net~ They are fighting for war, there is no reason, no pursuit, where to go where to go Can you understand?"

"Oh, this is really hard to understand."

Zhang Yong breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Our head is called a crazy wolf. He is handsome, wise, majestic. He is a leader. He can lead us to win one after another, but he is really crazy. Why do I say you like? He? Because you have a few things in common, they are very smart, they are very handsome, they don’t care about life, whether they are themselves or others, and you all have a big, almost impossible realization."

Yang Yigan laughed a few times and said: "Is it? What happened to the mercenary group that day?"

"I don't know, I quit the angel."


Zhang Yong looked at Yang Yi and said: "Because all the angel mercenary groups are square brain shells, their brains are axes. They are willing to give everything for an impossible dream, but I am not a square brain, I The fight is for money, but I don’t want to fight for the war and then send my life. I and they are not all the way, so I quit after an injury."

Looked at Yang Yi, Zhang Yong suddenly looked proud: "Nate's eyes are on the top of his head, but he said that I am the best soldier, I am brave, tough, obey orders, can fight hard, I It is the best soldier in the world who can let him say this. I should be proud as a mercenary."

Yang Yi whispered: "So he let you quit?"

Zhang Yong’s face is bleak: “Nate is disdainful to retain anyone. He is a man who is proud to the extreme. Also, in his opinion, I am a part, a part that can help the angel to work better, but It’s just extra equipment. It’s good to have this part of mine, but if it doesn’t, he doesn’t care.”