A War Between Spies

Chapter 961: Trustworthy

Yang Yi said that he is justified. He does not seem to worry about his experience. In fact, he may let cia lock him up and even kill him.

At this time, Walter was the most amazing one. He finally said: "You said that you made a fortune, then how much do you get?"

Yang Yi smiled. He leaned back and took Coke in one hand. He smiled and said: "On my own money, about a billion."

Walter grew up, and after he stunned, he said, "More than a billion dollars...?"

"Yes, the dollar."

Yang Yi spread his hand and looked helpless. "I already have more than a billion dollars in assets, but this is not all, because I found Aaron's figure in the people who competed with me for the rest of the assets of the contract, Nicholas. He is a person controlled or supported by Aaron. Also, I want to get some legal investment from Germany in Europe, but among those who compete with me is Aaron. This is a dispute of interests, and of course I am not. I will forget that Aaron almost killed me, and I will not forget that Mike and Charles died in Aaron’s hands."

Yang Yi looked at Dave and looked at Walter again. Then he said: "So the truth is that Aaron will die if I don't die, and can I compete with the whole cia? The answer is of course not, but my mission. Originally, I was investigating Aaron, so I came. I told you that Aaron is the KGB's mole. I think you can understand the meaning of doing this."

Walter couldn't help but say: "So you are swaying?"

Yang Yi nodded. He pondered for a moment, then laughed and said: "Actually, my thoughts are very simple. If I secretly find a workstation in cia, tell them that I am also a member of cia, what task I am doing, I Guess I may die, because my opponent is the deputy director of cia, the director of the action department, any overseas workstation is actually his subordinate, so I came directly to the headquarters, I want to let many people know that I am coming. Only here is that I am relatively safe."

After that, Yang Yichang sighed and said with a relaxed face: "Well, I finished, but now I have a problem. Even if I am a cia, my private property will not be threatened?"

Dave stopped talking. He watched Yang Yi for a long time and suddenly said: "All finished? No, we should talk about some details."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Man, everyone has a secret, I admit, I came here to use the power of cia to solve the biggest enemy, but I don't want to disclose all my secrets, just say it! I I have already made arrangements when I came. I scattered all the money and hid it, and gave it to the person I can trust the most. If you want to get my money, then you will be disappointed!"

Yang Yi has a mixed temperament. He frowned slightly and looked confident and awkward. "I have already prepared for being killed. After I succeeded, I removed the biggest opponent. If I fail, it will be a death. I would rather die! I will not let people take things that belong to me!"

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, and no one spoke. But Yang Yi suddenly smiled and said: "Of course, of course, I am indeed a cia person. Isn’t it? If you are willing to respect my rights, then of course I am willing Full force and cia... No, of course I am willing to work with my own people, no matter what I need to do, please let me know."

Dave smiled, then he sighed: "For a spy, you are too young and too successful."

Walter sighed and said, "Do you really have more than a billion dollars?"

Dave couldn't help but look at Walter, his brow wrinkled slightly, so Walter immediately waved: "You continue."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Actually, I am really capable, I will make money, and my status in the underground world is not low. Oh, in fact, more than a billion dollars is just a modest statement, huh, huh."

Dave stood up. He said to Walter: "Please arrange the place where the sea **** rests tonight to ensure his safety. Everything we talk about today is top secret, if there is a leak..."

Walter sighed: "I know the consequences, I know."

Dave nodded, then he pointed to Yang Yidao: "Resume tonight, I may come to talk to you, Walter will try to meet your needs, goodbye."

Dave was gone, and the people who came with him also followed, and they went straight back to Porter McLaughlin’s office.

When Dave came in, Potter said: "I just watched your conversation all the time."

Dave didn't talk, just stood at Potter's desk.

Potter’s face was suspicious and said: “It sounds reasonable, but do you think he is telling the truth?”

After thinking for a while, Dave said: "A very young person, according to the information I got, everything that Poseidon said is basically in line with the facts. Although there are some exaggerations but no inaccuracies, at some key points he Concealed, but my judgment is that he did not panic."

"It's normal to hide, not to lie... but everything he said is really incredible~lightnovelpub.net~ Our current deputy director will be the Soviet Mole, you know what it means."

After that, Potter shook his head. "I don't believe in your judgment, but we still have to be careful, Coyt, is the analysis coming out?"

Coyt, who asked Potter to ask but didn't speak all the time, said: "The results of the analysis came out. They were divided into fourteen key nodes. From the eyes of the interviewee, he did not lie on the key nodes. Occasionally, there is an action of turning up the eyes, which is a typical eye movement feature when recalling.

Infrared body temperature measurement showed that the temperature of the subject of the question did not rise abnormally. However, when he told his own deeds, the body temperature increased slightly, but this was consistent with the performance of the excitement. The side confirmed that what he said was true.

From the analysis of the body movements of the interviewee, he is very confident, without covert movements, excitement, worry, joy, fear, anger, all kinds of emotional subconscious movements are all normal, without any abnormalities.

The only anomaly Dave has already said, our conversation goal is occasionally exaggerated, that is, what we usually say... bragging, but not to a serious extent.

In the end, my judgment is that he is all true. The result of the analysis report is that the conversation is basically true, and the authenticity is 92%. ”

Porter breathed a sigh of relief and said to Dave: "The computer is very important. The auxiliary means is very important, but I don't believe the conclusion of the computer. Now you give me a clear answer. What he said is true, remember! Take your answer as the precaution, be careful!"

Dave was silent for a long time, then he said with a firm face: "I think it is credible. Although there are still many secrets waiting for excavation in this person, everything he is saying is true. I will issue a written report. And signed on it, sir."