A War Between Spies

Chapter 977: Everything is easy to handle

This is the welfare of cia agents, of course, only have the right to access the confidential work convenience.

Yang Yi entered the name of Clint, the prison guard position in the Tsuen Wan Prison, and the escape of the Tsuen Wan Prison. Just a few key words, he immediately found the information of Clint.

Yang Yi also found his own name, the name he used, the Benjamin. Park, but the photo is not his photo, but the real Benjamin. Park.

Looking at this file, Yang Yi has a feeling of confusion. Those things are done by him, but the photos are another person. This feeling... is really great!

But when it comes back to Clint, Yang Yi’s mood is not so good.

Clint was really implicated.

Clint was even investigated as a helper who might have assisted the suspect in escape. For at least half a year, he accepted 17 times of fbi's subpoena, and cia conducted a one-year communication monitoring for him, whether it was The phone he made was still sent, and all of them were monitored and reviewed by a special person.

There is no sign in the file that Clint helps people to escape from prison, because the name Brian is a secret, and Yang Yi does not have the right to know the secret.

I was investigated by fbi for half a year, and I was monitored by cia for a year. In this year, cia almost mastered Clint’s every move. Of course, if it wasn’t for Brian’s, Clint would not be Such a high treatment, but since Brian is also one of the jailbreakers, then cia certainly has to bet a lot of concern.

Because the information is very detailed, Yang Yi knows that Clint is in a bad situation. He lost his job, and he is still a prison guard. He has a bad work experience. Frequently being subpoenaed makes him unable to find a new job. At least he can no longer When a prison guard, can no longer be a policeman.

Clint first sold his car, the Chevrolet Camaro, whom he regarded as proud, because he had children to raise, had a mortgage to pay, and had no income for a long time, relying on his wife’s work alone. In the case of not being able to feed the whole family, he finally sold his car.

As for what Clint had encountered in the future, it was not known, because cia also monitored him for a year.

If you want to continue to investigate Clint, you will need to take a little bit of work, but it is only a matter of moving your fingers. Yang Yi does not intend to investigate any more. It makes no sense. He turned to look at the people who escaped with him. data.

Chris is still wanted, Hank, Gewell, and Rodriguez, all of whom are on the wanted list.

It seems that I have to speed up some steps, and let Chris get rid of the identity of the wanted criminals so that he can come back to the United States.

Yang Yi turned off the computer, and he got up and left his desk to ring Walter's door.

Walter was working on several documents, and Yang Yi waited for a moment before he looked upset: "I have to work overtime today, but time is not too long, is there anything?"

Yang Yi whispered: "Is it right for me to find an assistant?"

The so-called assistant, of course, is to follow Yang Yi's side to monitor him easily. Walter can't be the monitor himself.

Walter shook his head and said, "Isn't this thing to find me, is there anything else?"

“I can pick a helper, or can I recruit my own staff?”

Walter did not hesitate: "The choice of assistants in the bureau should be cautious, and after investigation, as for recruiting your own personnel, of course."

Yang Yi nodded, then he whispered: "I need to go to Los Angeles tomorrow."

After a little hesitation, Walter nodded and said, "Okay, do you need me to set the plane for you?"

Of course, you don't have to let Walter help to set the ticket. If you go to Los Angeles in the name of official business, Yang Yi can only take the economy class, but of course he is the first class if he booked his own ticket.

The next morning, Yang Yi took the gun for the first time because he had a special gun certificate.

If you spend money to buy a ticket, you can take the first class, but you can pay for the ticket without affecting the identity of a cia agent. In addition to Air Force One, Yang Yi can take a gun to board any plane.

The time to fly from Washington to Los Angeles was not short. After arriving in Los Angeles, Yang Yi chose to stay for one night.

Time is not enough, because Yang Yi will soon go to the training camp of cia to report.

Early the next morning, Yang Yi went directly to the largest used car trading market in Los Angeles and found one of the largest antique car franchise stores.

“Hello, can you help me?”

"I am looking for a Chevrolet Camaro in 1970. The car is in good condition."

"In 1970, sorry, can other years be?"

Yang Yi shook his head and said: "As long as the Comalo in 1970, the price is not a problem, but I will be able to open it today. Can you do it?"

Why bother to find it yourself, find the right place for the right person, spend enough money, and the rest is easy.

In the past two days, Yang Yi spent money and was addicted to buying a car.

"Please sit down for a cup of coffee and wait a moment, I will show you the Comalo in 1970!"

Antique cars have to say a fate, not to buy them right away, especially the classic cars with good cars are mostly in the hands of collectors~lightnovelpub.net~ I want to buy a specific one in a short time. It is not easy to drive a model-specific year.

Yang Yi’s shop is busy from the boss to the buddy.

Although it is a shop selling cars, and it is a famous big store in Los Angeles, but the boss plus a total of five employees, and now all five people are busy calling.

Calling to ask other antique car stores where there are no cars, call to ask if there is any in the hands of the collectors, willing to cut their love, this is the case anyway.

Finally, almost half an hour later, but the boss came to Yang Yi’s face with joy and said: “There is a car. The owner and I have known each other for many years. He has a very good car in 1970. And if the price is right, he is willing to shoot."

"Good, help me contact the owner and ask him to offer."

"There is a small problem, the car is in San Francisco."

"I want to drive away today."

The owner looked a little embarrassed, and at this moment, the clerk who had been calling quickly walked over, and then he said to the boss: "I found another one, just..."

"What is it?"

After Yang Yi and the boss asked in unison, the clerk shrugged: "He wants to pay $99,000, but he doesn't sell it, but I know that he bought it for $42,000. We checked it for you, you still remember?"

The boss said with a blank face: "I remember that nearly 100,000 US dollars, this premium is too high, and the price of that car is more suitable between 70,000 and 80,000 US dollars."

Yang Yi did not hesitate: "I want, please help me buy it, as long as you feel that the car conditions can be done, including your expenses, how much should I pay?"

"10% of the price of the car."

Yang Yi immediately said: "Complete, go to the collector to get the car."