A War Between Spies

~: Please, please look at it.

Write this single chapter, mainly to ask everyone for forgiveness.

I know that the plot has reached the critical period, and this episode has actually been written in the mercenary. Some chapters can copy the book in large sections. It is reasonable to write it quickly and easily, so the update should be more More talented.

So I have to ask everyone for forgiveness, because I can't add more now, I can't write on my way.

I am going to play at xJ. I wanted to see the snow in Tianshan very early and very early. I want to see the water in Kanas Lake. I really want to, so I have always planned to play it, but unfortunately No time, no chance.

Just after the end of this year, I told my dad that the whole family would go to xj to play around. Listening to people saying that July is the best, then it will be July, then various plans, but this is going to be on July 1st. Because the book reached the critical period of the plot, so push the plan and push it again.

I didn't dare to go out to play without a draft, but I really can't write a manuscript, and I am very helpless.

Therefore, the family's self-driving tour plan has to be cancelled, and it really has to be cancelled.

Speaking with conscience, I am lazy, I know, I can't write a manuscript to blame me, but I really don't plan to play it.

However, on the 23rd, I told my dad and my mother that I would not play this year, wait until next year.

Then my dad said that if he didn't go, he wouldn't go. It doesn't matter, it must be work-oriented.

My mom is okay, she is not very interested in xj, but looking at my dad is disappointed but still disguised, I suddenly feel so sad.

My dad and my mom are sixty years old this year. Just then, I suddenly realized that they are getting old.

The tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not endless. The child wants to be filial and not to wait. This sentence I often hang on my lips, but when I get to the matter, I can’t think of it.

I am an impulsive person, so I immediately set the second day of the trip, which is the 24th.

So today I am already on the road ~lightnovelpub.net~ and passed the Bayannaoer city.

It is three o'clock in the morning, very tired and very sleepy, and the confusion is also confusing. Everyone can understand what I mean.

In short, it is the key period of the plot. It is not added when the time is added. I feel that I can't help everyone, so I will explain it in a single chapter and ask for forgiveness by the way.

Although it doesn't make sense, I think it might be good to say something, um, that's it.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

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