A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v1 Chapter 1100: Xu Youning's God Logic

Xu Youning mixed with Musijue for a year and had seen various routines.

She saw Fang Heng’s routine for a second and snorted: “Fang Heng, don’t want to transfer the topic!”

"..." Fang Heng pondered for a moment, or resolutely shifted the topic. "Do you know, the tone you just spoke is like a person!"

Xu Youning did not take care of Fang Heng, and asked: "What do you mean, the tone of my previous speech is not like people?"


Fang Hengyi was shocked by the powerful logic of Xu Youning.

He finally summed it up, and it is much more effective to deal with people like Xu Youning than to turn around.

Fang Heng raised his hands and made a compromise: "Since you asked, then I will just say it - your tone is very similar to Mu Qi!"


Suddenly heard the name of Muss, this time, the person who is holding is Xu Youning.

Xu Youning has heard a sentence, if you really like a person, you will unconsciously imitate the person's attitude and tone.

If it wasn’t for Fang Heng’s mention, she couldn’t realize it at all. When did she start, her words and deeds were more traces of Mussaud’s words...

Fang Heng did not hear Xu Youning talking, thinking that Mussault directly poked Xu Youning's sad thing, "cough" and said in a reminder tone: "Miss Xu, don't think too much, I just want to give you Wake up."


Fang Heng said so, Xu Youning has no reason not to follow the steps -

She returned to God and asked along Fang Heng: "What do you want to remind me?"

"You should try to erase what you learned from Mu Qi." Fang Heng said directly and in a deliberate manner. "When you really like someone, the traces are obvious. You should be glad that Kangrui City does not care for Mu Qi. Too familiar, otherwise you will have been exposed in front of Kangrui City as you are."


Xu Youning thought for a moment and suddenly felt that Fang Heng’s words were not without reason.

She was silent for a long time before "hmm" and said: "I know."

Fang Heng heard that Xu Youning's tone improved, he was hot and iron, and he turned around the topic: "There is surgery, I think I have to explain it to you -"

"No need to explain." Xu Youning's tone was a lot easier, shrugging. "I was just angry, and my recent mood is not stable. Sorry, you don't have to pay attention to me."

Fang Heng nodded: "Even if your emotions are unstable, let you know, I still have to explain to you -" He insisted, "I told Kangrui City that you have hope for recovery, really just A way to protect you. I have left behind, so don't worry if Kangrui City really wants you to have an operation, what should you do? I will help you solve it at one time, so that Kangrui City will completely give up the surgery."


Xu Youning did not speak for a while.

She knows that if she is taken to the hospital for surgery by Kangrui City, Fang Heng will tell Kangrui City that she will die 100% on the operating table.

In this way, Kangrui City will not force her to perform surgery.

This is a good way, but...

Fang Heng didn't know what Xu Youning was thinking, and she didn't wait for her answer. She said, "As for how this method can protect you, you can listen to me again. Now, you have a conflict with Kangrui City. In the next few days, you have an excuse for not being able to ignore him. As long as you don't contact Kangrui City, your chances of revealing stuff will be lower. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Xu Youning thought about it, or stopped calling Fang Heng’s name and changed his mind. "Doctor Fang, thank you."

"Hey, don't be so polite." Fang Heng was shocked by Xu Youning's sudden change of attitude. He said, "I just think that it is not easy for us to be a doctor, not only to help you see a doctor, but also to help you act." Hey, I want Mu Qi to give me processing capital!"

When mentioning Muss, Xu Youning’s lips couldn’t help but rise up and said, “This kind of thing, you can rest assured and boldly.”

Fang Heng expressed doubts: "Miss Xu, I am careful to ask you - are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Xu Youning is very positive and firmly tells Fang Heng. "In this kind of thing, Muske has always been very generous, as long as your work achieves his satisfaction, no matter what you ask, he will Meet you."

“Hey!” Fang Heng looked at Xu Youning and deliberately tweeted. “You really know Mu Qi!”

Xu Youning certainly heard the meaning of ridicule in Fang Heng.

But this time, she did not intend to refute.

Xu Youning smiled and nodded very directly: "I really know him. If you want to know something about him, come to me, it must be true."

Before this, Fang Heng also mentioned Muss in front of Xu Youning, but Xu Youning's reaction was far less calm.

Now, Xu Youning seems to be able to directly face his feelings.

Uh huh, this is definitely a good thing!

Although Fang Heng had a great "opinion" for Muss, but in this case, he was relieved for Muss, saying: "Miss Xu, the call record between us, Kangrui City can be found. If we chat for too long, it will inevitably not cause Kangrui City's suspicion. However, fortunately, he can't hear our conversation, otherwise we will be dead. This time, let's contact us."

Xu Youning "hmm", after a while, hang up the phone.

She sat down and thought about the next thing.

Because of this contradiction, in the next few days, she has an excuse for being ignorant of Kangrui City, and there is no risk of revealing it.

However, in a few days, whether she is willing or not, she will have to forgive Kangrui City.

In this home, she is treated the same as Kangrui City.

However, she will never forget that Kangrui City is the real master of this house, and she can't make too much.

If she is too much trouble, she will be able to give her life to this house at any time.

Therefore, although Fang Heng’s method can help her temporarily, it is not a long-term solution.

Many things that follow, she still needs to be careful.

Xu Youning was sitting like this, and it was not quiet for a long time. Mu Mu climbed up against the quilt and looked at Xu Youning in a confused way. He asked: "Aunt You Ning, what time is it?"

Xu Youning looked at the time and said, "What happened after five o'clock in the afternoon?"

Mu Mu touched his stomach and said pitifully: "My stomach is a little hungry..."

The child is growing up, and the stomach is suddenly hungry, and it is simply not normal.

Xu Youning touched the little guy's head and put on his coat and said, "The dinner should be ready, I will take you to eat."

"Hey!" Mu Mu picked up and kissed Xu Youning, "Thank you for your aunt."

Xu Youning took the little guy and went straight downstairs.

She could see the first floor, subconsciously looking at the restaurant, wanting to see if the food was ready, but I saw Kangrui City first.

Kangrui City seems to have not slowed down, and a handsome face has become dark and heavy, sitting on the sofa like Shura, and his hands are obviously far away from him, and he dare not approach the range within five meters of him.

Xu Youning is not afraid.

Her contradiction with Kangrui City has just happened. Now, she can completely ignore Kangrui City.

Xu Youning took Mu Mu's hand and swayed directly across Kangrui City. Not only did he not say hello to Kangrui City, he didn't even look at him and went straight to the restaurant.

Mu Mu is not only smart, but also a relatively sensitive child. The first time I noticed that the atmosphere between Kangrui City and Xu Youning was not quite right.

He did not directly ask Xu Youning, swept around for a circle, and the eye-stained discovery Dongzi was outside. He slid down the chair flexibly and ran out, looking up at Dongzi, eagerly asked: "Uncle Dongzi, I What happened to Daddy and You Ning? Are they quarreling?"

In the afternoon, when Kangrui City and Xu Youning had a dispute, Dongzi was not present. He only listened to the brothers who were next to him and described the situation at that time.

It sounds like Kangrui City and Xu Youning seem to be very unpleasant.

Dongzi thought about it and took Mu Mu to go a little further and said, "Well, you quarreled with Aunt Youning."

Mu Mu 眨 眨 眨 , , , , , , , , , 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚 稚

Dongzi is like being embarrassed, tangled and watching Mu Mu: "You are too small, and you can't understand it..."

"How come? I can understand you if you say it!" Mu Mu stunned his head, and the innocent tone showed a firmness, just like getting an answer from Dongzi.

Dongzi was helpless and could only tell the little guy truthfully, saying: "Mr. Fang told you that the aunt's illness has a chance to get better soon, but the failure rate of surgery is as high as 90%."

Before he was four years old, although Mu Mu did not stay with Kangrui City, he still knew about Kangrui City.

The little guy thought for a moment, looked up at Dongzi and asked: "Uncle Dongzi is forcing the aunts of Youning to undergo surgery, but Aunt Youning is not willing, so they only quarrel, right?"

Dongzi accidentally looked at Mu Mu: "How do you know?"

If there is no brother who tells him the ins and outs of the whole thing, he can't guess it with scattered clues.

How did Mu Mu, a five-year-old child, do it?

Mu Mu knew that he had guessed it, but he didn't feel so happy. He lowered his head and his voice was soft: "I don't know what happened to You and Youning, but I know what kind of people are. ”


For a time, Dongzi could not speak.

Mu Mu raised his lips and looked up and said, "Uncle Dongzi, thank you."

After that, the little guy turned back to the house, and Dongzi wanted to call it.