A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v1 Chapter 1136: Don't exercise, as long as you (2)

Xiao Yu liked to go to Shen Yuechuan at first, but he was confused by his voice.

The voice of Shen Yuechuan has the magnetism of Lu Jianyan, and it also has the stability of Su Yicheng. Most importantly, he still has the vitality of young people.

All in all, it is not generally good.

Whether it is a serious chat or a funny, Shen Yuechuan's voice is wild.

In the current popular words - Shen Yuechuan's voice is much more heard, and the ear will probably be pregnant.

Xiao Yu has been obsessed with Shen Yuechuan's voice to a certain extent. Occasionally, on the WeChat, she listens to the voice sent by Shen Yuechuan. She can smirk and silently recall it several times.

At this moment, plus her consciousness has been confused, she has no resistance to Shen Yuechuan's voice.

She turned and walked to the bedside, and looked at Shen Yuechuan in a confused way: "What do you call me to come over?"

Shen Yuechuan took a picture of his side and said, "The bed is here, what are you doing in that corner?"

"Hey!" Xiao Yu blinked and tried to make himself more awake. He explained, "You have a wound on your head. I can't sleep with you. What if I accidentally touch your wound?"

Shen Yuechuan knows that Xiao Yu has been confused.

At this time, she is best to lie.

Shen Yuechuan made a sullen look, and quietly guided Xiao Yu: "Are you very sleepy? Sit down and say."

sit down?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Yu was so tempted by Shen Yuechuan that he sat down beside him. Before he could talk, Shen Yuechuan grabbed her shoulder and took her to bed.

Sudden sense of weightlessness instantly hit Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu was suddenly awakened, and stared at Shen Yuechuan: "You...!"

Shen Yuechuan squatted Xiao Yu with one hand and passed the quilt with one hand. He said with a good heart: "Well, are you not sleepy? Sleep."

Xiao Yuba blinked into the eyes, and this was reflected. She once again got into the trap of Shen Yuechuan.

Can you rely on more sincerity between people?

Xiao Yu was full of unwillingness and struggled constantly, trying to break away from the shackles of Shen Yuechuan.

Shen Yuechuan held Xiao Yu lightly, and the gentle voice contained a warning: "Hey, although I haven't recovered yet, the strength to subdue you is still there. Are you sure you want to compare with me more?"


Xiao Yu has tried to struggle, and it turns out that it is all in vain -

She was still in her arms by Shen Yuechuan and could not move at all.

She was sadly aware that Shen Yuechuan was right, even if he had a surgical knife on her body, she was still not his opponent on the strength.

Even if she and Shen Yuechuan were evenly matched, and she took care of the knife on the head of Shen Yuechuan, she did not dare to act rashly.

In any case, it is Shen Yuechuan win.

In this case, it is better to let go of the grievances.

Xiao Yu raised his hands: "I surrender, can I?"

Shen Yuechuan’s lips evoke a satisfactory curvature and kissed Xiao’s forehead: “This is a nap, sleep.”


Xiao Yu silently spit Shen Yuchuan, while adjusting a comfortable posture in his arms, then closed his eyes.

During the day, she consumed a lot of brain power. On the night, Xiao Yu felt extra tired. Just after closing her eyes, her consciousness gradually blurred.

Shen Yuechuan is just the opposite - probably sleeping more during the day, he has almost no sleep.

The room was quiet and quiet, and the faint breath was filled with Xiao Yu’s shallow breathing.

Shen Yuechuan, holding Xiao Yu, feels extra peace of mind.

He did not tell anyone that he was actually scared during the period after being pushed into the operating room and before being anesthetized.

He was afraid of the failure of the operation, and he was afraid that he would never come out again. He was most afraid to leave Xiao Yu alone in this desolate world.

Even if he knows that Lu Jianyan and Su Yicheng will take care of Xiao Yu, even if he knows that Xiao Yu’s life will be carefree, he is still not at ease.

If he can, he still hopes that Xiao Yu’s remaining life will be taken care of by him.

Fortunately, fate was not too cruel to him, but he was given the opportunity to take care of Xiao Yu.

For the first time, Shen Yuechuan felt that this was a gift of destiny and he should cherish it.

He clenched Xiao Yu more hard, bowed his head and kissed her forehead, and the lips were uncontrollably open with a smile: "Stupid girl."

Xiao Yu is really stupid.

He was so easy to escape, and finally had the opportunity to hold her back again. How could she let her go to the corner to sleep alone?

Every day in the future, she can only sleep in his arms.

Xiao Yu only had a little confusion and didn't completely fall asleep. Of course, he did not miss Shen Chuanchuan's spit.

She opened her eyes and bit it on Shen Chuanchuan’s chest. She hated and said, "I heard it!"

Shen Yuechuan had a moment to caress Xiao Xiao’s head, and the movement was full of pets. He deliberately asked, “Do you think I’m right?”

Xiao Yu moved in the arms of Shen Yuechuan and protested: "No, you are stupid!"

"Okay," Shen Yuechuan softly screamed at Xiao Yu, "sleeping."

Xiao Yu was not willing to be treated as a fool, and all his brains thought about how to counter Shen Yuchuan, and he did not speak.

What to sleep, no revenge is important!

Xiao Yu was so hard to come up with an idea and raised his head in a hurry. Before he could talk, he was interrupted by Shen Yuechuan.

"Hey, you don't sleep anymore, I am not holding you so simple, I may... I will do something else."

Shen Yuechuan’s voice sounds full of meaning, and it’s not like joking.

Xiao Yu immediately covered his mouth and carefully looked at Shen Yuechuan, then closed his eyes.

At this time, she still should not be better with Shen Yuechuan.

As she just said, Shen Yuechuan is a patient, and she has to let him go when she fights. She is too disadvantaged.

Still the same sentence - wait until Shen Yuechuan is getting better, they will be higher!

After letting go of the "revenge" obsession, Xiao Yu soon fell asleep, Shen Yuechuan looked at her sleeping face, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

After all, Shen Yuechuan just woke up, the state looks so good, the physical strength is not as good as before, and with Xiao Yu, he easily fell asleep, it is not surprising.

This night is the night when Shen Yuechuan knows that he is sick and sleeps most comfortably.

The next day, Su Jianan called early and asked Xiao Yu if he would go shopping together.

Su Jianan also said that anyway, the river has already woken up, and he does not need to be there to take care of him.

The implication is that you can safely follow her out.

"Well, Yuechuan is not a problem..." Xiao Yu still hesitated, saying, "But I am reviewing and preparing for the postgraduate study. I was originally a temporary reviewer and went out to go shopping... I am afraid I will not take the test." ""

Su Jianan knew that moving out of the ordinary rhetoric must not be able to move.

However, she knows where the weaknesses are.

Su Jianan "coughed", his tone was understated, but the voice was very attractive. He said, "Hey, the few brands you like the most, all in spring."

Xiao Yu suddenly remembered - yes, she has seen it in fashion magazines, and her favorite brands - all launched this spring.

Moreover, one is more fluttering than a fairy, one is more beautiful than one!

Xiao Yu gritted his teeth and told himself that as a woman of the new era, she must hold back and must have a certain strength.

However, her last line of defense was still broken, closing the review materials and decisively answering Su Jianan: "I am going!"

"Good." Su Jianan knew that her nirvana would be useful to Xiao Yu, and smiled. "I told people to pick you up."


Xiao Yu hung up the phone and ran to kiss Shenchuan and said, "I want to go shopping with my cousin. Can you be here alone?"

"..." Shen Yuechuan did not speak. He opened the first drawer of the bedside table, took out the wallet, and pulled out a card and handed it to Xiao Yu. "No password."

Xiao Yu still has pocket money, originally wanted to refuse, but instead thought it was unnecessary - she is already Mrs. Shen, brushing the card of Shen Chuanchuan, is a matter of course!

Shen Yuechuan makes money, isn't it just to give her flowers?

Of course, she also has the ability to make money, and does not necessarily need Shen Yuechuan to raise her.

Xiao Yu took the card and shook it twice in his hand. He tentatively asked: "Mr. Shen, can I just brush it?"

"Of course." Shen Yuechuan did not hesitate for a second, and said very much, "You can brush until you can't move."

"I must be as you wish." Xiao Yu kissed Shen Shenchuan's face. "This is a reward!"

After that, Xiao Yu wanted to get up, pondering to make a light makeup and changing clothes, and then going to meet with Su Jianan.

Shen Yuechuan didn't know what to think of, and he held Xiao Yu with his eyes and couldn't let her go.

Xiao Yu doubted and looked back at Shen Yuechuan: "What happened?"

Shen Yuechuan said: "I will give you a few more cards. Can you kiss me more?"

"..." Shen Yuechuan said nothing to the ground, "Mr. Shen, your **** is gone."

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yuechuan looked at Xiao Yu, and said carelessly, "I don't want anything, I only want your kiss."


Xiao Yu was completely defeated, leaned down, took Shen Yuechuan's face and kissed him deeply.

She is already the wife of Shen Yuechuan, and everyone else has to call her a lady, Shen, and she can still promise Yuechuan.

Shen Yuechuan did not expect Xiao Yu to cooperate, and seized her back of the head to deepen the kiss.

Because I walked past the ghost gate, I really touched Xiao Yu to Shen Yuechuan, which is happier than anything else in the world.

After a while, Xiao Yu released Shen Yuechuan and looked at him and said, "I really have to go, or I will be late."

Shen Yuechuan "hmm", shouted: "Be careful on the road, there are things to call me."