A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v1 Chapter 340: Su Yicheng? do not know!

Before and after Su Yicheng resumed, Luo Xiaoxi decided to have a good time.

So when I left the hospital in the afternoon, I received a call from the former friends and friends. She almost did not want to agree to go to the party.

It was not long before Luo Xiaoxi just walked, and Su Yicheng was busy coming back.

Seeing that Su Jianan was eating dinner, he let out a sigh of relief and asked Zhang Ayi: "How is Jane today?"

"Spell a few times in the morning. However, after her friend came, it would be good for one afternoon." Zhang Ayi smiled and her eyes narrowed into a seam. "Look, now there is still an appetite to eat."

Su Yicheng also wants to laugh, but the smile is still on his face.

A close friend with Su Jianan, Luo Xiaoxi. Who is the person who comes today, it goes without saying.

"Aunt Zhang, I am full." Su Jianan put down the tableware, "Trouble you to clean up."


Zhang Ayi cleaned up the tableware and went to the bathroom to clean it. There were only Su Yicheng and Su Jianan in the ward.

"You guessed it, the person who came today is Xiao Xi." Su Jianan smiled. "She is still the same, not changed."

"She's that character," Su Yicheng's voice is full of helplessness, "will never change."

"Tomorrow is New Year's Eve..." Su Jianan thought for a moment. "Brother, go back to sleep. There is no good rest here. You have something important to do next."

Su Yicheng did have a very important thing next, so that Zhang Ayi stayed with Su Jianan and he drove back to the apartment.

When the car drove to the bar street, Xiao Chen called and said that he was attending the party at ‘Blue Jazz’.

The company has already started its annual vacation. Don't say that Xiao Chen is attending the party at the 'Blue Jazz'. He is also a foreigner in winter, and he can't take care of him.

He specifically called, only to explain something.

Su Yicheng slowed down the speed: "Say!"

"I saw the 'Blue Jazz'... Miss Luo." Xiao Chen hesitated. "Today's Qin's Shaodong Qin Wei wrapped the 'Blue Jazz' party, Miss Luo should be invited by him. ”

"Qin Wei?" Su Yicheng frowned, a dozen steering wheel, the car drove into the parking lot of the bar street.

Luo Xiaoxi is the friend who is the most lacking in a city. She received the wind from her back. It is not surprising that someone told her to go out.

But if that person is Qin Wei, it will definitely not work!

After stopping the car, Su Yicheng went straight into the 'Blue Jazz'.

In the bar, the dynamic music and cheers make the lively and extraordinary atmosphere. Luo Xiaoxi, a person who loves the excitement, is most easily ignited by this atmosphere.

Su Yicheng looked into the dance floor, as expected, Luo Xiaoxi was in the middle of the dance floor and the Qin Wei personally danced.

The person standing on the edge of the dance floor is full of joy: "Qin Wei, Xiao Xi, not **** enough! Not enough!"

Su Yicheng called Xiao Chen to explain a few words. Xiao Chen nodded. After a long walk, the music suddenly stopped.

The whole bar instantly fell into silence, and the dancers on the dance floor twisted and stopped, and suddenly looked at the dj.

DJ raised his hand and apologized to everyone: "Sorry, I am embarrassed, the audio system has some problems, and it will be repaired within five minutes!"

Waiting for five minutes, the cells that are burning in the body are also calm, and the sound of the sizzling sound on the dance floor is still twisting a minute ago. The men and women who are moving waists have left the dance floor.

"Xiao Xi, not enough fun?" Qin Wei asked with a smile, "will continue?"

Luo Xiaoxi waved his hand: "You can't jump. Right, why don't you see your fiancee?"

"She is gathering with her little sisters, and when they are over, I will pick her up again." Dunton, Qin Wei said from her own self, "She just came back from abroad and arranged for me to meet her at home." I think she is very pleasing to the eye, she does not hate me, the two conditions are appropriate, my mother urged us to get married, I promised, anyway..."


"It is the same as anyone who marries anyway." Qin Wei shrugged helplessly.

No one knows that Qin Wei really wants to tell Luo Xiaoxi that: Anyway, we will never be possible.

Luo Xiaoxi patted the shoulders of Qin Wei: "Have you heard about it for a long time? Maybe the days are over, you will develop your feelings."

Qin Wei did not decide whether or not to transfer the topic: "What about you? What are you planning to do with Su Yicheng?"

"I..." Luo Xiaoxi just wanted to speak, and suddenly noticed a sharp line of sight, following the feelings, it really was Su Yicheng.

He stood at the bar, staring coldly at her and Qin Wei, and there was a cluster of burning fires.

Angry, very good!

Luo Xiaoxi turned back and opened a bright smile toward the Qin and Wei, deliberately raising the tone: "I am not possible with him. After a year I started to levy a boyfriend! Do you have any quality resources?"

Qin Wei also noticed that Su Yicheng, who is not far from the yin and not yang, has a sigh of relief: "I rely on, I am getting married, you can not harm me! Find someone to cooperate with you, I am leaving!"

Looking at the back of the Qin and Wei dying, Luo Xiaoxi grabbed his hair and figured out how to go next. A young man of similar age came over and reached out to her: "Beauty, knowing a bit?"

Luo Xiaoxi, the person in this circle, almost knows it, but in front of him, this is a raw face that is like a fake. She looks at the handsome face of the other person with confusion: "Who are you?"

"Teng Jun, our company has just moved to a city." Teng Jun smiled and made people feel like a spring breeze, "Miss Luo, I am very glad to meet you."

Luo Xiaoxi is not surprised that Teng Jun knows her, smiles, just wants to hold the hand of Teng Jun, the waist is suddenly surrounded by people, the person can not refuse to take her back, she and Teng Jun’s hand "Scratch it."

"Su total?" Teng Jun accidentally looked at Su Yicheng, and then looked at his extremely possessive movements and unpleasant expressions, and instantly understood what came over, apologized, "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just want to know Miss Luo." ”

"You are misunderstood." Luo Xiaoxi lightly earned the hand of Su Yicheng, "I don't know him at all!"

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoxi’s words did not irritate Su Yicheng. His face still maintained a proper smile: “Teng Manager, you can go to the bar and try a new cocktail from the bartender.”

Teng Jun came to the city for more than two months, and did not hear anything between Luo Xiaoxi and Su Yicheng. Just now Luo Xiaoxi said that she did not know Su Yicheng, he almost believed.

However, Su Yicheng’s attitude towards this is clearly a small girlfriend who is tempered.

Teng Jun knew that he was not the opponent of Su Yicheng, nodded and walked away with interest.

Luo Xiaoxi swayed with one hand and glared at Su Yicheng: "Why do you do this!"

"You lied." Su Yicheng said coldly.

Answering the question, Luo Xiaoxi can't keep up with the rhythm of Su Yicheng: "What?"

"You told Teng Jun that you don't know me." Su Yicheng stared at Luo Xiaoxi as a torch. "Who are you who chased after ten years ago?"

In the view of Luo Xiaoxi, it is the black history that she can't say. Su Chengcheng still dare to mention it? !

Luo Xiaoxi almost jumped: "I was paralyzed ten years ago! But now my vision is restored, you can rest assured, I will never look at you again in the future! Also trouble you not to suddenly and directly appear in my Sight line, so as not to damage my good deeds!"

"Good thing?" Su Yicheng's gaze sinks in an instant. "Teng Jun is a good thing for you?"

"Now, except for things related to you, it is a good thing for me!" Luo Xiaoxi fangs, and made up his mind to suffocate Su.

She easily denied their past in such a simple way, Su Yicheng was indeed irritated, but in addition to the anger of the bottom, he still remained calm: "Luo Xiaoxi, very good!"

Luo Xiaoxi was thinking if he was too much, Su Yicheng’s cell phone suddenly sounded, Xiao Yu’s voice came:

"Cousin, the cousin began to vomit again. Dr. Tian said that it is best to ask you to come over." At the end, Xiao Yu has become crying.

Su Yicheng's face changed: "I am going to pass!"

He looked at Luo Xiaoxi and temporarily let go of her lessons and turned and walked out of the bar.

"Hey..." Luo Xiaoxi wanted to stop Su Yicheng, but he walked too fast, and the figure disappeared into the doorway. She looked at the direction with a sullen look, and her heart was empty.

At this time, Qin Wei floated with a cocktail: "Xiao Xi, you have been too much. Just in front of so many people, you can give Su Yicheng a little face."

"I didn't expect him to come, and I didn't want to talk to him like this." Luo Xiaoxi angrily caught the hair. "I don't know why I am trying to anger him now."

Qin Wei smiled and asked: "I want to mad at him?"

"Not at all!" Luo Xiaoxi was busy denying. "That is... I want to anger him." Seriously thought about it and came to a conclusion: "Maybe I am still angry with him, I am just venting anger!"

Qin Wei disdained "cut": "In my opinion, you want to attract his attention."

"Crap!" Luo Xiaoxi feels like being hit, and he refuses to say, "I don't need it at all!"

"Look at you, the reaction is so big." Qin Wei shook his head and analyzed for Luo Xiaoxi. "The three months that you left, a lot of things happened in the city. You are not sure if Su Yicheng still apologizes to you. I'm not sure if he has a new love, so use this method to attract his attention and prove that he is full of you."

Luo Xiaoxi did not want to admit it, but he could not deny that Qin Wei’s analysis was wrong.

"I will tell you." Qin Wei said, "In the three months you left, Su Yicheng did not pay a girlfriend. Instead, he often went to see your parents on the weekend. When he occasionally attended a cocktail party, he did not bring it. The female companion is not close to the female color, and she is very good at cleaning herself."

Luo Xiaoxi suddenly ran out, but where she still found Su Yicheng, responding to her cold wind that only passed through the night.

At this time, Su Yicheng had already arrived at the hospital.

Su Jianan spit out all the food she had eaten at dinner, and spit out that the whole person almost collapsed. Dr. Tian could only hang her up. She was lying weakly on the bed like a dying fish.

Dr. Tian called Su Yicheng outside the ward, and regrettably said: "If it is still like this after the end of the year, let her give up, and there is no place to drop the needle."

Su Yicheng returned to the ward, Su Jianan opened his eyes and looked at him, trying to say something, but could not tell.

He holds | lived in Su Jianan's hand: "I have something to say tomorrow, I am here to accompany you, sleep."

Not long after, Su Jianan fell tired and fell asleep.

Su also moved to open the lounge chair and lay down with the quilt, but he couldn't sleep.

Su Jianan’s business, Luo Xiaoxi, who is not forgiving... This year, he is probably not good.