A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v1 Chapter 524: Shen Yuechuan's life experience

The afternoon sun is a bit hot, but it does not affect the atmosphere of the wedding banquet. Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yu are together, playing a game with a group of young people.

Su Yunjin sat under the umbrella next to the pool, chatting with old friends in the city, watching a few people from Xiao Yu and Shen Yuechuan, and the lips were hanging from the beginning and the end.

Until her phone rang, the screen showed the words "Mr. Zhou".

Mr. Zhou is a private detective who asked Su Yunjin to inquire about the life of Shen Yuechuan. A few days ago, she helped her find out what happened to Shen Yuechuan. After her year, she wanted Shen Yuechuan’s childhood experience to determine whether Shen Yuechuan was the one she was looking for. people.

Called at this time, is it found?

Su Yunjin immediately stood up and went to a corner where no one was connected to Mr. Zhou’s phone: “Hey?”

"Ms. Su, we found the information of Shen Yuechuan when I was a child." Mr. Zhou said, "Do you think I can send the documents to you now?"

“Convenient!” Su Yunjin said with excitement, “I am at Century Garden Hotel, you came to talk to me, someone will bring you to see me.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Yunjin gave a few words to the waiter at the entrance of the hotel, and then asked for a room to wait for Mr. Zhou to come over.

Mr. Zhou’s speed was also very fast. In less than forty minutes, he followed the waiter into the room and handed Su Yunjin a very weighty folder: “We tried a lot of channels before, but we never found out what happened to Shen Yuechuan. Recently, it should have been the management of Lu's management. We learned that all the things that Shen Yuechuan was in childhood were in this document. Ms. Su, I am sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

"You are already fast enough. I was too anxious before." Su Yunjin wrote a check and paid the other half of the fee. "Thank you, I will contact you if necessary." After that, the waiter will take Mr. Zhou to leave. .

Mr. Zhou knows that Su Yunjin can't wait to know what he has investigated. He didn't have much time to stay and turned away.

There is only one Su Jinjin in the suite.

In the past, when it was young, it became a frame-by-frame picture, and the history passed through Su Yunjin’s eyes.

However, when the years have passed, the past is no longer possible. What she has to face is the reality that is in front of her eyes.

During Xiao Xiaogang’s internship at the hospital, Su Yunjin once flew directly from Australia to the United States to find the whereabouts of the child. However, she searched all the orphanages in the United States and could not find any news.

It is as if the child is just her illusion and has never come to this world.

Until she set foot on the country where she had been away for decades, she saw Shen Yuechuan standing behind Xiao Yu at the airport.

Su Yunjin once thought that the young and handsome face would not be seen again in her life, but when the wrinkles climbed onto her face, the face reappeared in front of her eyes.

It is too much like it. She can almost certainly be 100% sure that Shen Yuechuan is the child she is looking for.

When she saw the first sight of Shen Yuechuan, she almost couldn’t help but rushed up and asked Shen Yuechuan’s family history and asked if he was the child.

In the end, the rationality restrained her impulse.

This world is not a person who looks like a woman. She needs to find evidence that Shen Yuechuan is the person she is looking for.

Now, the evidence is in her hand.

At this moment, Su Yunjin hopes that Shen Yuechuan is the person she is looking for, because time is really not much, and she can't find the child again. She is worried that he will not hold it.

However, she did not want Shen Yuechuan to be the child, because Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yu were more aware of each other's intentions. She could not imagine how much pain Xiao Yu had to bear after knowing the truth.

That kind of bitterness, she tasted, Xiao Yu is her only daughter, she does not want that kind of pain to abuse and Xiao Yu.

However, if Shen Yuechuan is the child, the facts seem to be unable to escape.

Su Yunjin was stunned, opened the file bag and poured out the documents inside.

In the hundreds of pages of documents, Shen Yuchuan’s everything from 0 to 20 years old was recorded in detail.

The document reads that Shen Yuechuan was abandoned three months after his birth, and a good passer-by sent him to the orphanage.

It is also written that Shen Yuechuan was a child king in an orphanage since he was a child. He is the most capable and troublesome. The staff of the orphanage loves, hates and hurts him.

When he was four years old, Shen Yuechuan was sent to a kindergarten near the orphanage. Every day when he came back, he had all kinds of delicious food in his bag. He would share it with the children in the orphanage. And those who ate were all sent to him by the little girl he had fixed.

In the document, even the first kiss of Shenyuechuan on the first day of kindergarten lost all the first kisses.

Seeing this, Su Yunjin couldn't help but laugh, and continued to turn back, finally turned to the crucial page.

On this page of the document, there are the days of birth of Shen Yuechuan, the time of being taken by passers-by, and what happened to him at the time.

When he was picked up by passers-by, Shen Yuechuan had only a note on it, which said the date of birth of Shen Yuechuan, and his mother was a city man. In addition, there were only a few words in English, asking good-hearted passers-by to send this unfortunate child. Go to the orphanage.

This note is handwritten by Su Yunjin in his twenties.

You don't need to check the dna, you don't need to see the blood type. With this note, Su Yunjin can be sure that Shen Yuechuan is indeed the child she is looking for.

Like a heavy drumstick to the heart, Su Yunjin's heart burst into pain, and then, twenty years ago, the scene reappeared on Su Yunjin's mind...

The helplessness and misfortune of the time also hit her heart again.

Su Yunjin’s eyes were hot, and the tears slipped.

In her life, there are too many regrets, and the most regrettable thing is to abandon Shen Yuchuan, who is only three months old, on the road.

Over the past 20 years, she has been remembering the child from time to time. After she got rid of the difficulties, she also wanted to look for him in the past, but she always felt that she would not be forgiven, and dragged on, and lost the courage.

Until last year, she received a call from a doctor who was in charge of Shen’s father. The doctor told her that Shen Yuechuan might repeat his father’s fate.

That is to say, Shen Yuchuan may have suffered once again when Shen’s father suffered.

And the pain and despair that she experienced in the past, Xiao Yu who likes Shen Yuechuan also have to experience once.

Su Yunjin never hoped that everything could start all over again.

When she comes back, she will resolutely block Xiao Yu from studying medicine, so Xiao Yu will not exchange to a city, and will not meet Shen Yuechuan.

From the beginning, she will go to Shen Yuechuan earlier, even if Shen Yuechuan is not willing to recognize her, she will also convince him to receive treatment as soon as possible, not letting him repeat his father's fate.

However, the wheel of fate has been doomed from the moment of the turn, even though she has the right to have money today, and everything is too late.

Su Yunjin held hundreds of pages of documents in his heart, and he couldn’t make a sound...

Soon, the sun sets, the guests attending the wedding party leave one by one, leaving only a few friends and relatives and busy staff in the hotel.

Xiao Yu searched the entire garden and did not see Su Yunjin, and ran to find Su Yicheng: "Cousin, have you seen my mother?"

Su Yicheng was sending guests and looked at the watch on his wrist: "I haven't seen my aunt since the afternoon."

"My mother, I am going back?" Xiao Yu himself denied his guess. "It is unlikely that if she wants to go back, she will definitely tell you if she doesn't tell me."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Yunjin came out of the hotel.

Su Yunjin washed his face and re-applied his makeup. He couldn’t see the traces of crying on his face. He looked at Xiao Yu’s relatives and said, “Hey, mom is here.”

Xiao Yu ran over and smiled at Su Yunjin: "I haven't seen you in one afternoon. I thought you were back to the hotel."

"I will go back now." Su Yunjin smiled. "You, play here or go back with me."

"Go back." Xiao Yu swept the empty hotel garden. "There is nothing fun."

Luo Xiaoxi didn't know where it came from: "Too many people are drunk, and the driver is not arranged for the time being. Aunt, I let the Vietnamese to send you back, this driver can be much more handsome than other drivers!"

Xiao Yu always felt that Luo Xiaoxi was deliberate and said: "Shen Yuechuan also drank wine!"

Luo Xiaoxi did not agree: "Yuechuan is famous for its good amount of alcohol. At that time, the alcohol at that noon has been absorbed and digested by him. Don't worry, let him send you back!"

Shen Yuechuan came over, sober and calm, and there was an indescribable style in the gestures: "Auntie, let's go, I happen to be familiar with the road, and I will be able to send you back to the hotel soon."

He decided to chase Xiao Yu, then Su Yunjin is his future mother-in-law, and he must serve as a mother.

To make a bad plan, in case he can't make Xiao Yu, get the future mother-in-law, it can be half successful!

Su Yunjin looked at Shen Yuechuan's face. Over the years, this face has lived in her memory, living in his dreams... but there is nowhere to look for in reality.

Countless times, she can't figure out why there is life and death in the world. Why does the reality cruelly separate the two lover's yin and yang?

Now, she figured out that in all the misfortunes, there are still many fortunes.

The people she loved left, but their blood continued. The person she once thought could never be found, in fact, has always had some connection with her.

Su Yunjin's eyelids re-heated. Before the tears burst out, she raised her lips and smiled and said: "Okay, your car skills... Auntie is relieved. Today is too tired, find another time, let Aunt invite you to dinner!"

Shen Yuechuan certainly will not refuse this opportunity to send points: "Good!"

Xiao Yu was dissatisfied with the mother and Shen Yuechuan. "You asked me for your opinion?"

Su Yunjin said: "Your opinion is not important." Then he went outside the hotel and sat on the car of Shenyuechuan.

Xiao Yu wants to cry without tears: "Mom, Shen Yuechuan is your own!"