A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 2945: Aren't you guys

"Ji Senzhuo, can you help me help him to the car?"

Yin Jinxi didn't think it was necessary to explain it so clearly to Ji Senzhuo, so he changed the topic.

Ji Senzhuo nodded, and suddenly remembered something, "You wait a moment."

He turned back to the passenger seat of the car.

The window of the passenger seat opened, revealing the face of a woman wearing sunglasses.

Yin Jinxi recognized the woman as Niu Qiqi at a glance.

She realized that today Ji Senzhuo did not drive a sports car, but instead drove a tall off-road vehicle.

When Ji Senzhuo returned again, Yin Jinxi said with regret and gratitude: "Ji Senzhuo, I will cause you a lot of trouble."

A strange light flashed across Ji Senzhuo's eyes, and then he grinned: "It's okay, my boss is very nice."

He helped Jiang Jingjie get into the back of the car.

"Miss Qiqi, hello." Yin Jinxi first came to the co-pilot's seat and greeted Niu Qiqi, "Thank you."

Last time she said not to call her "elder sister", so Yin Jinxi added a "small" character.

Niu Qiqi replied quietly: "It's a matter of raising your hand."

Yin Jinxi got into the back row, and the car started and drove forward.

She opened the map to search for Yu Jingjie's seaside villa. Fortunately, there was only about an hour left.

The sleeping Yu Jingjie tilted his head and slid down again, directly using Yin Jinxi's legs as pillows.

Yin Jinxi let him lie down.

In front of the two of them, she didn't want to get up, and he slid down again, repeating this, but it was quite embarrassing.

However, she felt the atmosphere in the car was a bit strange.

It seemed that there was always a cold look on her, wishing to freeze her whole.

She looked at the two in front, one focused on driving, the other wearing sunglasses, leaning on the back of the chair motionless, no one was paying attention to them.

She was probably very tired and wanted to sleep, so she had an illusion.

"Jinxi," Ji Senzhuo suddenly said, "Why does he drink so much alcohol?"

Xiao Ma said, because he met a woman today.

Of course, she couldn't give Ji Senzhuo such a reason.

"Did you quarrel?" Ji Senzhuo continued to guess.

Yin Jinxi smiled bitterly, Yu Jingjie was so drunk because of her, she didn't have this weight.

"His company received a big deal, so pleased." Yin Jinxi made up a random reason.

Ji Senzhuo frowned dissatisfied: "He's happy with him, letting you accompany him to wait for the bus on the highway late at night, what a thing is this!"

"If you didn't run into me, you wouldn't have a car until dawn." He was very dissatisfied.

It’s just that it’s appropriate for him to vent his dissatisfaction in front of the boss~

Yin Jinxi promptly introduced the topic: "Ji Senzhuo, why are you passing here so late?"

Ji Senzhuo hesitated a little, "for a drive."

He also couldn't tell Yin Jinxi. For example, he would show up here so late simply because Niu Qiqi called him and said that he was in a bad mood and wanted to go for a ride.

He knew that Niu Qiqi had recently suffered from emotional problems, so he acted as a driver for her for free.

It was an unexpected surprise to run into Yin Jinxi.

But at the same time of surprise, let him know that Yin Jinxi and Yu Jingjie already live together. He couldn't tell what he was feeling now.

For a drive? That's a coincidence!

Yin Jinxi sighed.

As the car drove into the garden of the villa, the butler still greeted him calmly.

He was not surprised when he saw the stranger, his eyes were all on the drunk Yu Jingjie, and he was busy helping him into the house.

Yin Jinxi secretly took a long sigh of relief


"Ji Senzhuo, thank you so much today!" She sincerely thanked Ji Senzhuo.

"You just said that living here is temporary, what do you mean?" Ji Senzhuo asked.

Yin Jinxi was stunned, she had forgotten that she had said this just now.

"The temporary meaning is... there is a time limit." She briefly explained it politely, telling Ji Senzhuo with every subtle expression, she didn't want to explain too much.

Ji Senzhuo felt it naturally, and felt a little disappointed.

"If you want to thank me, invite me to dinner next time." He suppressed his disappointment and showed his usual sunny smile.

"Okay." Yin Jinxi had no reason not to agree.

"It's better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day, just today." He continued.

"Today I will participate in the reading of the script." He is responsible for picking up Niu Qiqi, he should know.

"I'll wait for you." He insisted.

Yin Jinxi couldn't think of a reason for rejection. Moreover, if you find a reason for rejection, the sincerity of thank you just now is not enough.

It is also common for friends to have a meal together.

So she nodded.

Ji Senzhuo smiled happily, showing seven neat teeth.

"It's late, why don't you go back to rest earlier," she continued.

But seeing Ji Senzhuo look forward, a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Yin Jinxi turned his head and looked around.

Only when I found out that Niu Qiqi had walked to the villa and looked at the villa at some point.

"It seems that my boss likes this villa very much." Ji Senzhuo shrugged.

Yin Jinxi looked at Niu Qiqi quietly, and the woman's sixth sense told her that Niu Qiqi was weird.

I didn't say a word in the car before, but now I got out of the car and strolled around in other people's garden.

But perhaps Yin Jinxi thought more.

Ren Niu Qiqi might be such a person who likes to be quiet but unrestrained in his heart.

Yin Jinxi came to Niu Qiqi, "Miss Qiqi, I..."

Niu Qiqi didn't look back, but interrupted her: "I am not interested in knowing your private life, and I am not interested in gossiping with others."

Yin Jinxi:? ?

In fact, she wanted to thank her, and she was accidentally guaranteed by Niu Qiqi, which was not bad.

She is the last person who wants to have a scandal with Yu Jingjie.

"Miss Qiqi, rest early, and see you at the reading meeting tomorrow." She said goodbye to Niu Qiqi.

Niu Qiqi glanced at her through sunglasses, "Goodbye."

After speaking, he turned and left.

As they watched their car drive out of the garden, Yin Jinxi breathed a sigh of relief again. She felt very tired and needed sleep supplements urgently.

Walked into the living room, but saw the housekeeper hurried out.

"Mr. Yu coughed very badly," the housekeeper said when he saw her, "I will go and pick up Dr. Lu right now."

After speaking, he walked away quickly.

Yin Jinxi was taken aback for a moment, and speeded up to the second floor without thinking.

It must be serious if it can make the housekeeper anxious.

Sure enough, as soon as he went to the second floor, he heard Yu Jingjie's earth-shaking cough.

She walked into the room quickly and saw him coughing on the edge of the bed, and Aunt Li kept giving him a back.

"Miss Yin, get the towel over." Seeing her walk in, Aunt Li said immediately.

Yin Jinxi walked into the bathroom quickly and twisted a handful of hot towels over.

Yu Jingjie stopped coughing for the time being. He closed his eyes and sat on the head of the bed. There was sweat on his forehead and nose. The red tide on his cheeks looked abnormal at first glance.

"This wine is too much!" Aunt Li patted her thigh, "I still have to make a bowl of sober soup to wake up first."

"Go, here I just watch

okay. "Yin Jinxi said.

Aunt Li walked downstairs quickly.

Yin Jinxi was a little surprised. For someone like Yu Jingjie who is irritable, the employees in the family treat him very well.

In a moment, Aunt Li brought a bowl of hangover soup.

Yin Jinxi wiped his face. Although he didn't cough, he didn't wake up. He just fell asleep like this. How to drink sober soup?

"Miss Yin, how about you feed him." Aunt Li suggested.

Yin Jinxi put the spoon close to his mouth and slipped in through his lips a little bit, but saw him frown and gritted his teeth to prevent the soup from entering.

The soup ran down his lips again.

"Miss Yin, you can't feed like this, you have to use your mouth." Aunt Li said anxiously.

Hearing this, Yin Jinxi shook his hand with the spoon and almost spilled the hangover soup.

"What's ashamed of this," Aunt Li disapproved, "Aren't you a partner!"

Yin Jinxi was so speechless, he didn't know how to answer...

"Doctor Lu, please here." Fortunately, the housekeeper showed up with the doctor in time to save Yin Jinxi from embarrassment.

"His condition is not bad, and the cold symptoms are not very serious," Dr. Lu said after the examination. "The cough is bad because he drank too much and hurt his throat. I will give him some medicine and it will be fine in a few days."

"Pay more attention to diet and remember not to touch alcohol again within a week." Dr. Lu specifically explained.

"Thank you, Dr. Lu." The housekeeper finished speaking and looked at Yin Jinxi again: "Miss Yin, let's go downstairs first, so I won't disturb you and Mr. Yu."

"Leave it to Miss Yin, she will take good care of Mr. Yu, and the two of them are the ones." Aunt Li waved to the housekeeper.

Yin Jinxi smiled and watched them leave, her smile a little stiff.

No matter what, just don't let her give Yu Jingjie the hangover soup with her mouth.

She came to the bed and saw that he was sleeping deeper.

Dr. Lu has given him medicine, and it is estimated that it will be fine until dawn.

Yin Jinxi yawned and lay down on the bed. He fell asleep as soon as his hair touched the pillow.

Asleep, she felt slimy on her face, as if there was something on her face.

She was so sleepy that she didn't want to open her eyes and take a closer look. She raised her hand and dusted her face before continuing to sleep.

It didn't take long for the thing to stick to his face again.

She opened her eyes suddenly and read the meeting!

Outside the window, it was already dawn.