A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 3031: Be a friend

Not worthy?

Do you love her so much that you do not hesitate to shoot a woman, and you say she is not worthy of listening to you? The pony is really unable to complain.

"I'll check." Little Ma can only say that.

At this time, Yin Jinxi and Mrs. Ji were already in the car and rushed to the hospital.

"Do you know why I cooperated with Qin Jiayin?" Mrs. Ji said on the way.

Yin Jinxi shook his head.

“Although Qin Jiayin’s proposal for partnership investment was made, I also had this meaning long ago,” said Mrs. Ji. “I heard that her son is preparing to do a variety show. The show has not started yet, and the momentum has been achieved, Xiao Zhuo Although he also runs an entertainment company, it is still a little short of Yu Jingjie."

She can recognize this reality very well, so, "Cooperate with Qin Jiayin and let her son handle it. After this drama is made, the response will not be bad. As the number one female, you will naturally benefit from your reputation. many."

It turned out that she had been so painstaking, Yin Jinxi was very moved, but subconsciously felt something a little weird.

Mrs. Ji then said: "But Qin Jiayin always said that his son's relationship with you hasn't been broken. I am most annoyed to hear her say this. Isn't his son obviously engaged to Chen Lucy? Jinxi, don't you think?"

Yin Jinxi's heart trembled, knowing what was strange to him.

Perhaps Mrs. Ji’s ultimate goal is to know if she is still related to Yu Jingjie and what is the relationship.

Mrs. Ji never forgot to check this prospective daughter-in-law.

Yin Jinxi smiled slightly, "Auntie, don't worry about my work. The most important thing for you to maintain your body is."

"You child, you are too stubborn!" Mrs. Ji was agitated, but deep in her eyes thoughtfully.

After arriving at the hospital, Ji Senzhuo happened to be there.

"Mom, where did you go?" Seeing Yin Jinxi also with her, Ji Senzhuo was even more puzzled.

"Xiao Zhuo, you are right here," Mrs. Ji said immediately: "I invested in a drama and want Jin Xilai to be the number one female, but she insists on not, please persuade her."

Then he added: "Jinxi, if you don't want me to vote, you can leave this to Mr. Zhuo. You are an unmarried couple. It is only natural for him to invest in you."

When she said this, Yin Jinxi couldn't help but feel troubled.

It was the first time Ji Senzhuo heard about this, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

"What's the matter with you?" Mrs. Ji was a little angry, "There is no way to fall in love when you are in love, and no way to be engaged when you are engaged. Is it a kid's mess!"

At this time, her emotions were getting excited again.

"Mom..." Ji Senzhuo was about to speak, but Yin Jinxi interrupted.

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to act," she explained hurriedly: "Actually, I just changed to a brokerage company. According to the contract, I must listen to their arrangements."

"Which brokerage company?" Mrs. Ji asked.

"I heard that the group president of the company is called Lu Boyan, Mr. Gong Xingzhougong introduced me." Yin Jinxi replied.

Upon hearing the three words of Lu Boyan, both Mrs. Ji and Ji Senzhuo looked a little strange.

Mrs. Ji squeezed a smile: "You signed a new company, I am happy for you, let's talk about this later."

Yin Jinxi breathed a sigh of relief secretly, but also sighed secretly.

It was agreed that Gong Xingzhou would no longer be troubled, and it seemed that he had to trouble him again now.

But Ji Senzhuo didn't turn his eyes away, no one could see the loss in his eyes.

When he sent Yin Jinxi away, he finally said, "Unexpectedly, you finally chose Lu Boyan's brokerage company."

"It's not a direct signing, it's just Mr. Gong's studio." Yin Jinxi told the truth.

The brokerage companies directly under Lu's are all super first-line big coffees. How can she be able to achieve such a small transparency?

"Someday they

Will take the initiative to cooperate with you. "Ji Senzhuo encouraged.

"I also think there will be such a day." Yin Jinxi also believed in himself.

But what made Ji Senzhuo even more happy was that she showed him a mischievous look, although this was just a joke among friends.

It's good that she can treat him as a friend.


After signing a contract with Gong Xingzhou's studio, she quickly got the new script.

It should be regarded as the female number one in the tie, but the investment in this drama is not big.

Yin Jinxi is already very happy. In addition to eating and exercising every day, she reads the script, and she feels a little strange looking at her.

Before Qin Jiayin and Mrs. Ji let her starring in "I'm Getting Married", she hadn't watched more than ten scenes in total, but the more she read the script, the more it felt like that.

She also specifically called Gong Xingzhou and asked where did the script come from?

"The studio has planned an original project for three years." Gong Xingzhou answered calmly.

"I just think it's very similar to a script I've seen before."

"There are too many scripts with similar themes on the market."

Yin Jinxi also agreed with this sentence and did not ask this question again.

"You get ready, go to a cocktail party with me in the evening and meet a few investors." Gong Xingzhou said.

Yin Jinxi agreed without hesitation.

In the past, that agent would ask her to please investors, she believed Gong Xingzhou would never.

Gong Xingzhou should really want her to make more contacts, and understand that it is also an actor's task to let investors see her own advantages.

In order to live up to Gong Xingzhou's painstaking efforts, she had to prepare well.

For this reason, she specially came to a small well-known dress shop in the circle. Most importantly, she heard that this dress can be rented.

"Miss Yin, these are all new styles, you choose slowly." The clerk took her to one of the dress racks.

Yin Jinxi chose a circle, but didn't find the one that suits his wishes, and the clerk just now was busy greeting other customers.

Yin Jinxi saw the stairs leading to the second floor in the corner, so he went up.

When she came to the second floor, her beautiful eyes immediately brightened, and the dresses here are better than the other ones.

She quickly selected a pink-blue one, but saw that the hanger was locked on the shelf and couldn't take it off.

"Hello!" She greeted the clerk, and wanted the clerk to help.

The clerk came over, but said: "Madam, you can swipe the sensor on the hanger with your VIP card."

Yin Jinxi was taken aback: "I don't have a VIP card."

The clerk was also stunned and looked at the colleague next to him: "Who brought this lady? Don't you know that the VIP area on the second floor?"

This was actually meant for Yin Jinxi.

Yin Jinxi didn't feel embarrassed, but rather puzzled: "In the promotional materials of your shop, it is stated that any style of dress can be sold or rented!"

The clerk shook his head coldly: "Madam, the service you need is on the first floor. This is the VIP service area. You need to show your VIP card to spend."

"Don't make her embarrassing. She is an 18-line actress, where does the VIP card come from." At this time, a somewhat familiar female voice sounded.

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Yin Jinxi and the clerk turned their heads, and saw Lucy Chen coming over in a beautiful manner, her face triumphant.

"Miss Chen!" The clerk immediately greeted Chen Lucy respectfully.

"Miss Yin, I have a VIP card here. Use it." Chen Lucy took out a card.

"Thank you, I don't think I don't need it." Yin Jinxi didn't want to have much intersection with her, loosened the skirt in his hand and turned away.

When I went downstairs, there was still the voice of Chen Lucy and the clerk.

"How could Miss Chen know such a shabby woman?"

"I don't know, I just met a few times."

"Miss Chen is really generous, and she can do this even if she meets a few times. It's so beautiful and kind. It's no wonder that those rich young men are chasing you to marry you..."

Yin Jinxi returned home and took out his few expensive skirts, planning to transform one of the black skirts as a little dress.

Just about to start, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"Is it Miss Yin?" Outside the door was a courier boy with a big box in his hand.

"I am, but I haven't bought anything recently."

"Anyway, the recipient is you."

Yin Jinxi did not expect that the dress he had fancyed an hour ago would appear in front of her now.

Not only that, but there is also a pair of shoes that match the dress, which is expensive at first glance.

It is impossible for Lucy Chen to swipe her card to buy something for her, so...

While in the store, Yin Jinxi unexpectedly didn't expect that where Chen Lucy appeared, Yu Jingjie might also be...

Yu Jingjie!

What does he mean!

Didn't she make it clear that day!

He bought this dress and gave it to her, trying to mock her for not being able to afford a dress, or humiliating her and leaving him, not even a dress!

What makes her even more annoying is that the words have been made clear, why does he still do these things to her!

The more she thought about it, the more angry she got, and she picked up the box and walked out of the house.

She came to Yu Jingjie's company.

Although she could express the dress back, she wanted to return the dress to him face to face and warned him not to engage in these little tricks!

"Miss Yin?" The secretary suddenly saw her, a little surprised, and immediately said: "Zong Yu is in a meeting, please wait a moment."

Now it's Yin Jinxi's turn to be surprised. Shouldn't he be with Chen Lucy?

She came to the company to wait because she felt that he would return to the company sooner or later, but she didn't expect him to be there.

Did he return to the company after she left the dress shop?

Yin Jinxi held the box and sat in Yu Jingjie's office waiting.

How long has it been since she came to this office last time, the furnishings of the office have not changed at all, and the scene of him holding her sitting on the sofa seems to be yesterday...

However, there were other people around him.