A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 3036: Watch a good show alone

"I have nothing to discuss with him." She came here because she heard that he was missing, otherwise she would not come here.

"Mr. Yu said," the housekeeper frowned embarrassedly. "He was hurt like this because of you. You must be responsible for some things."

Yin Jinxi was shocked by his shamelessness, but after another thought, he might have deliberately said this to make her angry before she went upstairs to see him.

"Then let him say that." She insisted on turning and leaving.


Mr. Yu, I can only say that I have tried my best.

When Yin Jinxi arrived at the hospital, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, but Mrs. Ji was not in the ward, and only the nanny was taking care of it.

"Miss Yin, you are finally here!" The nanny saw Yin Jinxi, and her eyes were red instantly.

Yin Jinxi was surprised: "What's wrong with Mrs. Ji?"

Is it sick again!

"Mrs. Ji is okay, and the young master went home..." The nanny couldn't help wiping tears, but coming home is more serious than the illness!

It turns out that today is Ji Senzhuo's birthday, and Mrs. Ji originally planned to invite Yin Jinxi to celebrate in the ward.

But Mr. Ji suddenly called and asked Mrs. Ji to take Ji Senzhuo home.

"Isn't this a good thing?" Yin Jinxi wondered, he could be with his family.

"That's not the case at all!" the nanny said angrily. She complained about Mrs. Ji. "Mr. Ji brought back the mother and son outside, saying that they were a family, but how uncomfortable Mrs. Ji should be! "

Yin Jinxi was stunned. Mrs. Ji became ill because Qin Jiayin took a "little wife".

I saw a real person this time, and it was still on the birthday of her son. Mrs. Ji must not get sick again.

"Can't she not go!" Yin Jinxi didn't understand.

The nanny shook his head: "Why do you think Mrs. Ji is still staying at Ji's house? She is all for her two sons. If she leaves, all the things belonging to those two children will be taken away by others!"

Yin Jinxi couldn't help feeling gloomy.

Ji Senzhuo and his brother are actually not easy.

Sometimes people are not greedy for that share of property, just thinking that it is what I deserve, why don't I fight for it?

"Miss Yin, go and see Mrs. Ji quickly," the babysitter choked up. "You are with Mrs. Ji, maybe she can survive."

"I...Is it suitable for me to go..." That was the Ji family's family dinner.

"Aren't you young master's fiancée?"

Even if she was the "fiancee" of the young master, that was just an argument. She had never been to Ji's house before, so it was too sudden.

"Miss Yin, Mrs. Ji used her private money to invest in filming for you. It doesn't matter whether this happened or not, this kind of love is always there. Don't you just watch Mrs. Ji get angry with them!"

Facing the question of the nanny, Yin Jinxi could not speak.

She had to go and see what was going on because of emotion and reason.

She asked the nanny to understand the address, and took a taxi to drive towards Ji's house.

Suddenly received a call from Yu Jingjie on the way, he asked her: "Yin Jinxi, where are you?"

"Mr. Yu, this has nothing to do with you."

"I didn't let people check you, but came to ask you in person. You'd better say it obediently." His tone was both annoyed and awkward.

Yin Jinxi was almost amused, he was really domineering and quite naive.

"Mr. Yu, please don't call me anymore." She hung up, blocked him and deleted a certain contact software.

When Yu Jingjie called again, he only heard a sweet voice: "Sorry, the call you dialed is in progress."

Then, no matter when he fights again, there is only this

A voice will answer him...

Then I called up a certain contact software, and after sending a message, I found that he had been blocked...

Only then did he realize that if he didn't let people check her, he might not be able to contact her at all...

This should be the most helpless time since he grew up like this.



The garden gate opened, and when Ji Senzhuo saw Yin Jinxi really standing at the door, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Just now received a call from Yin Jinxi, he thought Yin Jinxi was joking with him.

After thinking about it, Yin Jinxi seems to have never joked with him.

His heart was surging and excited, and he couldn't help but stepped forward to hug her.

Yin Jinxi took a step back subconsciously.

Ji Senzhuo was taken aback, then scratched his head apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm so excited."

"Ji Senzhuo, happy birthday to you." Yin Jinxi smiled slightly.

"Thank you..." But there was no smile in his eyes.

In fact, he was so excited to see Yin Jinxi because the Ji’s restaurant at the moment was already dark and rough.

Anyone whose birthday is like this will not be happy.

"Auntie is okay?" Yin Jinxi asked.

She simply repeated what the nanny said to her, she didn't want Ji Senzhuo to misunderstand the reason for her coming.

Ji Senzhuo nodded. He understood very well, but said truthfully: "My mom is in a very bad state... but she can't show it, because it's my birthday, and they came to me to celebrate it'kindly', if My mother will be caught in the wrong place if she shows a little bit of unhappiness."

Yin Jinxi lowered his eyes.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you this." He saw the sadness in her eyes.

She shook her head, "I'm just worried about Auntie."

However, she is indeed not suitable for such occasions.

"Ji Senzhuo, you will tell Mrs. Ji later, I will see her in the hospital tomorrow."

Ji Senzhuo did not reluctantly, "I will ask the driver to take you back."

After talking, suddenly I heard a woman screaming from the villa, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ji Senzhuo's face changed drastically, and he immediately turned and ran in.

Yin Jinxi couldn't take care of it anymore, and ran into the villa with him.

Just in time to see a middle-aged man slap up at Mrs. Ji, Ji Senshang quickly got in front of Mrs. Ji.

"Get away!" The middle-aged man gave an order, and immediately two male assistants pulled Ji Sen away.

But his slap continued to hit Mrs. Ji, but with a "pop", it hit Yin Jinxi on the shoulder.

With a little strength, Yin Jinxi was beaten to the ground immediately.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Jinxi!" Mrs. Ji exclaimed and quickly helped Yin Jinxi up.

Ji Senzhuo reacted, and he raised his eyes to look around the restaurant.

The woman was covering her face. He really didn't want to call her the little mother, let's call her Miss Zhang.

Miss Zhang was clutching her red cheeks, her eyes resent and surprised, probably because her mother couldn't help but slap her in the face, and father wanted to give her a head before he would do anything to her mother.

He has always had a headache for this little mess at home, so he went abroad to study in middle school.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that it was useless to escape, it would only be unable to protect the one he loved.

People grow up in an instant, and Ji Senzhuo becomes different from before.

He calmly stepped forward, holding Yin Jinxi's hand, facing the suspicious gaze of his father and the others, he said word by word: "She's Yin Jinxi, my friend is here to celebrate my birthday."

Mr. Ji's face is inevitably embarrassed, after all, the family scandal has been exposed.

"Little brother," Ji Sluo snorted, "I know this Miss Yin. Didn't she agree to your marriage proposal that time in the studio, why did she become your friend again today?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Ji Senzhuo said coldly, looking at him, his mother, and Mr. Ji, "Today is my birthday, and it has nothing to do with you. Where are you from? Please go back now. ."

Miss Zhang quit. What he meant was that she and Ji Solo had nothing to do with the Ji family!

"Tianwei," she called Mr. Ji's name, "you see what Xiao Zhuo said!"

Mr. Ji showed majesty in his eyes: "Xiao Zhuo, your little mother and second brother kindly come to help you celebrate your birthday, don't be ignorant of praise."

Ji Senzhuo was silent for a moment, as if calculating something, "If you have to stay here, please go to the garage."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Ji was already angry.

"If I remember correctly, this house was given to my mother by my grandfather, and even you have no share. As for them," Ji Senzhuo hummed, "I am more qualified to stay here. But my mother taught me to be polite to others since I was a child. , So you can go to the garage."

Is this because even Mr. Ji will be kicked out?

Yin Jinxi couldn't help but glance at Ji Senzhuo.

After seeing his gentle appearance, today's counterattack is very surprising, but such counterattack is also in line with his style.

"Ji Senzhuo! Do you know what you are talking about!" Mr. Ji beat the table angrily.

"You think I don't know how to calculate it. Then ask a lawyer to do the math tomorrow. Including the shares of the Ji Group, who should get how much, it is all clear, there will be no need to fight for it in the future." Ji Senzhuo Not moved by his anger, he continued.

Mrs. Ji slowly sat back on the chair and exhaled.

She felt that her little son had grown up and could protect her.

She always thought that Ji Senzhuo was indifferent to family affairs, but she didn't expect that he knew better than his brother. Otherwise, he would not tell about the shares.

The issue of shares happened to be Mr. Ji's weakness.

She has kept him face for many years, and now that her son has pierced her, the matter should come to an end.