A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 3038: Give you a gift

Xiaoyou was surprised: "He doesn't like Jinxi sister?"

"I don't like it," Xiao Ma said meaningfully, "I don't think Mr. Yu has yet realized how important Miss Yin is to him."

Xiaoyou didn't believe it: "He didn't realize it, but did you realize it?"

"For feelings, the authorities are obsessed with bystanders," Xiao Ma firmly believes in his own opinion, "you can't deceive people's eyes. If you don't believe it, the next time Yu Zong meets Miss Yin, you should pay attention to the look in the eyes of Mr.

Anyway, he had seen it too many times before he came to this conclusion.

"In that case, why did Mr. Yu treat sister Jinxi like that?" Xiaoyou sighed, "Do you know that sister Jinxi knew that when Yu Zong and Chen Lucy were engaged, she was almost drowned in a lake jumping scene when she was engaged. They all said it was an accident, but I think Sister Jinxi was really heartbroken... Sometimes people are just thoughts for a moment, and they don’t want to live at that moment."

Xiao Ma was stunned for a long time. It was the first time he heard about this incident. After returning to see Yu Jingjie, he reported the incident.

Yu Jingjie was silent for a long time. He had heard Qin Jiayin mention it before and had been asked to investigate it. They all said it was an accident.

But Xiaoyou follows Yin Jinxi every day, and what she says is the most credible.

"What else did Xiaoyou say?" Yu Jingjie asked.

"I asked her what else did Miss Yin do since she knew you and Miss Chen were engaged?"

Xiaoyou shook his head: "Sister Xi Jin stayed in the hospital for two days after falling into the water, and she went back to filming soon. There was nothing unusual until she was finished."

With that, Xiaoyou sighed quietly, "But I can feel that Jinxi sister has changed."

"What's it like?" Xiao Ma asked.

"Become a person who still laughs, but is no longer happy." Xiaoyou couldn't help drinking half a glass of beer. "Her heart has been hurt by Mr. Yu. I think it is difficult for Mr. Yu to move her anymore."

"She still has what she wants." Xiao Ma asked.

Xiaoyou thought for a while: "She really has always pursued something, that is, the trophy of the queen, and she has to get it on her own."

The implication is that Mr. Yu doesn't need to mess around.

When a woman gives up her heart to you, she must be completely dead, and it is very difficult to unilaterally try to recover.

"That's probably what we are talking about." Xiaoma all reported to Yu Jingjie.

There was no expression on Yu Jingjie's face, but his eyes were already dark and turbulent.

In a moment, he said lightly: "I see."


"Auntie, how are you feeling today?" The next day, Yin Jinxi came to the hospital as scheduled to visit Mrs. Ji.

Mrs. Ji smiled and nodded: "I'm getting better, and I can be discharged tomorrow."

With that, she motioned to the nanny to go out first, and then greeted Yin Jinxi to sit down.

Yin Jinxi could see that she had something to say to her.

"Thank you for speaking of it," Sure enough, Mrs. Ji said, "Daddy Xiaozhuo got the contract from Mr. Yu, and he is in a very good mood. I will not be held accountable for slapped Miss Zhang."

Mrs. Ji said she was thankful, but her smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

She obviously minded Yu Jingjie's appearance that night.

"Auntie, it is most important for you to take care of your body." Yin Jinxi didn't know what to say, a trace of panic across his face.

Mrs. Ji sighed lightly: "Jinxi, I didn't mean to embarrass you... You tell me the truth, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Yu now?"

"I have nothing to do with him." Yin Jinxi replied.

Mrs. Ji nodded: "Well, with your words,

Will suffice. "

"Jinxi, you help me take out the box from the bedside table." She said again.

Yin Jinxi did so and took out a beautiful box from the bedside table.

Mrs. Ji opened the box, there was a beautiful small box inside, and then opened it, and inside was a small red cloth bag.

The red cloth packet is also embroidered with gold thread, and the flower group is of the Jin ethnic group.

Finally, Mrs. Ji took out a white jade bracelet from inside.

"Come, try it." She said to Yin Jinxi.

Yin Jinxi was taken aback, and subconsciously retracted his hands behind him.

This looks very expensive!

"No need, Auntie, there are so many people in this place, you put things away quickly."

"It's not a valuable thing," Mrs. Ji smiled: "You and I are very close to each other, I just want to give you a gift."

"I have received your thoughts." Yin Jinxi still refused.

The smile on Mrs. Ji's face cooled down: "Jinxi, didn't you say that you have nothing to do with Mr. Yu, why don't you accept my gift?"

How could Yin Jinxi tell her that although she has nothing to do with Yu Jingjie, it does not mean that she has something to do with Ji Senzhuo...

"Auntie, I... Actually Ji Senzhuo has already given me a lot of gifts, and I can't ask for your things anymore." For the sake of Mrs. Ji's heart, she could only make up her mind.

Mrs. Ji didn't speak, she suddenly covered her heart with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

"Auntie!" Yin Jinxi hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

I never thought that Mrs. Ji had eyesight and quick hands, so she grabbed her hand and immediately put the white jade bracelet on her wrist.

The mouth of this bracelet is extremely small, even if Yin Jinxi's wrist is slender, it feels a little painful when he wears it in.

It's hard to take it down again.

Yin Jinxi was a little dazed, but he didn't expect this kind of operation!

"Auntie, this..." She tried to take it down, but couldn't take it down...

"I've already sent the stuff, don't return it to me even if you take it down," Mrs. Ji was a little upset, "Throw it away if you don't want it."

Yin Jinxi:...

She had to put the matter aside first, so as not to make Mrs. Ji angry.

"That's good," Mrs. Ji patted her hand affectionately, "Xiaozhuo's father personally appointed Xiaozhuo as a project manager, and when his work gets on track, I will arrange the wedding for you. Don't worry, I still have the ability to do a beautiful wedding for you."

"Auntie, I..." Yin Jinxi said quickly: "I have discussed with Ji Senzhuo, we will not get married in three to five years."

"Plan first, plan first." Mrs. Ji didn't force her, but the smile in her eyes didn't mean anything.

At this moment, a piece of information about Yin Jinxi was also handed to Jisluo's mother and son.

Ms. Zhang opened the information and read it again, and snorted, "I think it's what I came from. It turned out to be just a little actor."

However, "She has the means to fascinate Yu Jingjie and Ji Senzhuo."

The most hateful thing is that Yu Jingjie actually gave Ji Senzhuo such a generous gift for her!

"Mom, are you looking for someone to look up her?" Ji Sluo understood why she called him over.

"If you don't check her, shall we sit and wait for death?" Miss Zhang said bitterly, "You are responsible for the company's business. If you can handle it better, you still need me to take action?"

Ji Siluo raised his eyebrows: "How do you applaud?"

"Kill Ji Sen last Ji Senzhuo completely out of the company!" Miss Zhang said almost crazy:

Drive out the Ji family at the end! "

Ji Solo helplessly spread his hands: "Mom, I have already found out that the most valuable villa in the Ji family belongs to Mrs. Ji, and Mrs. Ji also owns 20% of the shares in the company."

It is almost impossible to achieve her goal.

"I don't believe there is no way." Miss Zhang stared coldly at Yin Jinxi's photo.

Ji Siluo frowned: "Mom, I advise you not to provoke Yu Jingjie. My dad will not be able to save you then."

Ms. Zhang stared at a page in the information. It was noted on this page that Yin Jinxi had a good friend named Lin Lier.


Yin Jinxi came out of the hospital and went straight to the mall.

She couldn't take off this white jade bracelet, the store teller selling jewelry must have a way.

She first looked for the nearest mall, however, the teller looked at her bracelet carefully and turned down her request.

"Your bracelet is too expensive, we dare not move it, you should change the place." said the teller.

Yin Jinxi couldn't help frowning, "How valuable is it?"

The teller thought for a while: "Second ring and one suite."

Yin Jinxi:...

Didn't Mrs. Ji say that it is worthless...

"Can you tell me where can I remove it for me?"

"You go to Tailong Mall and try it."

Well, Tyrone is also considered to be the top three luxury shopping malls in the city, and it is relatively close to here.

On the way to Tailong, Yin Jinxi called Ji Senzhuo.

"Ji Senzhuo, do you have time now, can you go to Tailong Mall?" she asked.

"Okay, I'll come over right away." Ji Senzhuo agreed without thinking.

What Yin Jinxi thought was that when he came over, she happened to return the bracelet she took off.

However, even when she arrived at Tyrone, the luxury teller did not dare to disturb her bracelet, but invited her to the customer service center.

"Please wait, we have already called the master to come over." The staff brought her a cup of coffee.

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"Master, please?" Yin Jinxi didn't understand.

"Your bracelet is too expensive," the staff explained patiently to her, "you can only ask the best processing master in our mall to come over."