A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 3211: Inferiority

"Congenital heart disease." Yu Gang replied.

Then he said: "The younger brother's health is very bad. The doctor said he can't perform the operation, because he can't bear it, so he can only treat it conservatively."

Once this disease is treated conservatively, it is basically supported by money.

And this money has always been borne by Yin Jinxi.

It's not that she is now well-known and can afford it. When she used to run the trick, she was also burdened.

Yu Jingjie fell silent.

Yu Gang understood that he didn't think Yin Jinxi's burden was too heavy. Although Yin Jinxi's burden was a bit heavy, didn't Yin Jinxi also bear it before he knew him.

So why is he silent?

Moreover, the long silence made Yu Gang feel a little guilty in his heart.

"Zong Yu...you won't dislike my cousin because of this..." he asked tentatively.

Yu Jingjie raised his eyebrows: "What if I say yes?"

Yu Gang froze for a moment, and then replied with disdain: "If you really dislike it, say it as soon as possible. My cousin is like this, I'm afraid I can't find a boyfriend!"

Yu Jingjie:...

This brother-in-law is not of one mind with him.

"Come, come." Yu Jingjie waved at him.

Yu Gang stepped forward suspiciously, and Yu Jingjie grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in front of him: "What did you call me when I came in just now?"

Yu Gang was startled, the cold light in Yu Jingjie's eyes was terrible...

"Brother-in-law!" He immediately lowered his head: "I was wrong. I shouldn't say that you will dislike my cousin. I use my personality guarantee. Even if my cousin dislikes you ten thousand times, you will not dislike my cousin."

Yu Jingjie: "Get out!"

He pushed Yu Gang away.

Yu Gang stood firm and smiled, he was deliberately amused by Jingjie.

They were all men. He knew that Yu Jingjie had that reaction just now because he was jealous.

It seems that Yu Jingjie really loves his cousin and loves it miserably, and eats this kind of unshakable jealousy.

"Brother-in-law, did my cousin never tell you this?" he asked.

Yu Jingjie was slightly taken aback, and Yu Gang's question hit his heart.

Why does Yoon Jinxi never mention this to him?

Take Yu Gang as an example. If she told him earlier, they wouldn't have so many misunderstandings, and Yu Gang would not have gone to Ji Senzhuo's company!

"There is a sick younger brother in the family, does she rarely get the care of her family?" Yu Jingjie asked suddenly.

Yu Gang was taken aback, honestly, he had never thought about it.

This kind of problem is probably only considered if you are deeply in love with Yin Jinxi.

Yu Gang thought about it now, and couldn't help but nodded, "My cousin had to do a lot of things at home since I was a child. When I lived in her house, she took care of my little brother's life."

"But every time Uncle comes back, he will pick and choose from her."

There was a time when Yu Gang couldn't listen to it anymore, and he replied to his uncle, if you think your cousin can't do it well, do it yourself.

As a result, he was slapped by his mother when he turned around...

"Later, my cousin wanted to learn to dance, but my uncle said nothing," Yu Gang continued, "the cousin didn't have money to pay for the tuition, so she opened the window to watch others go to class. The tutoring class is to make money, and she always drives her cousin away, or Going to uncle to file a complaint, the cousin will inevitably be another scolding."

Sometimes my uncle would do something to his cousin.

Yu Gang didn't know how his cousin persisted. Maybe people are like that. When you really like something, there will be a light in your heart that will guide you to keep getting closer.

Later, a teacher in the remedial class saw that her cousin really likes to dance and the conditions were good, so she let her take her own class.

"I think my cousin is very

"Yu Gang shook his head," "It's not because she has become a big star now, but when she was fifteen or six years old, she was already a well-known beauty. Many boys chased her, even if she picked one of them with good conditions. It's not that life is so hard..."

But she just doesn't, and has always insisted on her principles.

"Brother-in-law, on this basis, I have to admire you too." Yu Gang smiled, making his cousin look at him. It must be no ordinary person.

The corners of Yu Jingjie's lips could not stop rising.

Had it not been for Yu Gang's insistence on staying in Ji Senzhuo's company, he would definitely think that Yu Gang was flattering him.

Therefore, Yu Gang's words should come from the heart.

But why does Yin Jinxi never tell him this?

It turns out that people like Yu Jingjie sometimes worry.

Yu Gang sent Yu Jingjie away, but he couldn't forget his frowning eyebrows.

It seems that no matter who you are, they will have their own troubles.

Thinking about it this way, he felt more motivated for the plan on the table.

He wrote it all at once, feeling very satisfied with himself, and now everything is ready, only the east wind, and this east wind can only be Yin Jinxi.

Planning case: Without Yin Jinxi, no matter how good you write, it would be a piece of waste paper!


"Now? I have time." Yin Jinxi glanced at the schedule next to him while answering the phone.

I made an appointment with Fu Yuan'er today tonight.

"Come here, I will send you the address."

"Sister Jinxi, are you really planning to help Yu Gang make a promotional video?" Xiaoyou asked.

"I asked Mr. Gong, and he said there is no problem with this kind of small cooperation." Yin Jinxi said as he sent the location to Yu Gang.

Just now Yu Gang called and said that he wanted to meet her and talk about making a short video.

Xiaoyou snorted: "I used to think he had no intentions, he really loved your cousin. Now it seems that he didn't ask for nothing."

"He is my cousin, so I should help him." Yin Jinxi didn't care.

But Xiaoyou still has something to say, "Sister Jinxi, I'm just afraid that you will be dragged down by your family. On the surface, Yu Gang is just a short video to show your face, but if you are caught by Mr. Yu I know, will he misunderstand that you are helping Ji Zong?"

And oh, "Does Yu Gang know your relationship with President Ji? If he knows and does this, it would be really bad!"

Yin Jinxi was stunned, Xiaoyou analyzed everything she secretly worried about.

But when Yu Gang asked her, she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Xiaogang wouldn't be so bad..." She shook her head, "He's still young, he can't think of so much."

"Sister Jinxi, wait for Yu Gang to come, let me see him first." A hint of thought flashed in Xiaoyou's eyes.


"Do you believe me? Believe me and let me do that."

Yin Jinxi had nothing to say, so he nodded.

Therefore, after Yu Gang arrived here, he saw Xiaoyou.

"Where is my cousin?" he asked suspiciously.

Xiaoyou cast a look at him: "What are you looking for sister Jinxi?"

Yu Gang put his plan in front of Xiaoyou, with a trace of excitement, "Look, Xiaoyou, this thing will definitely make my sister present an unprecedented beauty!"

Xiaoyou picked it up and glanced at it. There was nothing new at first glance, such as speeding, drag racing, and hair tossing.

Of course, Xiaoyou didn't have the patience to take a closer look.

She put things down: "Why, want to ask Jinxi sister to make a short film? Do you know what's going on now?"

Yu Gang nodded fiercely: "Don't worry, the cost is okay, and it will never lower my sister's worth."

Xiaoyou hummed disdainfully, as if he was worse off by some money.

"Yu Gang, let me ask you a question."


"If Jinxi Sister shoots this short film of you, it will make her conflict with Mr. Yu, do you want to do it?"

Yu Gang was taken aback for a moment, "Well, why would Mr. Yu have a conflict with my sister because of such a small matter? He feels distressed for my sister."

"Don't interrupt, answer the question!"

Yu Gang still shook his head: "Zong Yu heard that my sister was not loved by her parents when she was a child, and she was still very sad.

"What are you talking about!" Yin Jinxi suddenly walked out of the room and looked at him in surprise.

She had figured it out a long time ago, but she was afraid of Xiaoyou saying she didn't trust it.

But she couldn't help hearing this.

"Sister, you are here." Yu Gang was a little confused.

"Did Yu Jingjie go to you?" Yin Jinxi asked.

Yu Gang nodded and talked about how Jingjie went to find him.

Yin Jinxi listened and couldn't help trembling all over, her lips trembled, and her body could barely support...

"Sister Jinxi, are you okay." Xiaoyou hurriedly supported her.

How could she be okay!

What she didn't want to mention about Jing Jie from the bottom of her heart was unexpectedly poured out by Yu Gang.

Why didn't she expect that Yu Jingjie would go to Yu Gang, she should explain to Yu Gang in advance.

"Cousin, do you want Yu always to know these things?" Yu Gang didn't understand, "Why?"

Will these things affect the relationship between the two?

If it really affects, then it's still a relationship? That's called choosing a spouse!

Yin Jinxi couldn't tell him that she was in front of Jingjie, and her true heart was inferior.

In fact, when you truly fall in love with someone, anyone has an inferiority complex inside.

Yu Gang didn't feel this way because he was really "talking" about love as a matter, instead of falling into love involuntarily.

"Not why," Yin Jinxi said quietly, controlling his emotions, "I just don't think it is necessary."

"Yu always looks like he knows," Yu Gang told her, "and he feels distressed after hearing what I said."

"I don't want his sympathy."

Yu Gang didn't know what to say.

Yin Jinxi took a deep breath, "Leave the plan, I will look at it, and I will tell you after reading it."


"Let's go first." Xiaoyou shook his head at him.

Yu Gang knew that he had done something wrong and made Yin Jinxi upset, so he had to leave first.

The door to the room was closed, and the stagnant atmosphere was not much better.

Xiaoyou didn't say anything, and took the arranged dress jewelry and left.

She understood that at this time, what Yin Jinxi needed was a person to be quiet.

Yin Jinxi sat on the sofa and took out his mobile phone.

I want to call Yu Jingjie, but I don't know how to say it.

What Yu Gang said could not be taken back, and she could only try to reduce his concern for her family.

She didn't want her family to be involved in their topics in the future.

After thinking about her words, she dialed his phone.

But after ringing for a while, no one answered his phone.

Does he dislike her?

Behaving very distressed in front of Xiaogang, turned around and decided to get rid of her?

What is the image of her in his heart now, a woman from a mediocre background who has a heavy burden.

Well, she once read a story about her boyfriend who accidentally dropped the phone in a gap in the sofa and didn't receive the call for a while. There were 100 kinds of things her boyfriend might be doing in her girlfriend's mind.

Finally thought of breaking up.

She didn't notice that she was no different from the girlfriend in the story.