A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 4702: punish

"What? Is there any difficulty? If you find it difficult, then don't do it. And from now on, I won't make it difficult for you. "

Gong Mingyue said in a calm tone.

Domoto Kazuhiko rarely showed a tangled side.

"Mingyue, I didn't mean that, I will send her back, she will never come to City G again."

Domoto Kazuhiko compromised, and he compromised very simply.

"Hehe." Gong Mingyue chuckled, she was very dissatisfied with his handling, "Just send her back?"

Daisy's heart skipped a beat, she finally understood the difference between Gong Mingyue and other women.

Because she is aggressive and she has strength.

"Tang Ben, just sending her back will not solve the hatred in my heart."

After finishing speaking, Gong Mingyue reached out for another red cherry.

Kazuhiko Domoto was silent.

Daisy felt that Gong Mingyue's request was a bit unreasonable, after all, Domoto Jing was Domoto Kazuhiko's younger sister, and there was still an ambiguous relationship between them.

Gong Mingyue is so aggressive, Domoto Kazuhiko has already made a retreat, but she is still not satisfied.

Her behavior is bound to cause Domoto Kazuhiko to turn his face.

After all, no one can threaten someone like Kazuhiko Dangben.

"Mingyue, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Domoto Kazuhiko's answer directly shocked Daisy's jaw, he would tolerate it to such an extent.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news."

Saying that, Gong Mingyue stood up, "I still have something to deal with in the company, so I'm leaving first, thank you for the lunch, I like it very much."

"Well, as long as you like it."

After finishing speaking, Gong Mingyue took the people away.

Their lunch didn't look like a couple's date, but rather like negotiating parties.

It seems that Gong Mingyue came here just to ask for an answer from him.


"You let me out? You guys, are you **** confused? Even I dare to shut you down. You guys are tired of work, aren't you?"

Tang Benjing was locked in a small apartment, and someone was guarding the door. She could open the door, but she couldn't get out.

Since she was locked up here, she fell and beat her, and made noises and noises, but no one paid any attention to her.

They let her make trouble, as long as she didn't go out.

At this time, the house was already in a mess, and everything that could be dropped or smashed was messed up by her. Even the lunch that was delivered was thrown all over the floor by her.

"You low-class people who don't have eyes, even I dare to shut them up. After I go out, I will definitely pick out your eyes and chop off your hands."

Tang Benjing was walking around the room anxiously like a wild monkey.

Gong Mingyue, Gong Mingyue, are all this woman, if it wasn't for her, she would not be locked up here, and she would not be rejected by Kazuhiko Domoto.

When she goes out, she must make Gong Mingyue look good!

At this moment, the bodyguard at the door shouted respectfully, "Mr. Tang Ben."

Hearing this, Tang Benjing was overjoyed.

She hurriedly stroked her hair and walked towards the door.

Kazuhiko Domoto walked in with two bodyguards.

"Brother, brother, you are finally here!"

Domoto Jing happily greeted her. She wanted to hug Domoto Kazuhiko, but she was stopped by the bodyguard.

Tang Ben was stunned for a moment, then she became furious, "How dare you stop me!"

Domoto Kazuhiko ignored her, but walked past her and walked in.

When he saw the mess in the room, his eyes became colder and colder.

"Brother, it's fine to just pretend to be in front of outsiders, why are you still playing seriously. I was locked here by their gangsters, how did I suffer like this? I didn't even eat lunch?"

As soon as he talked with Domoto Kazuhiko, Domoto Jing's tone became more precise.

"not yet eat?"

Domoto Kazuhiko saw the soup and rice spilled on the ground.

"No, I feel so stuffed up that I can't eat." Domoto Jing said to Domoto Kazuhiko in a coquettish tone.

"Come here, go buy a meal."


Hearing this, Tang Benjing immediately widened her eyes happily, sure enough, he still loves her.

Tang Benjing took his arm quite proudly, "Brother, with Gong Mingyue, will you ignore me?"

Domoto Kazuhiko looked at her indifferently, and did not speak.

"It doesn't matter, brother, it doesn't matter. I know you have a plan to marry Gong Mingyue, no matter what, I will support your brother."

Tang Benjing said with affection.

"Really? No matter what I ask you to do, you will support me?" Domoto Kazuhiko asked coldly.

"Of course! Brother, since you saved my life five years ago..."

"Stop, I'm not the one who saved you."

"Oh, yes." Tang Benjing seemed to think about it, and she said again, "Yes, it's Miss Quan."

When the word "Miss Quan" was mentioned, Tang Benjing's tone was a bit smug and mocking.

After all, back then she was an orphan girl who was rescued by Quan Jinxiu, and now Quan Jinxiu is dead without a whole body, and she has suddenly turned into Domoto Kazuhiko's righteous sister, who can have this kind of glory? Who can compare with her?

"Brother, you have to trust me, no matter what, as long as it's for you, I'm willing." Tang Benjing looked eager.

She eagerly expressed her loyalty to Kazuhiko Domoto, and she wanted to let him know that in this world, no second woman would treat him so well.

I saw Kazuhiko Domoto's lips slightly hooked, and he didn't make too many expressions.

At this time, the subordinates also brought the rice.

He said, "Eat first."


After receiving the steaming meal, Tang Benjing couldn't help feeling a little proud again. Gong Mingyue wants to marry so much, right? Then she will make Gong Mingyue the second Quan Jinxiu.

Thinking of this, the complacency on her face became a bit more.

The men helped her up a chair, and she ate at the dining table.

Domoto Kazuhiko sat on the sofa, looking at her quietly.

Tang Ben Jing had a plan in mind, since he didn't like to see her deal with Gong Mingyue, well, she was obedient and just be obedient recently.

After they get engaged, let's see how she treats Gong Mingyue!

The more Tang Benjing thought about it, the more energetic she became, as if Gong Mingyue had already been taken down by her.

"Brother, I'm done eating."

She didn't eat much food, in order to maintain a good figure, she ate very little every meal, in order to have enough capital to attract Kazuhiko Domoto.

"Eat more." Domoto Kazuhiko said.

"No, I'm exhausted."

"Eat more." He said again, and there was no doubt in his tone.

Domoto Jing showed doubts, she looked at Domoto Kazuhiko in puzzlement, but seeing his irresistible gaze, she didn't dare to speak any more, but lowered her head to eat again.

After about ten minutes, she ate more than half of the meal, which had already exceeded her usual appetite.

She said pitifully to Domoto Kazuhiko, "Brother, I really can't eat anymore."


Seeing that Kazuhiko Domoto no longer forced himself, Jing Domoto immediately became happy again.

She happily walked towards Domoto Kazuhiko, wanting to get closer to him, but was stopped by his bodyguard.

Tang Ben Jingxiu frowned, these servants are really lawless, they are going to rebel!

"Let's do it." Domoto Kazuhiko leaned gently on the sofa, crossed his legs, and tilted his head to look at Domoto Jing.

"What?" Tang Benjing hadn't reacted yet.

One bodyguard held her shoulder, and another bodyguard grabbed her hand. Before Tang Benjing could resist, a white light flashed.

Suddenly, a piercing pain came.

"Ah!" Tang Benjing screamed instinctively.

Then a broken little finger fell to the ground.

When Tang Benjing saw her severed finger, her eyes widened. She yelled hysterically. She wanted to pick up her severed finger, but the bodyguard was holding her down.

"Don't, don't!"

At this moment, Domoto Kazuhiko came over, and Domoto Jing looked at him in horror, only to see that he took the white handkerchief, and calmly picked up the severed finger.


Domoto Kazuhiko raised the corners of his lips, with a wicked smile on his face, "Didn't you say that you can do anything for me?"

At this time, Domoto Jing had forgotten the pain, she stared at Domoto Kazuhiko in a daze, tears falling down uncontrollably.

Domoto Kazuhiko's big hand fell on the back of Domoto Jing's head, he leaned close to her, kissed her forehead, "Go back to the island country, and never appear in G City again, if you dare to disobey me again, next time you will lose everything It's not just a finger."

After speaking, Kazuhiko Domoto handed the handkerchief to the bodyguard.

As soon as the bodyguards let go, Tang Benjing fell directly to the floor.

She clutched her injured hand hard, the pain from the severed finger made her tremble all over.

"Take her to the hospital in two hours." Domoto Kazuhiko told his subordinates.

The longer the delay, the more her severed finger could never be restored.

Domoto Jing stared at Domoto Kazuhiko in a daze. After a long time, she said in a hoarse voice, "At the beginning you said... you said that the person you love the most in this life is me..."

"Heh, do you believe what a man says in bed?"

"Impossible! You don't love me, do you like Quan Jinxiu?"

When it comes to Quan Jinxiu, Domoto Kazuhiko seems to be stuck in another kind of memory.

He said, "I loved her."

"Hehe..." Tang Benjing laughed softly, "Why are you so cruel to me?"

"Anyone who is disobedient will be punished. This is the smallest punishment for you."

After finishing speaking, Kazuhiko Domoto left directly, and he didn't seem interested in saying anything more to her.

Tang Benjing gritted her teeth tightly, she was shivering with pain.

The piercing pain also made her understand that a vicious man like Kazuhiko Domoto should not be easily involved, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

But now, it was too late for her to regret, her incompleteness had become a fact.

But she didn't want to face it, Tang Benjing covered her hands and screamed loudly.

She always thought that Kazuhiko Domoto doted on her and loved her, but unexpectedly, when he attacked her, he was so light and flirtatious, without any mercy.

Tang Benjing only felt that she was getting colder and colder, her forehead was covered with cold sweat, her lips were pale, and the blood on her hands couldn't stop.

"Help...help me..." She asked for help at the door.

But the bodyguards outside the door didn't hear anything.