A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 4741: you are so annoying

Quan Jinxiu looked at Yan Qi with a smile, she was waiting for his answer.

Seeing her, Yan Qi's expression became much gentler. He turned his eyes away, as if he didn't want to talk more about his relationship with her.

"Mr. Yan, it seems that you really don't understand feelings, and you don't understand women."

Quan Jinxiu's casual words touched Yan Qi's pain point.

"Do you understand?" Yan Qi asked back.

"I didn't know it before, but now I know a little bit. Although I don't know much, compared to Mr. Yan, I know a lot." Quan Jinxiu said with a smile in his tone, obviously he was laughing at Yan Qi, as if to say, you Look at me, you can't.

"I've been in love, and we love each other deeply." Yan Qi said calmly, looking into the distance.

Hearing this, Quan Jinxiu's eyes widened immediately, but she didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest.

She immediately picked up her bag, and quietly moved to Yan Qi's side, it's better to get closer to gossip.

"Then what?"

"She's married. At this time, her second child is about to be born."

"Oh." Quan Jinxiu opened her mouth into an O shape.

The woman Yan Qi fell in love with actually got married and had children.

"People dumped you?"

"Yes and no."

Hearing Yan Qi's ambiguous words, Quan Jinxiu was a little confused, so she simply sat next to Yan Qi.

"Mr. Yan, tell me, and I'll give you an analysis." Look at Quan Jinxiu's EQ, she obviously wants to listen to Yan Qi's gossip, but she chooses to say "analysis", what a helpful and kind person she is ah.

Yan Qi looked at Quan Jinxiu, only to see that she was looking at him earnestly.

"You want to hear it?"

"Think!" Quan Jinxiu nodded heavily.

"Go get me a glass of water."

"Okay!" Quan Jinxiu ordered, immediately threw away the bag in her hand, and ran directly to the kitchen.

Then she quickly brought Yan Qi a glass of tap water.

Yan Qi looked at the water glass in her hand, but didn't take it.

"Can you drink the tap water here?"

"There is a purifier."

Yan Qi still didn't answer, just looked at her like that.

Quan Jinxiu cursed secretly in her heart, what a fool.

For the sake of listening to his gossip, she endured it.

Because of Yan Qi's picky character, Quan Jinxiu had no choice but to boil the water for him again.

She came to Yan Qi with a smile, "Mr. Yan, the water is boiling, you should talk first."

Seeing Quan Jinxiu's dog-legged appearance, Yan Qi lost his mood. What does she know, what can I tell her?

Yan Qi changed the posture of crossing his legs, put one hand on the sofa, looked at her calmly, and didn't speak.

Quan Jinxiu's face was about to cramp with a smile, Yan Qi, the grandson, couldn't drink water, so he probably wouldn't say anything.

"Mr. Yan, just wait a moment, the water will be ready soon. Have you had lunch? Shall I order you a takeaway?"

At this time, Quan Jinxiu's flattering appearance made Yan Qi feel good.

When she doesn't hate him, although she looks stupid, at least he won't get angry.

"Quan Jinxiu, how do you feel about Kazuhiko Domoto now?"

"Uh..." Quan Jinxiu froze for a moment, thinking he was teasing her, "Mr. Yan, you were lying to me when you said you have a lover. Look at you, you are really competitive. What is it?" They don’t want to be left behind.”

Quan Jinxiu patted her skirt, acting like I see through you, so stop pretending.

At this time, the water is also boiled.

Quan Jinxiu got up to pour water for him. Well, there is no gossip, and I have to serve him.

Quan Jinxiu put the water glass aside, and she said, "Mr. Yan, please sit here, and I will calculate the total price of these bags."

"Quan Jinxiu, if you die, what will your father do?"

Quan Jinxiu paused, she turned her head and looked at Yan Qi, "Didn't Yan Bang say that he wanted to support my father?"

She was quite indifferent.

"If Kazuhiko Domoto makes unreasonable demands, what will you do?" Yan Qi asked again.

"Unreasonable? What is unreasonable?" Quan Jinxiu didn't understand what he meant.

Yan Qi's face suddenly showed a bit of disdain, and the matter between men and women, do you need to explain it clearly?

"Oh..." Quan Jinxiu suddenly realized, "You mean having sex?"

Yan Qi sullenly did not answer the question, after all it was a little awkward for him to talk about this topic with her.

"We're all living together. When it happens, it happens. Let nature take its course." After Quan Jinxiu finished speaking, she started making arrangements again.

What she said was not bad, but why did Yan Qi's ears feel so awkward when she heard it.

"You hate him and still be with him?" Yan Qi couldn't understand her. When he forced Gao Wei back then, Gao Wei wished she could die to show her ambition.

If a woman hates a man, she will do everything in her power to resist.

But Quan Jinxiu was not. She seemed to be very casual, and she was particularly open to matters between men and women.

Quan Jinxiu looked at Yan Qi with some surprise, "Mr. Yan, I think you are also a decisive person, how can you be so hypocritical about men and women?"


Quan Jinxiu's tone was slightly contemptuous, "I can only gather evidence of his crime if I get close to him. Do you know when a man is most likely to let his guard down? That is when he is physically and mentally happy."

"I have such a good innate condition, why not use it?" Quan Jinxiu asked directly.

She always felt that what Yan Qi asked were meaningless questions.

"Do you do this to everyone? To achieve your goals, at the expense of yourself?"

Quan Jinxiu couldn't help but roll a blank look at Yan Qi, it was hypocritical.

"Mr. Yan, go ahead and do what you should do after drinking the water. The matter of men and women going to bed for a night's sleep may embarrass you. Don't tell me, you are still a virgin now."

Yan Qi's expression suddenly became ugly, "Quan Jinxiu, I'm worried about you."

"Forget it, you have no less troubles than me now, you should take more care of yourself."

See, she doesn't appreciate it.

An unknown fire rose in Yan Qi's heart, he stood up suddenly, and grabbed Quan Jinxiu's hand.

"What are you doing?" Quan Jinxiu looked at him suspiciously.

Yan Qi's eyes were fixed on her, as if he wanted to swallow her up.

"Yan Qi, what are you doing?"

After a while, Yan Qi took a deep breath, and he ruthlessly shook off Quan Jinxiu's hand.

"You do it for yourself!" After that, he strode away from her home without looking back.


Quan Jinxiu's expression was inexplicable, is he crazy? Or is it male menopause?

Quan Jinxiu looked at her red wrist, her brain was about to shut down, she had no idea what Yan Qi was doing.

She took the phone and dialed Meng Xingshen directly.

As soon as the call was connected, Quan Jinxiu complained, "Brother Xingchen, Yan Qi has been irritated. He loses his temper every now and then. If it's really not good, take him to see a psychiatrist."


Meng Xingshen was also out of luck, while he was having Yan Qi complain about Quan Jinxiu, at the same time he had to have Quan Jinxiu complain about Yan Qi. "Jinxiu, are you two arguing again? Mr. Yan is doing it for your own good, so don't keep getting mad at him." Meng Xingchen's tone was somewhat helpless.

"Brother Xingchen, why am I angry with him? It's obvious that he is meddling in his own business. Sometimes he says that I die quickly, and sometimes he says that I don't love myself. I think he just has nothing to do to make fun of it."


Don't think that she couldn't hear what he said just now.

Isn't it because she dislikes her approaching Domoto Kazuhiko and betraying her body? Look at his condescending look.

People who persuade others to be kind without suffering from others will be struck by lightning.

Quan Jinxiu also wants to be like other women, take care of her husband and children at home, and have a consummate love.

But can she do it?

She was designed by the person next to her pillow and almost died in a foreign country.

She survived the sea of ​​fire, but her child left her forever.

All they saw was her alive and well, so did they know that she had been recuperating in the hospital bed for a year before she came back to life.

Her rebirth was filled with hatred. If she did not bring Domoto Kazuhiko to justice, then she would be sorry for herself and the unborn child.

Yan Qi just stood and talked without pain in his back, and the stone didn't hit his feet, so he leisurely said sarcastic remarks.

If she doesn't get close to Kazuhiko Domoto, how can she talk about bringing him down?

"Jinxiu, Mr. Yan is also worried about your safety. He knows that you are going to approach Kazuhiko Domoto, and he has been worried about you. You also know that he is also in a lot of trouble now, but he is following you today to protect you."

"Follow me?"

"Well, since you and Kazuhiko Domoto ate at the restaurant, we have followed."


No wonder she arrived home on her front foot, and they arrived on her back foot.

Quan Jinxiu scratched her hair, "I said... can you stop following me? Thinking that they will keep staring at her in the future, it will affect her performance."

"Jinxiu, Kazuhiko Domoto is cruel, we are worried..."

"Brother Xingchen, I know him better than you. Stop following me. If Domoto Kazuhiko finds out, then all my plans will come to naught."

"And Yan Qi, you help Yan Qi deal with his matter first. Domoto Kazuhiko will not let him go easily."

"how about you?"

"Brother Xingchen, don't you know me yet? I have nine lives, I can't die."

Hearing Quan Jinxiu's words, Meng Xing fell silent.

Now he has tried all kinds of methods, but he still can't get close to Domoto Kazuhiko, and Quan Jinxiu won his trust easily.

Now the Yan family, the Mu family, and the Eagle Sect all want to bring down Kazuhiko Domoto, and Quan Jinxiu is most likely to kill him with one blow.

Meng Xingshen was worried about her, but he had to admit this fact.


"Brother Xingchen, I think Yan Qi is annoying me too, so don't mention me in front of him in the future."

"Mr. Yan, he..."

"The main reason is that I also annoy him. He has a stern face all day long, and when he speaks, he wants to reprimand others. He is like my father. I annoy him." Quan Jinxiu said impatiently.


Who wants to be surrounded by a father all day, nagging, it's really annoying.

And he has a big temper. If you say a few words to him, he will get angry.

When he got angry, Meng Xingshen advised her not to be angry with him.

Then he asked for it all, didn't he?

Quan Jinxiu has never seen anyone more annoying than Yan Qi in his life. He was the only one who had been in a relationship and loved each other deeply.

How about lying to a three-year-old?