A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 4854: Mokugi Extra (57)

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, at Xinghai Hotel."

"Mr. Zhou, you have to keep it a secret for me. Don't let Xiangyi know, I told you."

"Xianyi... She shouldn't want anyone to know."

After Zhao Sipei finished speaking, he looked away, looking embarrassed.

She said nothing, but said everything.

Zhou Sen naturally understood what she meant.

He stared at Zhao Sipei, his deep pupils shrank slightly, and then a sneer flashed across his eyes.

He hadn't known Lu Xiangyi for a long time, but he was very clear about Lu Xiangyi's petty temper.

It is impossible for Lu Xiangyi to do what Zhao Sipei hinted at, unless...

The idiot!

Most of them were deceived again!

Lu Xiangyi returned home and received a call from the casting director.

The other party claimed to be surnamed Yang, and said that Zhao Sipei had already greeted the crew, and she was waiting for her to audition tomorrow, so that the director and investors could see her acting ability.

If there is no problem, you can directly sign the contract tomorrow.

"At Xinghai Hotel at two o'clock in the afternoon." Director Yang said, "Miss Lu, see you soon."


Lu Xiangyi turned around and told her family about her audition tomorrow.

If this matter is not so simple, she needs her parents' help at critical moments, and they know where she is.

"The character introduced to you by a classmate?" Su Jianan patted her daughter's head, "Go ahead, reject it if you don't like it."

"During the audition, if those people dare to ask you too much, call Dad." Lu Boyan told her daughter, "I will be nearby tomorrow, and it only takes a few minutes to rush there.

"Remember!" Lu Xiangyi smiled sweetly and softly, "I'll call you guys tomorrow after I finish my audition."

The next day, she put on light makeup and came to Xinghai Hotel.

She and her parents have come here to attend a few receptions, but now in broad daylight, the hotel seems to be very lively.

After asking, I found out that HS Capital signed a contract with a domestic company here. The ceremony was very grand, but it is almost over now.

HS Capital, Zhou Sen!

The next second, Lu Xiangyi felt dazed again.

With so many investors in HS Capital, this is not necessarily Zhou Sen's project.

Having said that, is she going back to Huating No. 1 tonight to surprise Zhou Sen?

Thinking about it, Lu Xiangyi followed the instructions from Director Yang and walked to a small hall.

It can be seen that the small hall has just held an audition meeting, but it is now empty.

Not to mention directors and investors, not even an actor!

Could it be that she misremembered the time, wasn't it two o'clock?

"Are you Lu Xiangyi?" A middle-aged man came over, "I'm Director Yang."

"Director Yang, hello, I'm Lu Xiangyi." Lu Xiangyi nodded, "Is the audition...over?"

"No, you're the last one, you're not here to audition!" Director Yang signaled Lu Xiangyi to follow her, "I'll take you to meet the investors and the director!"

"Why am I not in this small hall?" Lu Xiangyi asked defensively, "Where are you taking me?"

"Little girl, we are a serious crew audition!" The man raised his eyebrows in displeasure, "If you think we have other plans, let's go, I won't stop! I don't know how many people are rushing for this role! "

Lu Xiangyi clenched his hands into fists and followed the man, telling himself: It's all for the role!

If they're up to no good, she'll call the police!

Through the small hall, Lu Xiangyi was brought into a suite.

Several middle-aged men were sitting on the sofa in the suite. On the coffee table in front of them was a pile of actor materials, which they were screening.

Seeing Lu Xiangyi, the men were all startled.

A man who claimed to be the director adjusted his glasses and said, "Miss Lu, someone has greeted us. As long as you perform well, this role is basically yours! Please, try a scene for us to see. "

Who greeted the director?

Zhao Sipei? Or her dad?

Lu Xiangyi faintly felt that something was wrong, so he didn't enter the suite for a long time.

The director exchanged a glance with the investor, and said, "Well, you can try a drinking scene directly, don't close the door."

"Drink?" Lu Xiangyi clutched his bag tightly, "Do you really want to drink?"

"Of course it's white water instead of wine!" The investor smiled, "little girl, we are working, don't be so nervous. The effect of your trial is not good, we can't sign a contract with you, and we can't talk to you. Our people explain it!"

Lu Xiangyi breathed a sigh of relief, and took the wine glass handed over by the casting director, "Okay." Perhaps, she was just thinking too much.

At this time, Zhou Sen, who had finished the cooperation signing ceremony, called his assistant Xu Huai'an.

Xu Huaian has been staring at Lu Xiangyi since the moment she stepped into the sea of ​​stars.

He told Zhou Sen truthfully: "Miss Lu was brought into a room, and there were four or five men in the room!"

"Which room?" Zhou Sen's voice was low, but his expression didn't change at all.

"1003!" Xu Huai'an also lowered his voice, "When I came down, the door was still open, and Miss Lu seemed to have already started her audition."

Lu Xiangyi, that idiot, probably thought that as long as the door was open, she would be safe.

Don't even think about it, there are four or five men in the room!

As long as half a man has thoughts about her, that place is a wolf's den to her!

"Mr. Zhou, do you want to go there? When are you going to go?" Seeing that Zhou Sen was unmoved, Xu Huai'an asked again, "Or, do you want those old fellows to scare Miss Lu?"

Zhou Sen did have this idea in the first place, so that Lu Xiangyi could remember it long.

But she is so timid... She is so scared once, she doesn't know how many nights she will have nightmares.

"Sorry everyone, excuse me!"

Zhou Sen walked towards the elevator entrance.

Xu Huai'an followed Zhou Sen, knocked and handed Zhou Sen a room card, "This is the room that the company opened for you in case you drank too much, 2008!"

Zhou Sen took a deep look at Xu Huai'an and walked into the elevator.

Xu Huai'an stood outside with the attitude of a loyal dog, waving at Zhou Sen, "Mr. Zhou, I won't go up with you, come on!"

The elevator door closed without hesitation and went up floor by floor.

In room 1003, Lu Xiangyi was holding a glass of "White Water".

She had already had a drink just now for the audition, but the director felt that she was not in the right state and asked her to do it again.

There was a strange sweet taste in her mouth.

She looked at the colorless and odorless liquid in the glass, "Director, is this really just water? I can't drink."

Several men chuckled a few times.

You all came here to audition, and you said you don't know how to drink?

Taking a step back, how can a person who can't drink drink get into the entertainment industry?

But this little girl looks really pure, no wonder Zhao Sipei repeatedly told her that she needs them to take care of her.

They promise to take good care of such a beautiful little girl!

"Don't worry, the boiled water came, maybe some sugar was added." The casting director waved his hand, "You're almost done with the performance, we can call it a day."

"Miss Lu, the door is open!" Another person said, "If we want to do something to you, will we leave the door open like this?"

If the door wasn't open, Lu Xiangyi would have slipped away long ago!

She was not in a hurry to drink what was in the glass, but took a deep sniff.

At this moment, her wrist was grasped by a bony hand.

A familiar, warm figure enveloped her.

She was taken aback for a moment, and she immediately went into a play, "Zhou Sen? Why are you here?"

Zhou Sen snatched the wine glass from Lu Xiangyi's hand, put it between his lips and nose, sniffed it, and threw it to the ground hard, his sharp eyes swept towards the surprised-looking men.

The casting director recognized Zhou Sen, "President Zhou of HS Capital!"

HS Capital wanted to invest in entertainment projects in China, so many media and performing arts companies were staring at Zhou Sen, and countless people were looking for various relationships just to meet Zhou Sen and gain the favor of HS Capital.

It is normal for the casting director to know Zhou Sen.

Several directors and investors stood up and looked at Zhou Sen cautiously, "Mr. Zhou, do you know Miss Lu?"

Zhou Sen tightly gripped Lu Xiangyi's wrist, "What did you drink for her?"


No one dared to answer.

If possible, they would rather not give Lu Xiangyi a drink!

Lu Xiangyi looked at Zhou Sen, and a double image suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. She seemed to see two Zhou Sen.

She touched Zhou Sen's face, "Aren't you alone? How did you become two people?"

Zhou Sen looked at Lu Xiangyi, then turned his murderous eyes to the director, "Say!"

"Miss Lu will faint for a while at most..." the director said with a trembling voice, "Don't worry, the things will not harm Miss Lu's body. She will recover in an hour or two."

Zhou Sen couldn't believe that these people were so kind.

He narrowed his eyes, "She will only faint for a while?"

The director wanted to stick his head into the carpet, "She might... be a little excited."

Lu Xiangyi could no longer hear their words clearly, she looked at Zhou Sen dependently, "I seem to be a little uncomfortable."

Zhou Sen wanted to kill the men in the house.

They dared to open the door because they knew that Lu Xiangyi would lose self-control in the future.

But now, Lu Xiangyi is more important than killing people.

He hugged Lu Xiangyi with a gentle voice, "What's wrong?"

Lu Xiangyi moved back and forth in Zhou Sen's arms, "I can't tell..."

Zhou Sen looked at her deeply, "Then don't talk about it, I will take you away." If she said it, he might not be able to bear it.

Lu Xiangyi took out his mobile phone and started typing.

Zhou Sen thought she was searching for her symptoms, and said, "Stop searching, I know what's wrong with you."

"Oh, no!" Lu Xiangyi rubbed Zhou Sen's chest, "I'll send a message to my parents so they won't worry about me."

Zhou Sen carried Lu Xiangyi into the elevator, pressed the 20th floor, and said in a deep voice, "Don't mess around!"

After Lu Xiangyi finished sending the message, he put his phone into Zhou Sen's chest pocket, squinted his eyes and smiled at him.

She didn't know how seductive she was when she smiled like this.

Zhou Sen took a deep breath, "Don't laugh like that."

Lu Xiangyi looked ignorant, "What will happen if you smile like this? Zhou Sen, why is your face a little red?" She held Zhou Sen's face as if she had discovered some miracle and exclaimed, "Your neck is also red !"

PS, see you guys next week