A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 5133: Miki Bangai (300)

When the call ends, the phone automatically returns to the dialing page.

Lu Xiangyi blinked and sent a message to his brother: "You just can't afford it!"

Lu Xiyu didn't even reply.

He has always been so cool since he was a child, and Lu Xiangyi is used to it.

But today, she was still a little puzzled, so she said into her mobile phone: "Brother, you can't even listen to this kind of talk. How will you fall in love in the future? What kind of person do you need to meet before you can fall in love?" She was really worried. My brother will be single for the rest of his life!

Yi Huanhuan answered Lu Xiangyi's question, "I think only the kind of person who can conquer your brother at first sight can arouse your brother's interest in falling in love."

"What would that be like?" Lu Xiangyi couldn't imagine it.

Yi Huanhuan couldn't imagine it and said, "When you meet your brother, won't you have the answer?"

They have said similar things before.

Now it seems that all we can do is wait.

Soon, Lu Xiangyi turned his attention back to Zhou Sen's matters.

Zhou Sen sent a signal to meet.

What is the signal? Can he, his brother, and the others meet and exchange information smoothly?

Yi Huanhuan saw Lu Xiangyi's worry and said, "Xiangyi, go to bed early. You will have training all day tomorrow. Your brother and the others are responsible for matters in country M."

Lu Xiangyi knew that no matter how deeply worried she was, it would not help.

She nodded and went to take a shower.

Country M.

Lu Xiyu didn't reply to Xiangyi's message because he couldn't care less.

HS Capital sent out a new message, saying that it would hold a celebration reception for the newly appointed CEO at a five-star hotel.

This semi-public occasion was a perfect opportunity for them to meet Zhou Sen.

Of course, they cannot meet in public.

They want to enter the hotel and meet Zhou Sen secretly.

It is easy for them to enter any hotel in country M.

The difficulty is, how can they avoid being discovered by Jason during their subsequent meeting with Zhou Sen?

Lu Xiyu, Mu Nian, and Su Yinuo gathered in the apartment, frowning and thinking of a solution.

Finally, Nian Nian came up with an idea.

After finishing speaking, he looked very proud and accomplished, "If Jason still finds out like this, I'll call him grandpa!"

After Lu Xiyu and Su Yinuo heard this, they looked at each other.

This idea... is a bit ridiculous but very Mu Nian!

Just in case Xin An finds out...

Nian Nian narrowed her eyes dangerously, "If Xin An finds out, I will kill you two!"

Su Yinuo laughed, "Are you sure you won't be killed by Xin'an first?"

This is... very possible!

Mu Nian said angrily: "Then don't let Xin'an know that I'm with Zhou Sen just for Xiangyi!"

Lu Xiyu turned around his cell phone, "Successful, I'll keep it a secret for you. If the secret is revealed, I'll let Xin'an kill you to sacrifice to heaven."

Mu Nian's face was full of question marks.

He came up with a genius idea. Not only would he get nothing, but he might also get ripped off?

Lu Xiyu is really inhumane when he meets this guy!

Su Yinuo edited a message and told his family about their idea.

He specifically emphasized: This was Niannian’s idea!

The adults in the family responded unanimously. They think this method is feasible, but they must not let Xin An know!

As the day passed and it was getting late, Lu Xi met the three people and acted according to the plan.

Lu Xiyu and Niannian entered the hotel early and stayed in a suite.

Su Yinuo stayed outside, responsible for ensuring the safety of Xi Yu and Nian Nian and eliminating traces of their entry and exit from the hotel.

He wanted to make sure that even if Jason became suspicious and investigated in the future, he would never be able to find out that just tonight, Zhou Sen had an encounter with them in this hotel.

At seven o'clock sharp, Zhou Sen was driven to the door of the hotel in a luxury business car.

Two Westerners wearing cheap black suits who looked like bodyguards got out of the car first, and then opened the door for Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen got out of the car, his tall posture and outstanding temperament immediately attracted many admiring glances.

Compared with half a month ago, he has not changed much, except that his eyes are calmer and his handsome outline has become more sharp, making people aware of his ambition.

Jason likes this subtle change.

Of course, because he knew Jason would like it, he "changed" it specifically to show it to Jason.

For half a month, he lived under Jason's 360-degree surveillance.

Jason knew everything he said and did throughout the day, even what he ate for three meals and what time he went to bed and got up.

So, let alone contacting other people, he couldn't even make his own voice.

However, he is in no hurry.

Because the top priority is to gain Jason's trust.

He completely gave up his privacy and accepted Jason's surveillance while handling the affairs of HS Capital.

Huang Fuya called him on official business and called his office at HS Capital, but he didn't answer the phone.

Jason asked him why, and he replied that compared with what his father left behind, his small company in City A was not worth mentioning.

He also told Jason that a small company was not enough for him to compete with the Lu family, but the things his father left behind might be.

He showed full desire for the things his father left behind; he showed hatred for the Lu family.

Jason would love this.

Sure enough, half a month later, Jason handed over HS Capital to him.

Although Jason didn't mention anything about the things his father left behind, he knew the mystery was about to be revealed.

Despite this, he was still in no hurry and never rushed Jason, but just followed his arrangements.

Today's celebration party was Jason's idea. He knew that Jason wanted to test him, but he still came without any hesitation.

There were two bodyguards in tandem, one leading Zhou Sen into the hotel and the other keeping an eye on Zhou Sen.

Since Zhou Sen returned to HS Capital, these two people have been around him.

Everyone in the company felt strange. Zhou Sen solved everyone's doubts with a joke and said, "Jason was worried that I would run away."

Slowly, everyone became accustomed to this and even believed Zhou Sen's joke.

Jason was very satisfied with Zhou Sen's performance and sent Ellie back to city A.

Ai Li's mission is to keep an eye on the Lu family.

He wanted to make sure that there was no movement from the Lu family during this period.

If Zhou Sen leaked his and Kang Ruicheng's secrets to the Lu family before coming back, his plan of more than ten years would be ruined.

He will never allow such a thing to happen!

Therefore, he has to keep an eye on the Lu family and also monitor Zhou Sen.

But tonight, his surveillance of Zhou Sen will be looser.

Zhou Sen wants to contact others, and there are plenty of opportunities tonight.

Of course, if Zhou Sen seizes the opportunity tonight, then he will not have any chance in the future, and he will never know what his father left behind.

Everything will be decided tonight!

At this moment, Jason did not expect that his fate would be judged by others on this night.

From a distance, he saw Zhou Sen walking in under the "escort" of two bodyguards. Jason took his wife Livia to the door of the banquet hall to greet Zhou Sen in person.

Zhou Sen was dressed in a gray suit and looked dashing, giving him the aura of the company's top decision-maker.

As soon as he entered the banquet hall, he was greeted with a burst of applause and waves of congratulations.

Jason thinks highly of him, and his colleagues in the company also trust him very much.

Seeing this, Jason became even more relieved and said, "Zhou Sen, I feel relieved to leave the company to you!"

Livia also looked very touched, "If your mother knew that you have grown up so well after more than 20 years, she would be very happy!"

Zhou Sen hugged Jason and his wife politely, "Thank you."

Jason knocked on the champagne glass and announced that the reception had officially begun. The protagonist tonight was Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen was holding a glass of wine while socializing with his colleagues. There was no hint that he had any other thoughts tonight.

In the second half, someone asked Zhou Sen: "Zhou, when will I hear the good news about you and Ellie?"

The news that Zhou Sen will marry Ai Li has been sent back to the Country M headquarters from the City A branch.

The board of directors appointed Zhou Sen as the company's CEO, which made many people believe that the news was true.

Zhou Sen replied very formulaically: "I'm looking forward to it too."

Colleagues chased after me, "Zhou, will there ever be such a day?"

Zhou Sen still does Tai Chi with his colleagues, "I hope there will be."

When his colleagues heard what he said, they politely stopped asking any more questions.

Jason and Livia's eyes both showed worry.

Livia pulled her husband aside and said, "I feel that Zhou Sen is only interested in the things his father left behind. He still doesn't like Ellie. The person in his heart may still be the Lu Xiangyi. Jason, what should we do? what to do?"

She is an Oriental, with black hair and fair skin, extremely well maintained, and her sad face looks very moving.

Jason comforted his wife softly, "It doesn't matter! The drug... is about to be successfully developed. We must control Zhou Sen, otherwise the things left in Kangrui City will not be used by us, and they will have no meaning to us. So, if Ai If Li can't attract Zhou Sen, then...use medicine on him!"

Livia's face turned pale slightly, "...wouldn't the medicine hurt Zhou Sen?"

Jason obviously didn't care, "But it will also allow Zhou Sen to be used by us. The most important thing is that our daughter's wish for many years can be realized."

After weighing it for a moment, Livia finally nodded in agreement.

They did this for Zhou Sen's benefit.

The Lu family will not accept Zhou Sen. He is obsessed with Lu Xiangyi and will only fall into endless pain.

Their family completely accepts Zhou Sen's life experience and the flaws in his almost perfect image.

Therefore, only by falling in love with Ellie and taking over HS Capital can he live the rest of his life well.

The things his father left behind could help him achieve all his goals, and they could help them achieve all their goals.

As long as they control Zhou Sen, they will have what Kangrui City left behind.

By then, both they and Zhou Sen can live an extremely free and wealthy life.

Tonight, they will give Zhou Sen a chance.

If Zhou Sen had second thoughts, he would definitely contact others, and they would create an accident except Zhou Sen, and then blame the Lu family.

If Zhou Sen has no problem, if he is really like what he has shown these days, eager to have everything his father left behind, and wants to use the power left by his father to avenge the Lu family...

They told him what his father had left behind...