A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 5260: The mainland demon king has met his oppo

The conversation between Lu Xiyu and Zhou Sen was interrupted by Xiao Yang who suddenly arrived.

Xiao Yang specially brought a mobile phone to Zhou Sen and said, "Ms. Huang asked me to bring it. She said that she needs to contact you for many things at work. It's convenient for you. Please call her back as soon as possible."

"Got it, thank you."

When Zhou Sen said this, the first person to contact was Xiangyi.

Before the doctor came to treat his wound, he sent Xiangyi a WeChat message.

He wanted to see how anxious Lu Xiyu was.

If he entrusts Xiangyi, it means that he doesn't want to wait any longer, then...

He can put forward any conditions to Young Master Lu!

Lu Xiangyi, a simple little sheep, was still wondering why Zhou Sen rejected his brother, but a message from Zhou Sen popped up on WeChat.

She looked at the long-lost little red dot and suddenly felt the urge to cry...

In the past, ordinary things like sending WeChat messages were a luxury for them.

Fortunately, Zhou Sen passed this level.

When Zhou Sen comes back, they can be together as before.

Although he was happy, Lu Xiangyi did not forget his brother's entrustment.

She tried to ask Zhou Sen: "Why are you not willing to transfer Fu Ya to Country M? It was you who told Mark that Fu Ya was having an affair with my brother, so the two of them were connected..."

Zhou Sen smiled happily, "What did your brother tell you?"

Lu Xiangyi sold his brother immediately, "He said you refused to transfer Fu Ya to Country M. Let me tell you!"

Young Master Lu, are you really in such a hurry?

Does he want to negotiate terms with him directly?

Unfortunately, he was in no hurry.

Besides, he hasn’t thought of the terms yet!

Zhou Sen replied: "Xiangyi, it's not that I don't want to. Just leave this matter alone. Your brother doesn't expect you to come to me, so I will agree."

Lu Xiangyi was startled.

She suddenly realized that her brother and Zhou Sen were testing each other with their own agendas!

Not knowing their tricks, it would be best for her not to wade into muddy waters.

She then told her brother directly, and Zhou Sen also rejected her.

Lu Xiyu: Got it.

Lu Xiangyi: You don’t seem too disappointed?

Lu Xiyu: You are a useless card.

Lu Xiangyi:…

Lu Xiyu kept his word and took a photo of Zhou Sen's wound and sent it to Lu Xiangyi.

At this time, Su Yinuo brought the doctor.

The doctor looked at Zhou Sen's wound and said, "This is a bit too deep. It needs debridement and suturing. Let the nurse debridement and anesthesia first."

The process of debridement was naturally quite painful, but Zhou Sen didn't even frown.

This was the last pain, he could bear it.

Besides, there is another interesting thing waiting for him next.

After debridement and anesthesia, the doctor gave Zhou Sen stitches.

Zhou Sen took Lu Xiyu to divert his attention, and suddenly said: "I told Fu Ya that you should come and talk to me about this matter, but..."

He imitated Lu Xiyu's moves to whet Xiangyi's appetite and paused deliberately.

Lu Xiyu narrowed his eyes, "What did you say? She also mentioned this to you?"

Zhou Sen moved his eyebrows, said nothing, and looked at Lu Xiyu.

He could probably only see this kind of urgent, yet completely dignified and self-possessed look in Lu Xiyu.

Very pleasing to the eye!

"Zhou Sen, let me ask you -" Lu Xiyu confirmed, "Did Fu Ya propose to you that she would come to Country M to take charge of the merger?"

"She has brought it up to me a long time ago, and my answer to her is: I will only talk to you about this matter." Zhou Sen said calmly, "I haven't decided how to talk to you yet. But, you and Fu Ya, you are quite right."

Lu Xiyu snorted coldly, looking as cold as possible.

Only he knew that his chest was heating up and swelling...

Ai Li attacked Xiang Yi on the plane and gave him an excuse to bring down HS Capital.

In fact, even if Ellie didn't commit this stupidity, he would still be looking for an opportunity to give HS Capital to Zhou Sen.

For the sake of convenience, Zhou Sen will set up the company's headquarters in city A, but the foundation of HS Capital is in country M.

Zhou Sen naturally needs a right-hand assistant to stay in country M for a while to integrate the business.

His ultimate goal is to let Huang Fuya stay in country M.

Lu Xiyu didn't know if he was making plans for the future if he was like this. He only knew that it had to be this way so that he and Huang Fuya could have a future.

Before this, he always thought that Huang Fuya was very Buddhist about their future and didn't think too much about it.

It turned out that she had also thought about it.

She was thinking the same thing as him.

Whether they are worthy or not, he knows.

Therefore, his attention was focused on the first half of Zhou Sen's sentence.

No matter what conditions Zhou Sen puts forward, he will negotiate with him!

At this point, the stitches are finished and the doctor has to cut the sutures.

Lu Xiyu suddenly said: "Doctor, I'm coming."

The doctor knew who Lu Xiyu was and didn't dare to refuse. Not only did he hand the scissors to him, but he also went out consciously.

Zhou Sen looked confident, stretching his long legs on the hospital bed, "Xi Yu, you wouldn't threaten me like this, would you? Even Xiangyi wouldn't use such childish tricks."

Lu Xiyu cut off Zhou Sen's sutures properly and asked Xiao Yang to go to his car to get a new set of clothes.

Finally, he said calmly: "I am telling you that I am sincere in negotiating terms with you. In the past few days, you have told me your terms. Zhou Sen, it is true that I am sincere, It’s also true that I don’t have a lot of patience.”

"The cut is good, the length is just right." Zhou Sen smiled with satisfaction, and then changed the subject, "I can see that, but Xi Yu, you may still have to be more patient."

Lu Xiyu: "..."

"I told you such a detailed matter, have you guessed Fu Ya's thoughts?" Zhou Sen added, "I'm not going too far, right? Don't forget, you came to my company to pick up Xiangyi at the end of last year - that Your attitude towards me then was much worse than my attitude towards you now."

Lu Xiyu knew that Zhou Sen remembered the account at that time.

He smiled faintly and said, "I'll wait for you."

Not to mention Xiao Yang, Su Yinuo was also surprised.

Although they didn't quite know what Lu Xiyu and Zhou Sen were talking about, it was clear that Lu Xiyu, the big devil, had met his match.

At least in this round with Zhou Sen, he didn't win.

For Huang Fuya!

Su Yinuo and Xiao Yang knew this very well.

Xiao Yang even wanted to gossip with Miss Huang...

Lu Xiyu's cold eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Yang, "Don't say a word, do you understand me clearly?"

Xiao Yang was shocked, "Master Xiyu, are you... able to read minds?" He handed the clothes to Zhou Sen.

Zhou Sen changed his clothes and several people left the hospital together.

When they walked to the emergency room, a sound of crying attracted their attention.

Lu Xiyu had never been interested in watching this kind of thing, but today he stopped...

He knows both the crying woman and the expressionless man...