A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 5340: I need you (2)

Huang Fuya opened the door and ran out when she was greeted by two beams of bright light.

It came from a sports car.

Under the night, the black supercar was approaching like a roaring beast.

The light was too strong and Huang Fuya couldn't see clearly the person in the driver's seat.

But it didn't matter. He intuitively felt that it was Lu Xiyu and ran towards the car.

The moment people and cars meet, the sports car stops.

The person in the driver's seat was really Lu Xiyu.

It was the first time Huang Fuya was so happy, the first time she wanted to hold Lu Xiyu in her arms and cry out loud.

But she had no time to vent her emotions. Before Lu Xiyu could speak, she rolled directly onto the passenger seat.

Lu Xiyu had the leisure to tease her, "My skills are pretty good."

Huang Fuya put on her seat belt and said, "Quickly, there are a lot of them."

The sports car kept making noisy noise, and slowly backed away handsomely.

At this time, Jack came out with his people, but they also couldn't see clearly who was in the driver's seat.

They only know that if Huang Fuya is not caught today, she will definitely call the police when she returns.

They really stole the chicken but lost the rice!

"Go after them!"

As soon as Jack finished his sentence, his men all went to look for the car.

Huang Fuya looked at Lu Xiyu subconsciously—

Once a fight breaks out, she can protect herself with Lu Xiyu's cover.

The problem is that there are so many people on the other side, can Lu Xiyu beat them?

Lu Xiyu reversed the car gracefully, "Don't be afraid, there are more of us."

"Did you bring someone here?" Huang Fuya suddenly became excited and said eagerly, "Lend me to use them, I have to teach them a lesson!"

The sports car backed out of the small road and stopped on the slightly wider road outside.

Lu Xiyu motioned to Huang Fuya to look around and said, "They are all your people, just give me orders."

In the dilapidated old neighborhood, the houses are almost dark.

On both sides of the road in the dark night, a row of off-road vehicles were parked neatly.

All the car lights suddenly came on, and one strong young man got out of the car neatly.

Without exception, these young people all appear to have explosive fighting prowess.

Jack chased him out in his car and realized something was wrong. He hurriedly tried to back up, but was blocked by an off-road vehicle.

He wanted to take the risk of breaking out of the siege, but the way forward was also blocked.

He asked Huang Fuya to be brought here because it was remote enough that he could do bad things without anyone noticing.

But he never dreamed that he would be beaten so hard that the sky and the earth would not respond.

Huang Fuya was sitting in the car, listening to the screams of a group of people, but she was indifferent.

Lu Xiyu tapped his beautiful and slender knuckles on the steering wheel, looking even enjoying it.

They have the same taste in punishing those who do harm to them.

Lu Xiyu handed the phone to Huang Fuya, "There was no bump at all."

Huang Fuya looked surprised, "You also helped me get my phone back?"

"By the way." Lu Xiyu seemed to be getting weaker and weaker when he heard the shouts of Jack's group, and then said, "That's almost it."

Huang Fuya said "Yeah" and said, "Save some energy for them, I still have something to ask them."

"Are you going to ask or should I go?" Lu Xiyu knew what Huang Fuya wanted to ask, "If you don't want to see them, I can ask it for you."

Huang Fuya is good at making choices, "You go with me!"

Lu Xiyu smiled, opened the car door, and signaled that his people could stop.

Jack and his men were beaten with bruises and bruises on their noses and faces. Although they were all superficial injuries, they were still in pain for ten days and a half.

Seeing Lu Xiyu, Jack looked at Huang Fuya in disbelief.

Huang Fuya kept half a meter away from him, "Who is the person who contacted you and paid you? You only need to tell me a name."

Jack gritted his teeth, as if he didn't intend to speak.

He was sure that even if he didn't say anything, Lu Xiyu wouldn't dare to kill them.

Huang Fuya retreated to Lu Xiyu and whispered, "I need to know who is taking the lead so that this matter can be resolved."

Lu Xiyu walked over, picked the wound where Jack felt the most pain, and applied force on it.

While doing such a cruel thing, there was no expression on his handsome face as he commanded calmly.

"Answer the questions. Otherwise, I'll have the police come over and question you."

"You and your friends don't want to see the police, right?"

Jack wailed miserably, "It's Sam!"

Lu Xiyu asked Huang Fuya with his eyes if she had any other questions.

Huang Fuya shook her head, "Just know a name."

On the way back to the apartment, Huang Fuya read Sam's information.

He is an old employee of hs capital and has a good relationship with his former boss Jan.

No wonder he was willing to come out against her.

Unfortunately, she is also quite good at making a show of force.

Sam was so aggressive, she just had to press him down hard, and the rest of the work would go smoothly.

After hearing Huang Fuya's plan, Lu Xiyu pondered for a moment and said, "Are you not afraid at all?"

Such a scary thing happened, but she still thought about how to solve the problem.

Even when she saw him, she didn't show any weakness.

She even climbed directly into the sports car...

"The time when I was scared has passed!" Huang Fuya said with great effort, "I just found out that there was something wrong with the taxi driver, and when I was in that dilapidated house, I was very scared...Xi Yu, you want to know who I am? When did you stop being afraid?"

"Uh-huh." Lu Xiyu asked, "When?"

"When I ran out and felt that the person in the sports car was you!"

From that moment on, Huang Fuya's thinking changed to how to solve the problem instead of being afraid.

Because she knew that she would be fine once Lu Xiyu came.

When her last words fell, they just returned to the apartment downstairs.

Entering the elevator, Lu Xiyu touched Huang Fuya's head and said, "It's hard to feel accomplished when you are your boyfriend."

Huang Fuya said bluntly, "You don't need me to cry in your arms to get a sense of accomplishment!"

This is true.

Lu Xiyu didn't tell Huang Fuya that when she changed her posture and cried in his arms, he still felt very accomplished.

After entering the apartment, Huang Fuya called Zhou Sen first.

Zhou Sen didn't expect such a bad thing to happen, "How are you? Are you injured?"

Huang Fuya was in the apartment that Lu Xiyu helped her decorate. Everything around her made her feel comfortable and peaceful.

And the person who made her feel at ease was by her side.

Inexplicably, she felt scared at this moment and said, "Fortunately, Xi Yu came in time and nothing happened to me."

Zhou Sen pondered for a moment and said in a serious tone, "Give me some time, I will deal with this matter."


Huang Fuya hung up the phone, walked to Lu Xiyu, looked at him eagerly and said, "Don't leave tonight, please stay, okay? I need you..."