A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 5382: She never regrets breaking up (2)

Lu Xiyu never lacked courage.

Pride, many times he doesn't care that much.

But again and again, it makes no sense.

As soon as they broke up, Huang Fuya's life got back on track.

Even when faced with the blow of the death of a relative, when she was in pain and had no one around her, she did not regret breaking up with him, and was even glad that she broke up with him.

He puts aside his pride and musters up his courage...what's the point?

Lu Boyan patted his son on the shoulder, "Xi Yu, our family will definitely support every decision you make, but we don't want you to regret it in the future. Go to bed early and good night."

Before falling asleep, Lu Xiyu asked himself -

Will he regret it in the future?

If he hadn't heard what Huang Fuya said three months ago. If he didn't see her going upstairs with Yu Zhou today... he might regret it in the future. ??

But now, his answer is no.

Huang Fuya will not regret it.

She was right, they would all meet new people and have new choices.

She has already started to choose.

He should at least let her go.

the next day.

When Huang Fuya woke up, she felt as if she had been exposed to the sun for a long time in the desert.

After brushing her teeth, she drank a large glass of water.

This is what a hangover does.

In the past, she simply liked to relax with a drink after a busy day.

She never thought that one day, she would get drunk again and again for a man.

But considering that the man was Lu Xiyu, everything seemed reasonable again.

She had a hundred reasons to forgive herself for getting drunk at night, but she didn't allow herself to make any mistakes in her work during the day.

So while taking a shower, she had already started sorting out today's work content.

Only then did she feel that the place where she was hit yesterday was very painful and her waist was twisted.


When she went downstairs, she held her waist.

When the property management aunt saw her, she took out a box of plaster and said, "If you don't mind, put it on to relieve some pain first!"

"Thank you, auntie! Why would I dislike it?" Huang Fuya smiled, "I'll stick it when I get to the car."

The aunt smiled and said, "I picked this up from the trash can! But don't worry, it's very clean!"

"...No matter what, thank you auntie!"

After Huang Fuya got in the car, she put the medicine on her waist. After the ointment was heated, the pain was immediately relieved.

The effect of the medicine is quite good!

Out of curiosity, she looked through it.

The date is very new and the ointment is not cheap.

Who is so wealthy that he throws away whole boxes?

As soon as Huang Fuya arrived at the company, Yu Zhou came to the office to find her.

Yu Zhou was all smiles, "Director Huang, get ready for the meeting! By the way, are you feeling uncomfortable getting up today? I wanted to send you upstairs last night, my dear, just kick me out of the elevator!"

Huang Fuya took the information and said, "I didn't wait for you to go upstairs before kicking you down. I was already very friendly to you."

"I bought the wine yesterday!" Yu Zhou suggested, "Why don't you treat me to dinner during the Mid-Autumn Festival? We are all alone, so we can celebrate the festival together to make it more lively!"

Huang Fuya smiled softly, "I don't like the excitement."

"I quite like the excitement! If I have the opportunity to give you a try, maybe you will change your mind!"

Yu Zhou was not hit at all.

On the contrary, Huang Fuya's attitude made him find it very challenging.

He is a person who is willing to accept challenges, so he doesn't mind at all that Huang Fuya's predecessor is like Lu Xiyu.

Huang Fuya simply ignored him.

During the meeting, Yu Zhou behaved well and showed full professionalism and excellence.

This also resulted in Huang Fuya not being able to truly hate him.

After the meeting, Huang Fuya received a call from Huang Zhenrong, asking her if she would be home for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Huang Zhenrong knew that Huang Fuya would refuse, so he said, "Yaya, if you don't want to go home, dad can go to City A to spend time with you."

"Mid-Autumn Festival...I have plans." Huang Fuya just didn't want to meet her father, "Dad, if nothing happens, I'll hang up first."

"Wait!" Huang Zhenrong said hesitantly, "Yaya, I heard that Lu Xiyu returned to China? Did you make an appointment with him?"

Huang Fuya said softly, "Of course not."

Huang Zhenrong sighed, "Yaya, it's a rare opportunity. Meeting someone like this in Lu Xi is even more rare than an opportunity. Dad hopes you can seize it."

"We're done." Huang Fuya tried her best to act calm.

"Yaya, are you really..." Huang Zhenrong confirmed, "Do you really not regret breaking up with him? You obviously love him very much! I know that you went to Y City for three months to forget Lu Xiyu, why do you have to Do you want to force yourself like this?"

"Dad, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

Huang Fuya closed her eyes, then opened them after a while, looking at the big tree outside the window.

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow in patches, and they will fall off when the autumn wind blows.

But in spring, they will sprout again.

Huang Fuya does not regret breaking up with Lu Xiyu.

She was indeed lucky that she broke up with him at the beginning of the year.

At that time, if she was hesitant and reluctant to let go, and later her mother was diagnosed with cancer, she would definitely not be able to break up.

She could completely imagine how caring Lu Xiyu would be to accompany her through those three months.

He would also take care of her mother's last journey.

Finally, he understood

How to comfort her.

He would be with her through all the dark moments.

How to break up with her afterward?

She will be reluctant to let him go and love him even more.

She might even think of crazy ways to make Lu Xiyu fall in love with her too.

Then, confess your shortcomings to him, and use your morality to kidnap him to make a compassionate and righteous choice.

This is so selfish.

If she couldn't be such a selfish person and still broke up, she and Lu Xi would be a thousand times more painful than they were at the beginning of the year.

So she doesn't regret it, she even feels lucky.

Huang Fuya's cell phone vibrated slightly again.

This time, it's good news.

Lu Xiangyi sent a link, which was an electronic invitation to the movie premiere.

Followed by several text messages

"Fuya, I want to invite you to my first movie premiere!"

"You must come~ This is my first movie. I hope all my family and friends can come to the premiere!"

"I love you with all my heart."

If Lu Xiyu had not returned to China, Huang Fuya would probably agree directly.

But now...she has concerns.

She thought for a while and replied, "Is your brother going?"

Lu Xiangyi, will you stop coming just because my brother is here? Then I won’t invite him. Come on, I’d rather you come!

Huang Fuya didn't understand why Lu Xiyu occasionally called Xiangyi stupid?

Lu Xiangyi is obviously a good person, and his words and deeds are impeccable!

She's already like this, it would be rude if she refused again.

Huang Fuya had no choice but to reply, "No, I'm just asking, don't say anything to your brother. I will be there on time on the day of the premiere."

"Babys, the new generation will be updated tomorrow. There are always treasures in the group to remind you~"