A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu

v2 Chapter 5543: He likes his sister

Lu Xiyu didn't pay attention to angles at all, and his face was quarrelsome in front of the camera.

However, this does not affect his enjoyment at all.

A man with no blind spots at 360 degrees,

How charming!

Huang Fuya looked at him dreamingly, "You don't know how much I want to get into the computer and hug you right now!"

Lu Xiyu raised the corners of his lips, "It seems that you really don't feel uncomfortable anymore."

Is Huang Fuya not feeling uncomfortable anymore?

When she thought that Li Muqing would never bother her again, her mood was so good that she soared!

Lu Xiyu then said, "I have something to tell you—someone confessed to me."

"Huh?" Huang Fuya raised her head, "Who is it? When did it happen?"

Lu Xiyu was sure that he saw it right - Huang Fuya's eyes were full of gossip and excitement, without any worry or anger.

So, the emotional person became him.

Lu Xiyu snorted softly, "When I asked you to film "Code of Foreign Love" for me."

Huang Fuya also asked at that time, why did Lu Xiyu suddenly want the photo? Did he violate any clause?

It turns out that he used it to reject other people's confessions? Doesn't he think this kind of thing is childish?

Huang Fuya felt excited just thinking about it, and asked, "After seeing "The Code", what was the reaction of the person who confessed to you? By the way, is she your type?"

Lu Xiyu squinted his eyes, ignored the first question, and said unhurriedly, "She is a girl with long hair and big eyes. She has a lot of personality. It is said that when she was in high school in China, she was the beauty of their school."

Huang Fuya's enthusiasm for gossip was suddenly extinguished by more than half...

Why does Lu Xiyu seem to be so impressed by others?

She reconfirmed “Is she your type?”

She had confidence in herself and also believed in Lu Xiyu.


The long distance will bring some sense of crisis, she needs to confirm!

Seeing her uneasiness, Lu Xiyu felt relieved and said quietly, "No."

Huang Fuya breathed a sigh of relief, "Then...what type do you like?"

"Sister," Lu Xiyu asked, "don't you know?"

Is he calling her sister, or is he replying that he likes the sister type?

No matter what, he was talking about her!

Huang Fuya met Lu Xiyu's eyes - even though she was more than 10,000 kilometers away and across a cold computer screen, she could feel the heat in Lu Xiyu's eyes.

She lay down on the coffee table again.

The next second, she buried her face in her arms and laughed happily.

Lu Xiyu was also amused by her, and the corners of his lips raised in a charming arc.

After a while, a female voice came from the computer, reminding Lu Xiyu to go to a meeting.

Huang Fuya raised her head and waved to Lu Xiyu, "Go ahead!"

Lu Xiyu hung up the video, stood up and left the office.

Huang Fuya also closed her computer and went back to her room to clean up.

She packed her personal belongings and then told Aunt Wang what she wanted to pack for her.

Aunt Wang knew that they were moving to Lanting and said with a smile, "Mr. Lu and his wife also think it would be better if you move to Lanting. Xiangyi comes back on weekends and you can see each other often."

Yeah, that's good.

Huang Fuya also feels that everything is moving in a good direction.

Just before ten o'clock, the property management suddenly contacted Huang Fuya and said that she had a courier.

When she received it and opened it, she saw that there were live big crabs in the foam box.


She used to like eating this kind of crab at home.

But since coming to City A, she has never eaten.

It should have been sent by her father.

Huang Zhenrong's news will be sent soon

"Yaya, I asked the people at the dock to leave them for me. These crabs only got out of the boat in the evening! Try them and see if they taste the way you like."

Huang Fuya asked Aunt Wang to steam a few.

It was the delicious taste in her memory.

She remembered Lu Xiyu's words, so she called Huang Zhenrong and said that she had eaten it and it was the taste she liked. She planned to take some to give to friends tomorrow.

"Okay, as long as you like it!" Huang Zhenrong said with a smile, "If there are good ones in the future, I will have someone send them to you."

Huang Fuya vaguely felt that her father was different from before.

In the past, whether it was a phone call or a message, she could feel that her father desperately needed her forgiveness.

But now, it seems that he is simply giving her things without any sense of urgency.

Huang Fuya immediately thought of Lu Xiyu and asked, "Dad, did someone tell you something?"

Huang Zhenrong knew that his daughter had found out, so he didn't hide anything and told the truth.

At the end of the sentence, he felt a little embarrassed, "It's embarrassing to say that I, a man over fifty years old, actually need a young man to guide me on what to do.

"Yaya, Lu Xiyu... is indeed outstanding. If you like him, you can fight for it, but don't wrong yourself. If anyone asks me in the future, I will only tell them that I don't care about you young people."

"We are back together." Huang Fuya said very calmly, "In a few days, I will move to his house. I will send you the address later. If you have crabs in the future, you can send them to me.

Over there. "

Huang Zhenrong was obviously startled for a moment, and then his voice trembled, "Okay... okay!"

This night, Huang Fuya slept very well.

On the other side of the country, Lu Xiyu's work is also going very well. He can return to City A before the New Year.

When he got off work today, his secretary told him that in a month, he would go to Country J to inspect the market there, which would take about two to three days.

There is only a four- to five-hour flight from country j to city a.

Lu Xiyu told his secretary to make arrangements in advance. He would be leaving for five days, but the work should be completed within three days.

The secretary guessed Lu Xiyu's plan in seconds and asked, "Mr. Lu, when are you going to tell Miss Huang? Otherwise... I'll book a flight for Miss Huang first?"

Lu Xiyu said "hmm" and packed up his things to get off work.

As soon as he left the company, Li Muqing rushed towards him, but was stopped by Xiao Yang with quick eyes and hands.

Li Muqing couldn't get close to Lu Xiyu, so she could only shout, "Lu Xiyu, if you don't allow our family to stay in City A, I will let everyone in the world know that Huang Fuya can't have children, and your Lu family will have no heirs!"

She believed that this was a very terrible threat.

Huang Fuya's weakness is also her last hope.

However, Lu Xiyu just glanced at her lightly, then got in the car and closed the door without hesitation.

Li Muqing's head buzzed, and she lost control, "Lu Xiyu, why don't you speak? Lu Xiyu, compromise with me!"

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Yang pressed Li Muqing firmly, "Just try! If the news doesn't spread, even the whole city A is trying to save you! If the news spreads, believe it or not, the whole earth will be saved. This is a place for your Li family! Think about it yourself and don’t go crazy again, our Young Master Xiyu and Miss Huang don’t have time to play with you!”