Absolute Deal

Chapter 317: Preparation

"Oh." Bai Ye nodded, "So, you asked me to let me release Magneto?"

"Yes." Queen White said, "This is good for you and us."

"What if I don't agree?" Bai Ye asked with a smile.

"Then, we can only rescue Magneto in our way." The White Queen's words implied a threat.

Bai Ye didn't get angry either, just shook his head: "You guys, you know big news and don't pay attention to the impact. If something happens in the future, you will be responsible, do you understand?"

"We know what we're doing," the White Queen said.

"You're still young," Bai Ye said.

The White Queen frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something, but she still asked, "You are also mutants?"

A director, Wayne Bai, and his bodyguard, these two guys who appeared out of nowhere, seem to be mutants too?

"If you are also mutants, you should join us." The White Queen continued.

The bodyguard's ability, they have some clues.

The ability of mutants can be eliminated within a certain range.

Strong, but also tasteless.

But according to the situation that night, in addition to this ability, the bodyguard's own strength is also very terrifying.

Magneto's attack was even blocked by him with a knife.

As such, he is the mobile nemesis for all mutants.

As for this Director Bai, his ability is unknown, but after a morning of observation.

The White Queen vaguely felt that this person's ability was to deprive mutants of the ability under certain conditions.

The "treatment" during this period is also the work of this Director Bai, and has nothing to do with the bodyguard.

The bodyguard's ability to eliminate is only temporary.

The ability of this Director Bai is "permanent"?

"Old Wan, in fact, I can let it go." Bai Ye ignored Queen White's words and said.

"Really?" Queen White was stunned for a moment, but unexpectedly she suddenly "turned the curve", and then she calmed down again, "What do you want?"

Bai Ye stood up and walked out of the treatment room.

He came in half a minute later, took a stack of invitations and stuffed it into the hands of the White Queen.

The White Queen doesn't know why.

"I plan to hold an auction and invite people from your Brotherhood." Bai Ye said, "Don't worry, it's safe, it's not a trap or a banquet, and I will invite people from all walks of life to participate."

"When we come, you will release Magneto?" the White Queen asked.

"Release on the spot." Bai Ye said.

"Okay, then we believe in Director Bai, who are also mutants, and hope that Director Bai will not deceive. What we hate most is the deception of our compatriots." Queen White said.

"Don't threaten me at every turn."

Bai Ye said, "You obviously have a more practical 'weapon'. I'm not talking about your spiritual power, but another kind of weapon, you know. Also, I'm a member of the International Security Council, a big-headed person. I If you take out your name, you can easily borrow hundreds of millions from the bank, do you know?"

"From a social point of view, I'm the one with credit. How dare you guys doubt my credit?"

The White Queen did not refute Bai Ye's words. After all, it sounded reasonable and could not be refuted.

She just nodded silently, put away the invitation, stood up, and planned to leave.

During the negotiation process, although I was half-dead with anger, the result is still satisfactory...

The White Queen, who was completely brought into the rhythm, didn't realize that in fact, she didn't get anything, and she paid 200 points in vain.

Even if she doesn't come, in a few days, these invitations will still be delivered to their fraternity.

Her presence saved some trouble.

At noon, after confirming that Nero would not come back, Bai Ye closed the door and left.

Half an hour later, outside a restaurant, Bai Ye looked at Agent Coulson who arrived and asked, "Where's Nick, I originally planned to ask him to come with me."

"Director Nick has high blood pressure, Director Bai," Agent Coulson said.

"High blood pressure? Will he still have high blood pressure?" Bai Ye said. "Tell him to come to me if he's okay, and I'll give him an injection to ensure that the injection will cure the disease."

"Okay, I'll tell him, can we leave now, Director Bai?" Coulson asked.

"Well, let's go." Bai Ye got into the car.

Their destination is X School, the home base of the X-Men.

For ordinary people, this is a school for special children whose location is somewhat remote and unclear.

In fact, it's where Professor X raises mutant children.

For S.H.I.E.L.D., the location of this school is naturally no secret.

In the car, Bai Ye tore off the white wig on his head and straightened his hair a little.

The clothes on his body also turned black, and he was no longer dressed like an old Chinese doctor with a fairy style.

Suddenly became a social elite

Just go in and out of any high-end banquet venue, grab a wine glass, and you can fully integrate into it when you order red wine.

When I came to X school, there was a tall, awe-inspiring man waiting for Storm Girl at the door.

"Professor X is already waiting for you, Director Bai, Mr. Agent."

Storm said to Bai Ye and the others, her tone was indifferent, her eyes were hostile and scrutinized.

After all, Bai Ye's job is to "help mutants get back to normal".

This makes Storm feel like they've received a violation of character and dignity.

"Okay, ma'am." Coulson turned a blind eye to Storm's indifference, her smile was gentle, and there was a feeling that Dad didn't care about you.

As for Bai Ye, she directly ignored Storm.

He was about to write the words "I'm not qualified to talk to me" on my face.

If Wolverine comes to pick them up, it is estimated that they can fight on the spot.

But Wolverine is not as hostile to Bai Ye as Storm is.

As an experienced uncle, he is still very open.

Along the way, Bai Ye saw a lot of mutant children, some of them couldn't control their abilities well, and showed something different from ordinary people.

And these people's abilities are relatively strong.

In terms of quality, it far exceeds the ability of those crooked melons and dates that were traded in the white night.

It's not that Professor X is very scheming and only selects powerful mutants to cultivate, but the more powerful the ability, the more damage it will cause if it gets out of control.

There is no way for Professor X to teach all mutants to control and use their abilities properly.

Then, there is only choice.

While walking, Bai Ye took out a helmet and gave it to Coulson beside him.

Coulson looked at Bai Ye with some doubts.

"Lao Wan's helmet, you don't want the important information in your mind to be given to the professor, right?" Bai Ye said, "Although I'm not sure if he is already working hard, some secret information about S.H.I.E.L.D. Don't already know."

When Coulson heard it, he immediately put on his helmet.

"I won't do this, don't worry, Director Bai." Professor X's gentle voice sounded from Bai Ye's mind.

Just listening to the voice gives the feeling that the owner of the voice is a kind and wise old man.

"You are already doing this." Bai Ye replied with a smile.

"...Okay." Professor X immediately withdrew his voice from his remarks.

He also didn't mean to spy on Bai Ye's brain.

In fact, Professor X is a very measured person, not to mention the director of Bai Ye, even if it is Coulson, a SHIELD agent, he will not spy on his brain.

Professor X is very clear that by doing so, he may learn some useful information.

But more than that, it pushes the two sides to an opposite side.

Coulson stayed outside, and Bai Ye pushed the door and entered. Inside the room was a bald old man in a wheelchair.

"Director White."

"Professor X."

The two shook hands and entered the process.

Bai Ye sat down and had an in-depth discussion and communication with Professor X on the relationship between mutants and ordinary people.

The two sides reaffirmed the principle of peaceful coexistence between mutants and ordinary people, and reiterated that they will continue to promote the resolution of conflicts between mutants and ordinary people through moderate means.

They expressed their willingness to further strengthen strategic communication and cooperation for this purpose.

They also put forward constructive suggestions for promoting harmonious coexistence between the two sides.

Professor X proposed that mutants have always been part of human beings, and they cannot and absolutely should not be separated from human development.

Director Bai said that the position of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the International Security Council on the issue of mutants is clear and consistent.

It is the common will of both parties to properly handle various issues and remove obstacles to the development of the relationship between mutants and ordinary people.

The talks ended in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere.

After Bai Ye left, Storm Girl looked confused, what did this director do?

Show off your power?

Talking a bunch of pointless crap?

Until she saw the invitation letter that Bai Ye left to Professor X before she left.

"Auction? Quan and wealth?" Storm looked at Professor X~lightnovelpub.net~ Wouldn't there be any problem? "

"Probably not." Professor X said, rubbing his eyebrows.

Communicating with Bai Ye is still quite mentally consuming.

"If there is a problem, we will not participate." Storm said.

The invitation letter in hand is more than one point.

Make sure they can go to a few more people, if it's just one person, neither the fraternity nor the X-Men will be relieved.

"No, you must participate." Professor X said, "Our old friends, they are also there."

"Magneto, Brotherhood." Storm's face changed slightly, "What the **** is S.H.I.E.L.D. trying to do?"

"I don't know." Professor X was a little worried, "So, let's have a look."

"SHIELD, the invitation to the auction?" Iron Man, Tony Stark looked at the invitation on the desk, opened it and laughed.

What did he see?

The last auction is actually Magneto himself? (Only Tony's invitation stated this clearly)

How could he, Iron Man, miss this kind of thing?

"But Magneto seems to be able to control my battle suit, should I go without a battle suit, or should I go with a battle suit?" Iron Man fell into contemplation.

"Auction security?"

Captain America, Steve Rogers looks at Captain Nick.

"Yes, this is your first mission," said Chief Nick. "It's not the war years anymore, but at least I'll arrange a similar mission for you."

"Okay." Captain America nodded.

Times have changed dramatically, and it is not that simple to adapt to.

Especially before he was frozen, he was still fighting fiercely. ) Download Free Reader!!