Absolute Deal

Chapter 320: Devil Merchant (Part 1)

"You will be free after that." In the silent venue, Bai Ye said to Magneto.

Magneto, who didn't know what he was thinking, glanced at the audience, then suddenly laughed, sat down again, and chose to cooperate with Bai Ye.

Although he is very cooperative.

But the mutants of the Brotherhood were suddenly unhappy.

Everyone came out to hang out, and later conflicted with others, and the other party said "your boss has been auctioned off".

Holy shit!

Where is this face going?

The red-skinned red devil disappeared from the seat, and when he reappeared, he was just six meters away from Nero.

Nero's "Zone of Silence" has expanded - sadly there's no way to manipulate it, so he's bald now.

And baldness is a sign of a boss.

Therefore, there was an additional Yan Mo knife on the red devil's neck, the sharp blade cut through his skin, and blood flowed out.

Almost at the moment when the red devil appeared in front of him, Nero pulled out the Yan Mo sword and put it on his neck.

It looked as if the Red Devil had sent it to the knife himself.

Now the distance between the two is naturally within six meters, and the Red Devil's teleportation ability cannot be used.

As long as Nero is willing, the head of the red devil can be cut off in the next second.

Magneto looked at the red devil, shook his head and said, "Forget it, you are not opponents."

The most powerful thing about mutants is, of course, their abilities.

Nero, who has the ability to eliminate, restrains them too much. Not to mention, aside from this elimination ability, Nero's own strength is extremely powerful.

The red devil slowly raised his hands to signal his attitude.

But Nero didn't hold back, and Yan Mo's knife fit on the red devil's neck.

"Then, the auction will continue." Bai Ye said as if he didn't see this scene at all, "Where did you just say? Oh, yes. The starting price is 40,000 points. After the auction, the Magneto Wang Lao Wan will return. You are all."

"What does all mean?" Stark asked, raising his hand.

"That's right, I'll give him to you." Bai Ye said, this you, of course, refers to the person who captured Magneto.

"And then what?" Stark asked.

"No more." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"That is to say, you are only responsible for giving Magneto to us. As for what we do to him, or what he does to us, it is not within your after-sales scope?" Stark asked.

Bai Ye nodded with a smile: "Yes, as expected of Tony, I understand it very well."

"What if he dismantles the ship?" someone asked.

"No, can you, Lao Wan?" Bai Ye asked.

"No." Magneto smiled. At this moment, he behaved like a monk who had attained the Tao. Could it be because his ability was eliminated?

"Look, don't worry about safety on the boat," Bai Ye said.

"50,000 points worth of wealth." Tony Stark, the big local tyrant, was the first to participate in the auction, and explained the reason, "I have some research, and I want Mr. Magneto to help."

"Fifty-five thousand points." Professor X was the first to bid, "I think the old friend needs more time to calm down."

The implication is that he does not agree with releasing Magneto free.

If Professor ** takes it away, it is estimated that Magneto will return to his luxurious prison for another period of time.

Others have also participated in the auction one after another.

However, surprisingly, most people directly said that if they really succeed, they will release Magneto free.

Make friends or something.

Except for the few people who really don't like mutants and the X-Men.

Most of the people on the field showed a certain kind of goodwill towards Magneto.

I have to say, this is an ironic thing.

If the person who was caught was Professor X, these people would not have the attitude of "I don't ask for anything, just save you and see you in the future".

They'll replace it with a gesture like "Oops I saved you, do you have anything in return".

This is bullying honest people.

The auction continued methodically.

Basically, everyone bid once, expressed their attitude, and then stopped.

There was some cold sweat on the red devil's forehead. When he appeared, he was half-squatting and exerting his strength.

It is very tiring trying to maintain this posture.

But Bai Ye completely ignored him, Nero didn't put away the Yan Mo knife, and the Red Devil didn't dare to move.

In addition, the sharpness emanating from Yan Mo's sword also continuously destroyed his nerves.

It was as if the icy, biting wind was blowing constantly near his head.

Although it was Magneto who was auctioned off, the most unlucky one right now is the Red Devil.

"100,000, 100,000 points worth of wealth!"

Mystique almost shouted this sentence.

With 100,000 points worth of assets, their fraternity will also declare bankruptcy.

But in order to rescue Magneto, this is the price that must be paid.

Have them film Magneto and then let it go?

Brotherhood can't afford to lose this man.

So, Magneto can only be photographed by the Brotherhood.

After Mystique shouted, no one followed the bid.

It was to release goodwill just now, and now it is no longer to bid.

Professor X really hoped that Magneto would "calm down" for a while, He Nai, he had no money.

Professor X himself is quite rich, but to maintain the consumption of X school and the X-Men, the money will not be too much.

Compared with the brotherhood that worked hard, it was still a lot worse.

Bai Ye didn't bother to do anything like three times. After confirming that no one was bidding, he dropped the hammer: "I announce that Mystique won the Magneto auction!"

It sounds very strange.

Following Bai Ye's words, Nero withdrew the Yan Mo sword, and the light of the sword flashed as he turned around.

Magneto's transparent cage suddenly turned into pieces, announcing Magneto's return to freedom.

Magneto stood up and moved a bit.

"Tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning, the ship will dock, and there will be supper until 3 o'clock in the evening. If you don't want to rest, you can revel until dawn." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Don't mind giving me some." Magneto asked, "I haven't eaten since I got on the ship."

"Of course." Bai Ye said, "Also, if someone plans to leave early, they can take a yacht... The sea may be a little bumpy."

"Nero, go and tell the captain that the auction is over. You don't have to stay outside. He has been so tight, and he doesn't know how to relax."


The night was dark.

On the deck, the cold wind was blowing in the white night, looking at the dark sea in the distance.

There was an undisguised sound of footsteps.

"Director Bai." Magneto's voice came from behind.

Bai Ye turned around, and Magneto had returned to his original shape, but he was not wearing a helmet, and there were several mutants of the Brotherhood behind him, imposing.

At a glance, you can see that he is not an ordinary person.

A picture of "the big brother takes the younger brother on a trip" blows his face.

"Oh, Lao Wan, are you satisfied with your food?" Bai Ye completely ignored the menace of these people and asked with a smile.

"Not bad." Magneto's face was indifferent, "I don't know, is Director Bai satisfied with our compensation this time?"

"Not bad." Bai Ye answered him with Magneto's words.

Yes, the reason why Magneto is so cooperative with Bai Ye is very simple, this is their brother's compensation to Bai Ye.

Their brotherhood will come to catch Bai Ye, and then be caught by the other side.

The result was an understatement to let it go?

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

100,000 points worth of wealth, and cooperated with Bai Ye to conduct the auction, these are the price Magneto admits and is willing to pay.

The reason why Bai Ye added Magneto to the final auction was not only to make more money, but also to show everyone his strength.

It has nothing to do with the position of the director and the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It is the strength of Bai Ye itself.

If someone has bad thoughts about Bai Ye in the future, they will instinctively consider the auction at night.

The other party can even suppress Magneto and the Brotherhood to such a degree.

To fight against it, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, or do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?

Magneto has a feeling for Bai Ye's purpose, so he "spontaneously" cooperates with Bai Ye.

Of course, he can also choose to "death the fish and the net will not break" with Bai Ye.

Yes, the fish die and the net is not broken.

I couldn't figure out the strength of Bai Ye and Nero, but Magneto was sure that he, and his Brotherhood, couldn't kill each other.

Even "exchange" may not be possible.

In addition, the X-Men, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Administration are all staring at him~lightnovelpub.net~ As a smart person, Magneto of course chose to cooperate with Bai Ye and pay the price he should pay.

Although the price is a bit heavy.

"Director Bai..." Magneto looked at Bai Ye and said, "I want to ask something."

"you say."

"My helmet, what happened, you forged it?" Magneto asked.

His helmet belongs to black technology and is extremely difficult.

Even Magneto himself cannot be imitated, there is only one.

It is the exclusive equipment of Magneto.

"Forget it." Bai Ye didn't hide it, and told the truth, "The effect is not as good as the original."

Magneto caught it keenly: "So, the real helmet is still in your hands?"

"Three thousand five hundred points worth of wealth." Bai Ye offered the price directly.

Magneto was about to speak, and the Mystique beside him coughed.

Magneto's face suddenly looked ugly.

He knew that the reason for Mystique's cough was simple - they were out of money.


"No." Bai Ye interrupted Magneto's discussion.

"...Well, please keep Director Bai for me." Magneto said.

"This is not guaranteed, I do not accept reservations, unless it is a senior VIP customer." Bai Ye said.

"How can it be considered a senior VIP customer?" Magneto asked.

"One is a local tyrant like Tony who spends money without blinking an eye, and the other—" Bai Ye paused, "We have a cooperative relationship, it's not just me who simply sells things to you, you have good things, You can also sell it to me."

"For example, your ability..."

The red devil behind Magneto felt that compared to his appearance, he was considered a devil by many people.

In the white night in front of him, Wayne Bai is a devil who eats people and doesn't spit out bones.