Absolute Deal

Chapter 419: true and false?

Bai Ye coughed lightly, and brought out the "wise saying" of the real Tang monk: all good-looking women are womenщww..lā

The scorpion essence heard it, and her beautiful eyes glowed.

Reaching out and grabbing, he grabbed Bai Ye directly in front of him, and hugged him in his arms: "Master really doesn't look like a monk."

"Monks don't lie."

Bai Ye adjusted to a very comfortable posture, his eyes narrowed, "The poor monk always tells the truth."

"The master is really extraordinary, not comparable to those ordinary people." Scorpion Jing said.

"General, general."

Bai Ye said modestly.

But just looking at the current scene, he looks like a wine-meat-flower-monk at all, and he is 108,000 miles away from the eminent monk.

The two of them kissed each other for a long time.

The beautiful eyes were full of water, and the scorpion essence that almost drowned the white night also tore off the disguise - don't get me wrong, it's not showing the truth.

It just means "the old lady wants to be with you for a while".

If it is happy, it is easy to say anything about the magical power of the tail.

To be more precise, it is to double cultivation with the "Tang Seng", to obtain the other party's Yuan Yang, and to make oneself a step further.

At that time, even if the strongest magical power is temporarily lost, it will not be a problem.

Sooner or later you can come back to practice.

"I'm afraid it won't work, female bodhisattva." Bai Ye reluctantly refused.

Let's not mention Yuanyang's problem, even if Yuanyang is still there in Bai Ye, it will definitely not have the effect of the original Tang Seng.


Scorpion Jing laughed madly. She is now wearing hairpins and disheveled clothes. She can't wait to rub her whole body into Bai Ye's body.

"The poor monk is a monk."

Said the night.

Shuangxiu is useless to the scorpion essence. Of course, this transaction cannot be established and completed, and we can only find another way.

"Master, we are all like this, are you still a monk?" Scorpion Jing laughed.

"Of course." Bai Ye looked righteous, "The wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha's heart remains."


Scorpion Jing's face was stunned for a moment, and she sneered. After a while, she got up, her eyes were no longer full of charm, and she sorted out her clothes and said, "Since the master is not willing, then I will not force it to stay."


Bai Ye was stunned.

This is not right!

As a goblin, can you talk so well?

It shouldn't be possible to persuade with good words, and a strong reverse push is made. In the end, it is found that it really has no effect. Then, because of the transaction, the magical power has to be traded.

What a happy ending.

What about the domineering as a big demon?

Just give up?

Scorpion Jing gave up, but Bai Ye couldn't give up. He thought about it and said, "Female Bodhisattva, do you just want to become stronger?"

"Yeah." Scorpion said carefully and absently.

"Actually, there are many ways to become stronger." Bai Ye said, "For example, charging money and trading after charging."

Scorpion Jing blinked, she could understand every word of the monk, and she couldn't understand why they were connected together.

"To become stronger, I have a hundred choices here."

Bai Ye turned into a salesman, showing extremely strong self-confidence, "Whether it is external or internal, there is everything, oh, here is a "Mysterious Secret of Mysterious Heart", the female bodhisattva may wish to read it first."

Scorpion Jing was slightly taken aback when Bai Ye suddenly took out a book.

It is more and more certain that monks are not ordinary monks - not only eating flesh and blood, or taking Yuan Yang, you can greatly increase your strength and live forever.

In itself, it should be no less than his apprentices.

"Mysterious Heart Secrets".

The genius cultivator Xuan Xiao created the exercises created by the leaders of the various families.

Normally, it is for people to cultivate, and I don’t know if it has any effect on the scorpion essence.

However, for things like exercises, the scorpion essence has practiced to a certain level.

By analogy, it certainly helps.

As Bai Ye expected, Scorpion Jing frowned slightly after watching it for a while.

Falling into deep thought, after a while, he said, "It helps, but it's not enough."

"It's alright, my practice technique or something, some are."

Bai Ye waved his hand, and a lot of immortal cultivation techniques were delivered.

With the development of the Yinyue Dynasty, there are naturally many exercises that are suitable for people and monsters.

Scorpion's beautiful eyes flashed, and he began to read.

Bai Ye didn't rush, watching her flip through the books.

Half an hour later, the scorpion essence "raised its head" again from the "massive" exercises.

There was a smile on his face, obviously a good harvest.

"How?" Bai Ye asked, "These are enough to exchange for the female bodhisattva's magical powers?"

Scorpion Jing's smile gradually subsided, falling into contemplation.

Just a cursory reading just now is definitely not enough to make her go further.

It takes time to study carefully and try again.

It's like a master who has obtained a peerless secret book and has the qualifications to cultivate, but it is impossible to become a peerless master within three or five years.

But it's hard to say how far it will go in the end.

Whether it's worth using his strongest magical power to exchange it, the scorpion essence is also unpredictable.

This is a tough decision.

After thinking for a while, Scorpion Jing gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

As a powerful demon, scorpion spirits have pursuits.

She pursued further, the existence of magical powers only made her battle stronger.

It won't improve her realm.

"Okay, let's make a deal." Bai Ye said.

Scorpion Jing's magical power called "Poison Pile of a Horse", although the name is not pleasant, it does not affect its power.

A standard single-arm super ultimate move.

After completing the transaction, Bai Ye had a small scorpion tail slightly larger than his finger in Bai Ye's hand.

It is the magical power and tail of the scorpion spirit.

This magical power cannot be used without the tail of the scorpion essence.

Unlike Samadhi True Fire, this magical power is a kind of power solidification, and it will not increase with the improvement of the user's strength.

The advantage is that even an ordinary person, who has obtained this magical power, can achieve the achievement of "injuring the Great Sage Equaling Heaven with the body of a mortal".

The face of the scorpion essence is also not very good-looking, and her tail is also traded with the magical power, and the loss is not small.

Need to rest for a while.

In a weak state now. ..

"Master..." Scorpion Jing was about to say something to Bai Ye, when the quiet cave suddenly shook.

A roar came out.


The scorpion spirit suddenly restrained the charming-beautiful color, the willow eyebrows stood upright, and the big demon breath was undoubtedly revealed.

"It should be the poor monk's disciple who came here. It's okay, the poor monk just leaves." Bai Ye said.

Although he ordered Sha Wujing to tell Sun Wukong and the others to continue their journey westward, these demons were not particularly obedient.

It's normal to find it.

After walking out of the cave, Bai Ye saw Sun Wukong flying in mid-air, the golden hoop in his hand smashed repeatedly, with a creepy smile on his face.

He was not wearing a black suit, but was wearing the blood-colored dilapidated armor that caused the chaos in the Heavenly Palace.

"Oh, it's out." Sun Wukong looked at Bai Ye and said with a smile.

"What the hell, let's go, this goblin doesn't need you to send her to become a Buddha." Bai Ye said.

"Monk, what are you talking about?" Sun Wukong looked at Bai Ye with a wide smile.

The exposed teeth are extremely sharp.


Bai Ye looked up at Sun Wukong, his eyes narrowed, "Are you... a six-eared macaque?"

"What six-eared macaque!"

Sun Wukong said wildly, "Remember, monk, the one who killed you, Monkey King Monkey King, Monkey King!"

With this roar, the golden hoop fell on the head.

To kill Bai Ye!

Then, the golden hoop was stopped by an ordinary-looking three-strand steel fork.

The scorpion spirit who stopped the golden hoop rod said: "Master, it seems that your apprentice is not very obedient. Is there any way to calm him down?"

I just traded a slightly special one, and the scorpion essence didn't have to go full body period, and could fight back and forth with Sun Wukong.

"Dwarf Le?"

Bai Ye looked at Sun Wukong above his head, he was actually thinking, is this a six-eared macaque or Sun Wukong.

In Journey to the West, there is a darker guess that in the true and false Monkey King incident, the monkey who was beaten to death by a stick at Daleiyin Temple was not a six-eared macaque.

It is Sun Wukong himself.

Bai Ye is also not sure whether this monkey who suddenly wants to kill him for no reason is the six-eared macaque or Sun Wukong.

Of course, what's important now is not to figure out who this monkey is.

But how to deal with this fierce demon king.

The strength of Liu Er is not weaker than that of Sun Wukong.

Scorpion Jing and Sun Wukong fought, and in the first few rounds, the two sides fought back and forth, and they fought back and forth.

However, after the transaction, the weak scorpion essence soon showed a situation of lack of support.

"Monk! What means do you have that you haven't used yet? I can't hold it anymore."

Scorpion Jing blocked Sun Wukong's stick that was enough to smash the mountain, and shouted.

"Don't worry, the backup is coming soon." Bai Ye said, "Actually, you don't have to do it."

"Anyway, it's my little lover, do you want my old lady-sister, I watch you get smashed to death by this monkey?" said Scorpion Jing.


The single dog was very angry, and the golden hoop in his hand was heavy, and the scorpion essence was almost unable to resist.

Blue blood spilled out of his mouth.

"Master! I'm here!"

At this moment ~lightnovelpub.net~ a silver rake descended from the sky with a shout, and landed on Sun Wukong's head.

"Too weak."

Sun Wukong, who was unharmed, said contemptuously, and after shaking the scorpion essence, he turned and swept away.

Zhu Bajie, who had just entered the venue, was swept away by a stick.

He bumped into Sha Wujing who had just arrived.

The red boy was not hit, but was swept away by Sun Wukong's next second stick.

The fire-point gun in his hand shattered directly, not to mention, I even crashed into the distant mountain peak, and was directly seriously injured, which was very miserable.

Although he didn't show his body as a demon monkey, the current Monkey King didn't hold back.

The real body of the demon monkey, that is the strongest form of madness.

"Your backup is too weak." Scorpion Jing said.

"Although I didn't plan to count on them from the beginning, they are indeed a little weak." Bai Ye said.

"Grandma's! Bi Mawen, just when your grandfather was afraid that you would fail!"

Zhu Bajie growled and appeared again.

This time, it wasn't the image of the young man in white just now.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie's body is swollen like a little giant, and his face barely maintains the appearance of a human being. The huge fangs and black mane can no longer hide it.

The nine-toothed nail rake is swaying, but it is like the Milky Way, which is extremely beautiful.

It is in stark contrast to the increasingly fierce image.

Zhu Bajie became real, and the pressure on Scorpion was greatly reduced.

On the other side, Sha Wujing also rushed over, and the three of them joined forces to fight against the demon king, Monkey King.

The pattern of "Three British Wars against Lu Bu" was formed.

However, this "Lu Bu" is stronger, and he is not afraid of the three people joining forces, and he does not show defeat.