Absolute Deal

Chapter 538: Lost "Youth"

The stone box fits perfectly into the "grooves" at the level of the pool.

Lars widened his eyes and stared at the pool.

Waiting for a "miracle to happen".

A few minutes later, Lars looked at the unchanged pool and asked, "Boss, are you sure they were originally supposed to be of the same origin?"

"Not sure." Bai Ye said, "I guess."


Are you not sure what you just said about witnessing miracles?

I was hardly excited to say it.

Sure enough, it's still completely "reckless" as always.

"But when you look at the box, it fits this pool. I think it shouldn't run away." Bai Ye was full of confidence.

"Hey, something has changed."

While speaking, the originally peaceful pool suddenly changed.

A burst of bubbles continued to emerge from the center of the pool, and the green pool water was centered on the bubbles, moving in all directions, changing colors.

From the original green to clear and transparent "water".

Those weird black water plants in the pool water also quickly melted away.

The whole pond has reached the point where "the water is so clear that there are no fish".

The stone box at the bottom of the pool can be clearly seen.

"This is the full version of 'Save Your Life a Thousand'." Bai Ye took a sip of the pool water and felt an incomparably full, vital force circulating in his body.

Compared with the "Bacchus factor", the amount of spring water in the Lazarus Pool is quite large, but it has serious side effects.

The Dionysian factor has no side effects, and the effect is better, but the amount is very small.

Now the combination of the two is truly "perfect".

"In the future, it can't save your life a thousand, but save your life 10,000."

Bai Ye continued.

The perfect version of spring water, the price of course to increase.

"Actually, boss, we don't need to improve so much." Lars reminded next to him, "It's almost enough to upgrade to 'save your life three thousand'."

"Wouldn't that be a loss? Losing money would mean bankruptcy." Bai Ye looked serious.

Could it be that Lars was going to betray him?

The legendary Erwuzai plot finally appeared? !

"No, we can dilute it," said Lars, who somehow felt a chill on his back. "According to different concentrations and effects, the price and commodity grade of this 100% concentration pool water can be set higher. , and then descend in sequence."

"So it is! Good idea."

Bai Ye suddenly realized that it was not the plot of the second and fifth boys, "I said, Lars, why don't you travel around, just stay in the Trading Pavilion and develop it."

"No, I still like to walk around and look around." Lars looked like a literary old man, "Business is just my side business."

Bai Ye thinks he can give 99 points for this pretending.

For the ratio and concentration, there is no need to debug it in white night.

Call Huai Shuo and leave the matter to him.

Bai Ye opened up a new "ditch" to connect to the pond, and used it to water the genius treasures of the Magic Realm and promote their growth.

The Pool of Lazarus is not only useful for "people", it is also useful for these plants.

This was already confirmed by Bai Ye.

It's just that there used to be side effects, which are equivalent to drugs for people - drugs are three-point poison.

Therefore, Bai Ye did not use the spring water of the Pool of Lazarus to water those genius treasures.

Now it is basically certain that there are no side effects, and Bai Ye will certainly not be stingy.

And most importantly, it can also make ginseng fruit trees recover as soon as possible.

It won't be long before another high-end product can be listed in the trading pavilion.

After a pleasant "farming" activity, Bai Ye returned to Gotham City and started "final resignation".

It's almost as good as it should be in Gotham.

Tired of seeing duelists screaming in the streets every day.

"I'm resigning, Bruce." Before that, he still had to talk to Bruce.

"...It's still a long way from the end of my term," Bruce said.

"I'm tired of it." Bai Ye said, "Being the mayor or something is really boring. Or, let's have another big project, a big plan. Sure enough, I am a man born to do big things!"

"You better resign." Bruce immediately changed his tune.

Do something big?

It would be more appropriate to describe it as "doing things".

Well, although the two can overlap to some extent.

Two of White Night's plans - Eastport Reconstruction, and Gotham Duel City.

It has indeed improved Gotham, and a new "spring breeze" has been blown.

However, this does not mean that Bai Ye has become very reliable.

In Batman's mind, this guy is a train with too much power, and it is possible to rush out of the track anytime, anywhere.

"Then the aftermath will be arranged by you." Bai Ye activated his skill - swipe the hands of the shopkeeper!

"What about those people?" Bruce asked, "Poison Ivy and them."

"It's said that the aftermath will be handed over to you." Bai Ye has no sense of responsibility.

"I'm discussing with you now." Bruce felt a headache.

Without the control of Bai Ye, it is difficult to say whether the famous Batman fans who have become good now will change back.

At that time, the good situation that was finally laid down, it is estimated that it will face a crisis again.

It's not that Batman can't deal with them, it's just that these guys are the flags.

As long as they are still there, many people will spontaneously gather under their command to do things.

There is no doubt that these people are indeed the leaders of the dark side of Gotham.

Now Gotham Mian's dark side can be regarded as a leaderless group, but if a strong enough leader appears, it is easy to set off a storm again.

"Why don't you get them all away," Bruce said.

The wicked have their own grind.

"Not interested." Bai Ye said.

"Three-no, 10,000 points worth of wealth, try to help me." Bruce lost the arrogance that he once spent a lot of money.

It is rare to experience the feeling of "no money" again.

"Well, I'll ask their wishes, or respect their personal thoughts." Bai Ye said.

He is not a collector of Batman fan clubs, why do he need so many fans?

Well, but Poison Ivy, Frozen Man, and Scarecrow can be quite useful—their knowledge can come in handy.

It is not a problem to come to the Trading Pavilion to be a logistics-related scientific researcher.

Two-faced people are of little use, and the Trading Pavilion doesn't need any prosecutors.

The Trading Court has the final right to interpret all disputes.

Simply put, it is love to buy and buy, not to buy.

A seller's market is so confident.

Let some people hate their teeth, but they have to continue to buy goods in the transaction.

It's like buying "World Speak" in the game and scolding the game operator. After scolding, you still have to continue to charge money.

However, those people hated their teeth so much, they just hated the attitude of the trading pavilion and the expensive price.

However, he never resented the trading pavilion for pitting them.

The trading pavilion has always clearly marked the price, even if it is a pit, it is a pit, and it will never be hidden.

After recruiting the former fan group and the current public servants, Bai Ye said that he was leaving and asked them where they were going and staying.

Don't force it, it's voluntary.

Frozen has nothing to say. For the sake of his wife's life-saving, he is willing to follow Bai Ye to be a cow and a horse - of course, the treatment he should be given is still to be given.

The Scarecrow chose to join the Trading Pavilion with three points of fear, three points of anticipation, three points of longing, and one point of surprise.

Bai Ye thinks that he and Agnes can form a pair, which is not bad~lightnovelpub.net~ Poison Ivy is very interested in all kinds of magical plants and is willing to join the trading pavilion. At that time, I kept looking at Harley Quinn.

Then, the two-faced man was left.

He himself has no plans to go to the Trading Pavilion, and everyone discussed it.

Harvey Dent, who still has the "good side" in the upper hand, plans to walk around and continue to treat his schizophrenia.

Maybe one day he'll be back in Gotham—as Harvey Dent, or maybe two-faced.

So far, Gotham's Batman fan base has almost been completely hollowed out by Bai Ye.

There are only two or three kittens with weaker ability to do things.

After explaining the solution to Batman, the dark knight let out an inexplicable sigh.

Recalling the battle of wits and courage with those people in the dark night, it was his lost "youth".