Absolute Deal

Chapter 700: 1 time for you

Facing the claws of An Lushan that stretched out.

Song Yin didn't move, just looked at the person holding the phone.

It was not a white night.

It was a long-haired woman, her hand reaching out, her fingers clean and slender and white.

The bright red nail polish is very beautiful.

Of course, what looks better is the pair of snow-white big-long-legs.

Tian Ming is a rich and rich second generation, how can he find the "Tank Transformers" that can't be seen after leaving the beauty camera?

The quality of the girls is quite guaranteed.

When the outstretched hand was about to touch her, Song Yin shot out like lightning.

Hold it on the wrist of that hand.

Then, she frowned.

The feeling of holding it doesn't come up often, it's as cold and biting as holding an ice cube.

It's like holding a soldering iron.

Its temperature, just put a piece of meat on it, it will make a "zizi" barbecue sound.

Thoroughly charred in seconds.

Song Yin was unmoved and turned her wrist.

There was a crisp sound of broken bones.

The forearm of that hand was directly folded ninety degrees.

As a representative of the trading pavilion, even if Song Yin is a typical non-martial fighting faction, her combat power is definitely not weak.

This is a very dangerous woman, the T-800 can be dismantled by her.

Bewitched by his appearance, he attacked Song Yin.

It is a wrong choice like the sea.

But there are only two people present, if it is to attack Bai Ye.

That error is comparable to the stars of the universe.

The phone in the man's hand fell to the ground, and a shrill scream came from his mouth.

There was also an angry roar from a male voice.

Incredibly strange.


Song Yin thought to himself.

Although there was a burning sensation when I reached out to hold it, from the current performance, it seemed that there was a person in front of me.

He squatted down and grabbed the man who was screaming and rolling on the ground.

There was a knock on the wall, and Song Yin picked up the man's hair.

What caught his eye was a strangely twisted face.

The left half of them is the face of the girl named Xiao Leng in the live broadcast.

The other half is the face of the male host who has been dead for nearly 20 years.

Two and a half faces, one female and one male, one yin and one yang, are combined to form a strange picture.

In particular, the half of the male host's face has hideous wounds, some of which are marks of sharp weapons.

Some are traces of burns from cigarette butts.

The horrible face formed a huge contrast with the other half of the beautiful face.

Song Yin noticed that Xiao Leng stretched out her normal arm just now.

There are a lot of traces of cigarette butts lying on it.

Dense and dense, little by little.

It presents the color of charcoal spark as magnificent and despairing and frightening.

Song Yin let go of her hand and took two steps back.

Not out of fear, but overwhelmed by a feeling of despair repressed to the point of suffocation.

My hands and feet became cold and numb for no reason.

The "combined person" in front of him stopped howling and continued to stretch out his hand towards Song Yin persistently.

But this time, there was no deliberate laugh.


The arm that was broken by Song Yin did not recover, and swayed low.

Song Yin's face sank.

Taking two steps back again, but her movements were a little staggered, she stretched out her hand.

A dazzling light group appeared in the palm of the hand, somewhat like a ball of lightning.

Palm Thunder!

Yes, Song Yin not only practiced martial arts, but also cultivated immortals.

With her workload, she must cultivate immortals, and it is impossible not to cultivate immortals.

The thunder in the palm of his hand slammed into the combination monster in front of him, but it penetrated through her strangely.

It was as if the person in front of him was a phantom.

In other words, Palm Thunder is a phantom?

Lei Fa landed on the wall, and disappeared without a ripple.

Song Yin is not good at fighting, but some basic operations can still be done.

If she failed to hit, she immediately squeezed the magic and was about to leave this strange and dangerous place.

However, the body just lightened, and the moment he was about to fly.

The power contained in the body, like a flood, flows madly.

In the blink of an eye, Song Yin lost all her strength.

Changed back to the original, original psychiatrist.

"This power... the enemy of civilization?"

A thought flashed through Song Yin's mind.

The palm thunder and other forms of true essence are invalid.

Prove that the supernatural event in front of you, the "power level" of supernatural things is very high.

In Song Yin's memory, the power level of the enemy of civilization is also very high.

To deal with the enemy of civilization, many forces are all half the effort, or even almost ineffective.

Restraint can only be exercised through the power of power and wealth.

Of course, the value of power and wealth itself is not actually a force used to "attack and destroy".

It is only effective against the enemy of civilization.

Song Yin was not quite sure whether she was the enemy of civilization in front of her.

But the power she has, or can use, is the highest level, that is, the value of power and wealth.

without any hesitation.

Song Yin burns up the power and wealth.

Originally, the best way to use the power and wealth value against the enemy is to give blessings, similar to enchanting, adding BUFF.

But now Song Yin's power has been completely lost.

You can only choose the most wasteful, crudest and most primitive method - smashing directly.

It is equivalent to holding a lot of money, instead of buying weapons, but directly smashing people.

It can be said to be quite wasteful.

The burning power and wealth turned into invisible power and slammed into the monster in front of him.

This time, it's not through.

The monster's body was smashed against the wall, and the whole bathroom vibrated.

Song Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

The monster got up again.

The attack just now didn't seem to cause any real damage to it.

Just pushed it.

"how come?"

Song Yin was taken aback. Quan Caizhen didn't even have any effect?

Not only that, the monster in front of him has become more distorted than before.

Originally it was only half a person's face.

Now, even the body has become half a person.

The harsh sound of water reached his ears.

Knowing she shouldn't turn her head, Song Yin still turned her head.

She saw that the faucet in the bathtub was turned on and began to let water out.

The clear water flowed into the bathtub and instantly turned into red **** water.

In the original dirty and empty bathtub, at some point, another corpse appeared.

Hands and feet are folded into twisted angles.

The body is folded in half, the feet are raised high, and the knees are attached to the shoulders.

There were no obvious wounds on the body.

There was blood flowing out from under him.

Not only that, but the corpse was still slightly swaying back and forth.

Combined with that folded pose, it seemed like he was doing an indescribable movement with an invisible person.

Song Yin's eyes stayed there.

The corpse's head turned suddenly, and Song Yin's figure was reflected in the originally empty eyes.

The world was spinning, Song Yin was unsteady, and fell directly to the ground.

Not only did he lose his strength, but he also lost the strength to stand up.

The eyelids also started to get heavy.

It seemed that the only way left was to close his eyes and wait for death.

Song Yinqiang cheered up, the only thing he could do was to burn up his power and wealth to protect himself, but he didn't know how long it would last.

"Boss..." Song Yin murmured.

"Call me Detective Bai now, Watson Song."

Bai Ye didn't turn around and responded casually.

Their current location is in the daughter's bedroom on the second floor.

The bathroom has been looked at.

Nothing special was found.

"Do you think this place is a bit strange?" Song Yin's voice continued from behind.

"Strange, where?"

Bai Ye asked.

A well-known detective, was his assistant discovered in advance?

This can't be done. Sure enough, you should bring Nero with you.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, watching Nero kill monsters is also a good choice.

Only by contrast can you show your superior wisdom.

"The bed over there."

Bai Ye's eyes shifted with Song Yin's words.

A **** axe suddenly appeared in Bai Ye's sight.

Right on the bed, but just now, there was clearly nothing there.

A drop of fresh blood dripped from the axe blade to the ground.

Weird ripples spread from the ground and hit Bai Ye.

A dirty hand grabbed the axe, and the fierce-looking man showed his big yellow teeth to Bai Ye.

He picked up the axe and slashed towards Bai Ye.

next second.

The man's face hit an icy, pitch-black object~lightnovelpub.net~ His mouth was half-opened and tilted to one side, and a large yellow tooth could be seen flying out of his mouth.

The force of the impact made his movements unable to continue, and his body began to lean.

Lower body forward, upper body backward.

The axe in his hand was still held high, but could not fall.


I don't know when Bai Ye was wearing a flowing white monk's robe, "This benefactor, you are so cruel, heaven and earth will not tolerate it."

"Why don't you let the poor monk go over for you?"

In his hand, "Buddha said three thousand Gatlings", the six large clean pipes turned.

Muzzle shoots blue flames

The sound of mechanical guns filled the room.