Absolute Deal

Chapter 725: Charismatic White Commander

CCG headquarters.

A towering building that looks majestic.

However, it does not have the characteristics of violent institutions with many sentries and live ammunition.

There is also an extra layer of walls and an entrance and exit.

There are also underground garages and relatively hidden underground passages.

Inside the elevator.

Bai Ye said, "I thought there would be a cannon set up at the door. If it doesn't work, you will have to use a heavy machine gun. What are you doing? CCG is a violent organization to eliminate ghouls. Why does it look like a corporate building? The characteristics of CCG What? Are you all thrown away? This CCG really can't do it."

Arima Guishou reached out and scratched his hair, explaining: "Conventional weapons have no effect on ghouls, so..."

"It's not that there is no effect, it's just that the ghouls have strong resilience."

Said the night.

Weapons other than Kuink, including incendiary bombs and the like.

Neither can really cause effective trauma to the ghouls.

Even if he fired at close range, he used a hand cannon like the Desert Eagle, which opened the ghoul's skull.

The ghouls also regenerate directly within seconds.

If the bullet remains in the body, it will be squeezed out.

But be aware that ghouls are not immortal, they are just extremely resilient.

If you cut the ghoul into two pieces, or eighteen pieces, throw them in different places.

Ghouls cannot recover, and eventually die.

But the process is longer.

Only the damage done by Quinque to the ghouls is the real damage.

will not recover in a short time.

Just like a normal human wound.

Therefore, conventional weapons cannot be considered completely ineffective.

Except for resilience, of course.

The defense of the ghouls is also extremely strong, and the seemingly normal skin of most ghouls can be said to be invulnerable to fire and water.

Ordinary caliber pistols, shooting at close range, may not be able to break defenses.

Shooting ghouls with a heavy machine gun is not so much harming ghouls, but rather forming a "bullet defense front" to obstruct ghouls' actions.

Bai Ye and Agnes have been away for so long.

This world has not developed an effective weapon against the ghouls other than Kai Kuink.

And more embarrassing.

After Agnes left, Kuyink's quality dropped a lot.

The technology mastered by the CCG and other institutions cannot produce the same level of Koyink as that of the Agnes period.

Among CCG's existing quinques, the best quality ones were made by Agnes many years ago.

A lot was destroyed in battle.

The rest became the legendary "precious weapons handed down".

"You guys are relying too much on Kuyink," Bai Ye said. "The reason why you can't kill the ghouls is just because the power is not strong enough, and the people are not fierce enough. Think about it carefully, throw an atomic bomb, what kind of ghouls can't die, let him come to me , I give him a trophy for the strongest ghoul."

Arima Guishou would not be able to answer these words at all.

At one point, I recalled the scene when Chief Bai Ye fed the ghouls to eat fertilizer.

Thinking about it carefully, the chief has always been very violent.

He also worked hard in this direction.

Later he became the White Death.

That's right, it's not that he has a strong and cold-blooded general Ma Guijun, but that the CCGs today are too slutty.

"Commander, you are right!" Arima Guishogun's heart was once again firmed up.


The elevator made a crisp sound and stopped at the top floor.

Bai Ye walked with wind and strode out.

He kicked open the closed door in front of him.


Several people in the small conference room were furious.

How can there be such an unruly person?

Don't you know they're meeting here?

Then, they saw Bai Ye and Arima Takasu behind him.

Completely ignoring the surprised expressions of these people, Bai Ye walked directly to the main seat in the conference room where no one was sitting.

sat down.

Arima Guishou stood behind Bai Ye, expressionless and stern.

With his murderous appearance, there is no doubt that his hands behind his back will pull out a quince at any time.

Arima Guishou will have a total of two Kuinks.

They are all top-level weapons in the past, and an unfolded weapon form is a samurai sword.

Another conventional weapon form is a spear, which can be transformed into a large knife, a large axe, a hammer, and even a shield.

The three chiefs, as well as a few cronies with them, left and right.

They're the kind of people who only give orders from behind, but they're not stupid.

After the initial panic, he immediately recognized the identity of the person in front of Arima Guishogun.

The first president of the comeback suddenly appeared, Bai Ye!

Only such a person can let the White Death follow him respectfully like a bodyguard.

According to the information, the White Death Arima Gui will be excavated by the first chief.

Several people did not speak.

Staring at the night silently.

The first president, when he founded CCG, was indeed very young.

However, after so many years, no matter how you want to change from a young man to a level close to middle age.

Why does the other party still look the same as the data?

Can this be used as evidence of impersonation to crucify the other party?

At the beginning, the three directors' plan was to directly nail Bai Ye regardless of whether it was true or false.

Cut the mess with a quick knife and make an iron case.

However, Arima Gui will stand on the other side's side and give full support.

Things obviously couldn't be treated so roughly.

Next, it should be a battle of wits and courage, open and secret battles, and secret battles for power and profit.

The three looked at each other vaguely.

They're very good at this sort of thing.

First kill the outsider who took the food, and then they will use their abilities to see who can sit on the position of commander-in-chief.

Yin people, they are professional.

Bai Ye ignored the dark surge, took out a pair of transparent but reflective glasses from somewhere and put them on, with his fingers crossed under his nose, in front of his mouth, and his elbows supported on the table.

The style of a commander Ikari gives people an inexplicable pressure.

"Don't worry, everyone."

The indifferent voice came out, and Bai Ye said, "I came back to solve some problems left over from history, not to deal with you."

"So, you don't have to die."

"But I don't want someone to obstruct my plan, either overtly or covertly. Do you understand?"



The meeting room was quiet.

"To show my sincerity."

Bai Ye flipped it over and found three more coins in his hand, which he pressed on the table with three fingers and flicked slightly.

The three coins slid precisely across the table and stopped in front of the three of them.

"This time, I bleed a lot, and used the 150 yuan to trade and buy three people."

"In this way, the three of you don't have to worry about safety and can work for me with all your heart."

"Okay, that's it, the transaction is established. Go and send all the information about the ghouls here over the years, let's go."

"Yes, Master Chief!"

The three chiefs stood up immediately and said loudly.

He ran out of the meeting room all the way.

Loyal dog mode, fully open.

Their left and right cronies were stunned, hesitated for a second, and immediately followed after bowing to Bai Ye.

Arima Gui stretched out his hand and pressed it twice, letting the stiff muscles on his face relax, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. President, how did you do it?"

"This is the so-called personal charm."

Bai Ye said with a serious face.

Arima Guishou suddenly nodded and nodded, as expected of the President, this amazing personality.

Not even the three old foxes could resist.

CCG is saved!

Two days later.

"The ghouls also set up an organization to fight against each other. Isn't this a clear opportunity for us to catch everything?"

Bai Ye pointed to the person and the location on the document and said, "This member of the Black Forest, what Jason, is still playing COS, this is provoking us. Catch me, other ghouls, kill them."

"They hide in the city and mingle in the crowd. Even if they know their whereabouts and act rashly, they will cause unavoidable damage." A search officer reminded in a low voice.

The ghouls have the greatest advantage over humans.

Not what combat power, but its concealment.

In a non-combat state, ghouls are no different from ordinary people.

Except for a few experienced and intuitive investigators.

The rest, even if the ghouls wandered in front of them, they would not be able to find them.

"Hidden away from the world".

And even if they are discovered, because the location is in the city, the ghouls will also do things like kidnap hostages.

Let the CCG rattle off.

Hunting down ghouls in the city is a tough and careful job.

It is necessary to continuously investigate and collect information beforehand, formulate and improve plans, and determine the aftermath.

is a long process.

Bai Ye flipped through the information casually, determined the approximate location, and let everyone come out.

The whole plan is "We rush to kill them without leaving behind".

This rampant behavior ~lightnovelpub.net~ is not CCG at all.

"It doesn't matter, I'll be responsible for the incident. Arima led the team for the first time."

"Commander White" went online, "Remember, after I take over CCG again, you will no longer be investigators."

"It's not the investigator who investigates the whereabouts of the ghouls, makes a plan, catches them slowly, and says, 'Put down your arms'."

"You're not old men sitting in the office."

"Forget all the rules and **** rules I learned before."

"Search for a second aunt!"

"Your duty is only one, discover the ghouls, and then destroy the ghouls!"

"CCG, it's a combat agency!"

"Forget the title 'Investigator'. From today onwards, history. You have a brand new name, Hunters!"