Absolute Honor

Chapter 31: Human legs chasing plane

   No accident, no one quit.

   Those who can step into this warehouse are the elites of the China Special Army.

   Every outstanding special forces member has a certain quality that must be possessed-a sense of honor.

To become a member of special forces, you must go through rigorous training that is close to cruelty, which means that you can endure the fatigue that ordinary people can't bear, swallow the suffering that ordinary people can't swallow, and when others choose to give up, secretly scream at yourself and curse. "Fuck him/shit!"

   Then ignoring any challenge, rushing forward like a madman.

   This is the essence of the members of the China Special Forces.

   Now, even if the 153 selected players in the warehouse have swords in front of them, no one will wink.

   "I sign!"

   was the first to take the lead, and more than one hundred team members consciously followed behind.

   The team moved slowly, and Qin Fei's heart suddenly beat violently. An inexplicable excitement, with a slight tension, penetrates every pore.

   Maybe his father was the same as himself. He once stood in the same team and faced the same perverted instructor like thunder. Maybe he himself was the instructor...

   The dream of dreams seems to be within reach.

   It was Qin Fei's turn, and Leiming stood by the table, staring at him.

   "If you quit now, I won't laugh at you."

   The eyes of this plague **** rarely softened.

   "I know your father."

   Speaking of this, Lei Ming didn't go any further, but looked at Qin Fei meaningfully with his eyes and the sign pen in his hand.

   On the table, there is a document made up of "XXXX Volunteer Letter", without a date, only a blank signature column.

   Qin Fei's hand holding the pen trembles a little, and a pen weighing less than a few tens of grams is as heavy as a giant.

   "If you sign, it means you handed over your life to Unit 203, which can be said to be handed over to me. Do you think I will show mercy to you?"

   Thunder threw another puzzling sentence.

   For this plague god-like instructor, Qin Fei always felt that he seemed to have no affection for him, and was even full of hostility.

   Is he reminding himself?

   Threatening yourself?

   Qin Fei's stubborn temper exploded once again at a critical juncture. If there was such a sluggishness just now, now he is a flash of lightning.

   Lifted the pen, brushed his name on the sign.

   Qin Fei raised his head, met Lei Gong’s slightly surprised gaze, smiled, and then entered.

   "It's kind of kind." Lei Ming mumbled while staring at Qin Fei's back.

   After half an hour, the formalities were completed. When I arrived here, everyone knew that the next step was to start a period of extremely hard, or even cruel, days.

   "The melting pot"!

   This is what Lei Gong said just now. They called the selection phase of the 203 troop as the melting pot.

   means that the selection is like steelmaking, casting the top fighters in the harshest environment.

   Thousands of tempers have produced elite soldiers.

"Okay! The procedures are complete!" Lei Gong slapped his palms a few times: "Welcome you recruits who are fortunate enough to be selected for the'melting pot' stage of our 203 troop. Now, take your backpacks and let's go! "

   The warehouse door banged, and the dazzling white sunlight shot in from outside, and Qin Fei couldn't help frowning.

   The originally dim warehouse suddenly became bright, and the outside scene appeared in front of everyone, which surprised everyone.

   This is a military airport!

   And this "warehouse" is not a warehouse at all, but a large hangar!

   "Qin Fei, carry something good on his back, move his muscles and bones, and want to run." Xu Wu, who had been silent like a mute, suddenly dragged Qin Fei.

   "Huh?" Qin Fei didn't understand at once.

   "Remember good things! Don't ask!"

   On the tarmac, a blue-and-white Il-76 large transport aircraft taxied slowly on the runway, approaching the departure plane.

   "Carry your things and leave the garage immediately! Keep up with that Il-76 as quickly as possible, and give you ten minutes to board the plane. If you can't get on the plane, go back to your original army by yourself!"

After speaking, Lei Gong and a few men with dark glasses swiftly jumped onto a military jeep with the roof removed, and followed the special soldiers who were desperately running towards Il 76, whistling with whistle in their mouths. .

   "Hurry! If you can't catch the plane, don't keep saying that you are a special soldier!"

   01-style field rucksack is full of personal belongings, guns plus magazines, carrying gear and the like, weighing at least 30 kilograms.

   "Me/fuck! This plane hasn't stopped!"

   I don't know who in the team scolded.

   Qin Fei looked up, and sure enough, the IL-76 didn't mean to stop at all. It drove to the far parking bay, and people couldn't catch the plane no matter how fast it ran.

   "Let us chase the plane with two legs?! What **** came up with the idea!" A lieutenant grumbled.


   The sound of thunder came into everyone's ears clearly amidst the noise.

   The loud voice really has the advantage of being loud. A piece of equipment clinking, running, and nearby airplanes taking off. The sound of thunder is terribly loud.

   "My **** came up with an idea. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

   Leiming said to the lieutenant of the "Lee Arrow" brigade who was grumbling: "It looks like you are used to being an officer in the old army, and you have forgotten how you became a recruit back then?"

   He pulled out a rucksack from the jeep, let the car drive over, and threw the rucksack at the lieutenant.

   The rucksack hit the lieutenant's body so hard that he staggered.

   "Putting up this rucksack is a price for what you just said! When it comes to the throne, if I don't see the rucksack or see you, then you can get out of here!"

   After speaking, Lei Gong reached out and patted the body.

   "Go! Let's go to the boarding point and wait for them!"

   With a kick of the accelerator, Lei Gong and the man in sunglasses drove the jeep and disappeared into everyone's sight.

   The airport is too big, even if you run from the warehouse to an unknown boarding point, if the distance is long enough, it is no different from running a five-kilometer raid.

   Il-76 still didn't mean to stop at all, the engine roared forward and drove toward the parking position.

   "Old squad leader, how did you know we were running and chasing the plane?"

   Qin Fei suddenly realized that Xu Wu seemed to know all this early.

   "Don't ask." Xu Wu said as he ran, his physical strength seemed to be very good, his breathing was very even, "You are a second-year soldier in the reconnaissance battalion, I guess you didn't skip the umbrella, right?"

   Qin Fei was taken aback, nodded and said: "I did not jump over the umbrella, I haven't reached the stage of umbrella training yet."

   "Then have you skipped the umbrella before?"

   "No..." Qin Fei shook his head. He felt that Xu Wu's question was completely irrelevant. When did he ask what to do?

   Xu Wu's expression is very strange, he looks like a smile but a deep meaning, and finally patted Qin Fei's arm and said, "Brother, I hope you are not afraid of heights."