Abyss Domination

v1 Chapter 82: Riding a gun

The ogres have a creature rating of 5, which is a second-order intelligent creature.

If they are successful, then their strength is the biological level plus the professional level. Although the front of the ogre army has only two or three levels of warriors, as a warrior they have far less skills than humans, but the overall strength is A section higher than the army of White Horse City. The innocent power of the ogre made them rush into the front, and they were rampant. The heavy infantry who had the power of brute force could barely stop them, but the other White Horse Guards were not so easy.

There was a trace of confusion in the first line of defense.

The ogres rushing in front of the batch of people fell one after another, and several breaths were shot by the scorpion to kill twenty or thirty, but the casualties of the White Horse City army were also very large, those unfortunately swept by the mace. Most of the light infantry are killed on the spot, and if you are lucky, you have to break your hand. The wizard's blessings are limited. Most of them are concentrated on the more powerful heavy infantry. Those light infantry have no spell blessing, and they can't stop the ogre's charge.

"Stabilize! Stabilize!"

The commander of the whole body plate armor roared and pointed forward with a sword. He shouted: "The White Horse City elite army attack!"

Heavy footsteps sounded.

The heavy infantry of the second step began to move forward, and they wore the whole body armor, but did not use the shield. These people's weapons are also various, some use two-handed swords, some use long-handled swords, and some use special weapons such as chain shackles, mace hammers, giant pythons, and so on. They are all third-order fighters, with a professional level of 10 or higher, and do not need any spell blessing. These people scream at the ogre in front of them.


The sound of the weapon collision sounded again and again.

These reloaded elite infantry easily blocked the ogre's offensive front, and did not fear to fight hard against them. The figure wearing the armor was still flexible, looking for the chance to hit the enemy while evading the fierce attack. 10 professional grades mean 5 free attributes. Their strength does not have much difference to the ogres. The only pity is that these people are few, only seven or eighty, but they can join the battle. The first line of defense was quickly stabilized.

"Fatal attack?"

Sauron took a powerful shot and took a look at the frontal battlefield in the strangle. There were three or five people on the battlefield who were very conspicuous. The ogres they used were almost corpses, just a few minutes away. More than a dozen ogres fell under their swords. These are the only third-order fighters who don't wear armor. Their movements are extremely flexible. The straight blade in their hands traverses a deadly trajectory, and instantly hits the ogres.

Third-order Juggernaut!

As an extreme occupation in the war, even more dangerous than the violent warriors, these advanced people of the Juggernaut are simply a killing machine.

Five or six heavy infantry guards guarded the enemy on the side and behind in the synergy attack.

Juggernaut is very fragile!

Even if they don't have a leather armor, as long as they are hit by the enemy, they will almost be killed on the spot.

Sauron shot an ogre's eyelid, and the scorpion penetrated from the front, killing the enemy in an instant. The killing experience of the ogre is very high. This is just an ordinary ogre warrior. He has gained 800 killing experience. If it is an advanced ogre warrior, his killing experience is almost comparable to the abyssal snake that was first killed.

"Thunder Spear!"

The ogre warlord, who was wearing armor at the rear, seemed to have discovered these dangerous enemies. It roared and took off an iron spear, and threw it at the position of the Juggernaut. The ogre warriors who rushed up behind him followed, and they roared and took off the iron spear, throwing them out toward the enemy in an instant. The iron spear cut through the air, with a sharp whistling sound. On the spot, five soldiers were killed, one sword was dodged, the thigh was penetrated by an iron spear, and the rescuer waited for the rescue. The ogre smirked and slammed over. , waving a heavy mace!

Just like a watermelon, the head of the Juggernaut bursts instantly.

Powerful and fragile.

Juggernaut, who almost completely renounces armor, can easily become a target for the enemy to deal with on this large-scale battlefield.

They are really too conspicuous.

There are three iron spears in the ogre's equipment. The two rounds of overdraft have consumed most of the ammunition. As the distance gets closer, the ogre warlord roars and leads a group of advanced warriors who paint with strange paint. Smashed to the wizard at the rear. These fragile casters are equally dangerous. The iron spears they throw have a range of nearly a hundred meters, and they can attack the wizard behind them as long as they cross the first line of defense. Master's armor can't stop this heavy weapon throwing. As long as an iron spear hits, they can break their blessed armor and shield.

This group of ogres is simply a monster that does not follow the common sense.

Some of the ogres who were entangled in the frontal battlefield could not break through, but they gave up the enemies in front of them and rushed toward the adventurers of the two wings.

A sigh of rumors came out.

Many adventurers reluctantly took out their weapons and blocked the ogre.

The ogre after the bloodthirsty violent storm has completely lost his mind, and no one else can become their target, except that it will not attack the same kind. In the presence of these ogres, they confuse the direction, slamming in the crowd for a while, part of the plunge into the light infantry, and part of the rush to the adventurer.


It’s like a thundering explosion.

The storm lord in the legendary field finally couldn’t stand it. She pulled out a short spear and threw it out. A thunder flashed on it and an ogre warrior was nailed in an instant.

A fierce figure flew out, completely beyond the scope of normal humans. The storm lord’s spear sparkled with electric light. The ogre in front of him fell like a wheat, almost all of them were killed, wounds. There are traces of lightning burnt. The strength of the legendary professional is unmistakable at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, seven or eight ogres were killed.

The frantic drums echoed.

The ogre saman roared in the sky, pulling out a giant bone stick from behind and stepping into the battlefield with a heavy step.

The two-headed ogre, who had never been active, finally started to move. Its two heads began to cast spells at the same time, and each hand held a heavy tomahawk, and it rushed toward the storm lord. The brilliance of a magical spell emerges. The skin of the double-headed ogre becomes like a rock. Its speed is doubled in an instant, and a heavy infantry is thrown on the spot.

- "Fireball!"

- "Burst the flame!"

- "Dragon Power!"

- "Acceleration!"

The speed of the double-headed og casting spells has completely smashed the human wizard several streets. A fireball burst into the formation of the light infantry. Even if it has been dispersed in advance, more than a dozen people have fallen to the ground, and most of them have died. After blessing himself for Longli, the power of the double-headed ogre simply broke through the sky, and even the steel shield was deformed by the battle axe. Until the end of its round of spells, other wizards barely completed the spell, using the spell counter to interrupt its next high acceleration.

However, it is obvious that two or three wizards are pale and have a trace of blood on their lips. This is a failure of the spell's counter-attack, and it has been hit hard.

Their intelligence is actually better than the two-headed Ogre Wizard.

The army of Baimacheng fell to the ground like a wheat, from the double-headed ogres to joining the battle group. In less than a minute or two, there were hundreds of casualties.

"It's not a lot of spells!"

Sauron’s pupils shrank slightly, pulling out the scimitar, and the side turned to the back of an ogre.

The wizard's spell position is limited. The double-headed ogres cast spells very quickly, but the speed of the spells is also very fast. The spells that have just been released are at least half of the spells.

- "Flight."

The ogre warrior who blessed the spell was very fast, breaking through the front line of defense and rushing to the wizard behind.

With the glimpse of the spells, the wizard's figure flies into the air. The duration of the flight is very short. The spell power can only last for one minute. If there is no special spelling expertise, flexibility and spellcasting ability in flight. Both are plummeting. Because they also need to maintain the operation of the flight at the same time.

"The cavalry charges!"

The timing of the battlefield is fleeting. The ogre throws out the iron spear. The wizard or the defensive spells are either flying out of the air or transmitted in an instant. The endless means are avoided. There are only one or two. The second-order wizard, who was very bad luck, was covered by an iron spear. A guy who had offended the goddess of fortune had just sent a distance of fifty feet and was pierced by an iron spear. The range of low-order spells will not exceed 500 feet, and the position of the wizard is only two or three hundred meters away from the battlefield.

- "Monster Fixing!"

- "Charming monster!"

- "Invisibility!"

- "Flame Arrow, Strong Acid Arrow, Ice Gun, Transfiguration!..."

The wizard finally began to let go of the spell. According to different specialization spells, the endless means were called, and the ogres in the forefront hung down halfway. The tenacious vitality has made many ogres and hard anti-magic rushed over, and the body has been burnt a bit of black, and even the face can be violently angry to wave the mace.

The heavy hooves of the cavalry sounded, and the Knights of the White Horse City put the rifle down to the flat end ~lightnovelpub.net~ to drive the sitting horse to launch the charge from the side. With the dull hoof, the heavy cavalry gradually dispersed. When rushing to the enemy in front of you, staggered about two meters. The knight had a powerful force to penetrate the ogre. While hitting the enemy, the knight was shot. It also automatically breaks and leaves the half of the gun body in the other's body.

A frontal collision is impossible, because the horse will automatically avoid it, and the Cavaliers will not be able to withstand the reaction.

The cavalry rushing is attacking in the moment of dislocation. In order to remove the anti-seismic force, most of the knight's rifles are very brittle and will break at the same time as the stab, otherwise the reaction will force the knight to kneel down.


They pulled out the long sword, turned the horse's head and sprinted, and slashed the sword at the moment of the ogre. The ogre's sticks were almost wiped by the armor, and then they fell weakly because of their chest. Has been cut into an amazing wound. The screams of the horses rang, and they were only wiped a bit. The horses were broken on the spot and the knights smashed. The knight above jumped up and lifted the shield sword and held the second attack.


(PS: The rifle can be a frontal sprint is a misleading, the spear rifle used by the infantry can only be used in the hands of the knight to slam, and the frontal hard reaction can fly them. The real knight gun is a one-time consumable. The front section is ironwork, the middle is a hard and hard wood pole, which will break at the moment after hitting, and at the same time alleviate the power of anti-seismic. The dense formation hard punch is even more misleading. The knight’s attack is a misplaced assassination, heavy cavalry. There are very few frontal impacts, and the charge is more of a side and a burst of daisy, because both horses and people are flesh and blood.)