Abyss Domination

v1 Chapter 84: Broken bone


The heavy broken bone hammer caught the fierce wind, and Sauron rolled over and evaded, while wielding a machete to make a knife on the leg of the Ogre Warlord. The feeling seemed to be cut in the tough cowhide. on. It is clear that a half-foot-long mouth has been opened, and the attack of the Ogre Warlord has not stopped. It seems that there is no injury at all. Its entire body is covered with heavy armor, except for the arm leg and armor gap can attack, other positions hit it is useless.

Whistling sounds from the top of the head, a strong wind accompanied by foul smell, the taste of the ogre is even worse than the wolf.

Sauron did not dare to have the slightest stop. After rolling and avoiding, it was successively retreating, and the distance of seven or eight meters was continuously opened. The semi-elf ranger seized the opportunity of this moment, and quickly shot the arrow on the bow, and the arrow shot at the head of the Ogre Warlord. The opponent directly grasped the fist in front of him, and the arrow hit its wristband and was bounced off. Yass whispered a curse and pulled out an arrow to aim at the shot again, but the Ogre Warlord had already screamed and rushed toward him.


The crisp sound of the break, Yass did not have time to pull out the weapon block, and quickly wanted to escape after an arrow shot, but it was already a step late, only the wolf smashed the long bow frame, the bow body broke instantly, broken bone The hammer fell on his chest, and the ribs were all sunken. The blood was suddenly coming out of the chest, and the chest was already **** in the blink of an eye. The arrow hit the neck of the Ogre Warlord, but did not hit the throat, but passed through the side.


Sauron sighed low and slammed into a deep breath. In the moment of the Ogre Magi in the Ogre Warlord, he slashed his knife to the other's neck. The tough skin was cut by a machete, but when it was in the middle of the bone, it was stuck directly on the ground. The Ogre Warlord issued an angry roar, and actually turned his hand back to Sauron. The other's arm had a spiked wristband, and the heavy force drove Sauron out.


With a crisp fracture, Sauron's right arm has been fractured, and the spike on the wristband penetrated the position below the shoulder, and his right arm was bloody. Sauron’s right arm was numb, and it might have hurt the tendons, and one arm could not make any effort. He slammed back and forth, and when he stood up, he pulled back in the distance. It is impossible to kill the Ogre Warlord with one arm. The bones of the arm are estimated to be broken. Now he is difficult to fight.

The Ogre Warlord roared and pulled out the scimitar, but the blood ran wildly and splattered. Its speed was quickly slowed down by half a beat. A large stream of blood rushed out, and half of the body was bloody.

"Cut the artery!"

Sauron’s expression was a joy, and he grabbed a short sword from the battlefield and threw it.

The raging Ogre Warlord rushed over again, and the speed of its activity rushed out faster. However, it is a distance of thirty or fifty steps, and its speed is getting slower and slower, and blood is spilled behind it. When it roared and wanted to wield a weapon, the huge figure suddenly stiffened and then fell to the ground with wilting. It didn't die immediately after a serious blood loss, but the hands holding the weapon were unable to loosen, and Sauron stepped over and determined that the other party's breath was getting weaker and weaker, and then the dagger was pulled into the enemy's eyes.

A row of data emerges:

"Successful hits!..."

"Inflicts 21 puncture damage to the target!...the target dies!..."

"Successfully killed the Ogre Warlord!... Extract the target soul energy!..."

"Get 2400 killing experience."


Third-order or more close to the fourth-order ogre warlord.

The killing experience given by the other party was actually higher than the abyss snake that was first killed. Sauron gasped in the same place, watching the left and right vigilantly, and then quickly took out a bandage to wrap the abolished right arm. If you continue to lose blood, even if he has the ability to regenerate, it may become extremely weak because of excessive blood loss, and may even lose his life. He rested for a few tens of seconds, and then approached the position of the half-elf ranger. Yas had already been killed and his chest was completely sunken.

Less than a few seconds after he was hit, he was completely swallowed.

"May your soul rest in peace!"

Sauron’s expression was a bit sad, although the two sides were not very familiar, but after all, they were people who fought side by side.

He reached out and closed the eyes of the half-elf ranger, then took out the opponent's pocket and put some useful things on himself. The battle is not over yet, but he has basically lost the ability to fight. He looked at the battlefield in the strangle, raised his hand and touched the blood on his face, and quickly retreated toward the back.

It was only after a distance of a hundred meters that he had stopped a little.

Sauron took out a bottle of therapeutic agent into the mouth, then gritted his teeth and forced the bones back. With a sullen sputum, the broken bones were in the original position, but still did not give any strength.

"Upgrade the wizard level!"

With so many battles, Sauron’s accumulated killing experience has more than 9,000 points. As he assigns the killing experience to the wizard level, a series of data is also present:

“The wizarding career has been upgraded to level 5.”

"Get 25 (intellectual value 20 + (intellect 20-10) * 0.5) point skill points, health value increased by 9 points (professional life 4 points + (physique 20-10) * 0.5)."

"Understanding professional skills [spell counter]."

"Get a specialty."

The health value of the promotion of the professional level has significantly reduced his injury, and the right arm is finally able to move slightly. He stood up and glanced at the front and found that the ogre had already smashed the defense of the White Horse Guard. Under their brute force and rushing, the battlefield became a small battle group. Fortunately, the long-term training effect is still there. Although the army has been rushed into formation, it still maintains a small round battle of five to ten people. The injury of the ogre has finally accumulated to a certain extent, and the vitality cannot be changed. They are gradually falling down the fate.

On the other side of the battlefield.

The wizards' concentrated firepower spells have killed the Ogre Warriors. The strong acid arrows and the flame arrows have a strong penetration effect. As a few of the Golems support the wings, the ogres on both sides have gradually collapsed. The power of bloodthirsty violent fading gradually faded, and the number of ogres began to plummet. It seems that ordinary ogres have fled the battlefield because of morale collapse.

The storm lord gradually gained the upper hand in the battle against the double-headed ogre, and the commander of White Horse City cooperated with the knight to bypass the enemy and rush to kill the enemy.

The clouds of black pressure in the sky are getting lower and lower.

Along with the roar of the storm lord, a flash of lightning suddenly fell, but it was not a double-headed ogres in front of the attack, but fell directly on her spear.

- "Thunderbolt weapons!"

The lightning flashes around her spear, and the glare of the explosion almost obscures the view. Her whole person looks like she is holding a lightning bolt in battle, mixed with wild roar, and the speed of her attack is coming. The sooner, the whole body was surrounded by a piece of lightning. Occasionally, other people in the vicinity were close. It was almost within 30 meters of her, and immediately it was strangely standing and shaking in place, as if the whole person had an electric shock.

- "Electrostatic field [legendary force field]!"

Sauron is very familiar with the scene in front of him. When he activated the shadow field, it was also the coverage effect of this coverage.

The speed of the two-headed Ogre Wizard became slower and slower. With a moment of mistake, its chest was stabbed by a spear, and a hole of five centimeters in diameter was directly pierced. The flesh of the wound was scorched by lightning. With the screaming screams, it suddenly threw down the opponent in front of him, and the two heads madly cast spells, disappearing in a moment and appearing hundreds of meters away.

The wizard's transmission spell, it is ready to escape.

- "Thunderbolt!"

The jumping lightning condensed on the spear, the storm lord screamed with anger, slammed to the height of a hundred meters, the storm lifted her figure, and she tightened the spear to the two-headed ogre in front of her eyes. Throwing out, the spear is like a flash of lightning across the sky. The speed is already faster than the human eye. Only one electric light that has passed through the sky can be seen. The chest of the double-headed ogre has already been opened. Bloody big hole.


The huge figure of the double-headed ogres fell to the ground, and the storm lord landed slowly. Her breathing was a little messy, her expression was very tired, her hands were like scorching, and her arms were black. The ogre finally broke down on a massive scale, and many of them began to escape while the two-headed ogres fell to the ground. The storm lord stepped forward at a heavy pace, and did not pursue the escaped ogres. Instead, he came to the body of the double-headed ogre sorcerer, pulling out a short knife from the waist, and then the two were slightly blackened. The head was cut down.

A **** splash of a strand.

She put the two heads in a cloth bag, and then nodded with satisfaction, then turned back and looked at the battlefield.

The ogre has completely broken.

The cavalry is chasing as much as possible. Many tired warriors are sitting on the ground with their ass. The wailing of the wounded is everywhere. The priest is using a few spells to treat them. For those very serious fatal injuries, others can only Helplessly give them a happy. There were hundreds of ogre corpses left on the battlefield, and the army of White Horse City also suffered heavy losses~lightnovelpub.net~ Some well-prepared warriors pulled out their weapons and cut off the heads of the ogre!

This is their most important trophy, and it is also the most important trophy of White Horse City. These heads and corpses will be sent back to the city, showing their record on the one hand and deterring the enemies on the other. The heads of these ogres will be marinated and hung in many places. In the next few days, they can warn the nearby enemies who intend to provoke the White Horse City, trying to challenge their consequences.

If there is nothing unexpected.

The nearby races will never be easily involved in the territory of White Horse City, because the first thing they should consider is whether they can defeat a powerful ogre tribe.

This battle will soon be circulated by the poets, and it will not be long before the pub will spread all kinds of stories.

Of course, the protagonist of the story is not Sauron.

Maybe one day he will become the protagonist of the legend, but now he is just an insignificant adventurer.

A row of data emerges:

"The battle is over!"

"You successfully assisted the White Horse City army to defeat the broken bones ogre tribe!... Your skills have improved!..."

"Detection +5, search +5, sneak +2, field survival +2, parry +2, dodge (rolling) +1, dodge (troll) +1, 耹 +1, medical +1."

"Because you have joined the legendary level of battle, you have gained 1 legend [Folklore]."
