Abyss Domination

v5 Chapter 44: [True God] - Sauron!

What is the most important thing in the ritual of the gods?

Advance yourself into a spiritual form? Learn how to turn the power of faith into divine power? Master how to give believers magic? Or open up a country that belongs to the gods?

No, no!

These are not the most important things. The most important thing about closing the gods is to enter the legendary - [Pantheon]!

Take the throne up! Rise to the sky!

The soul belonging to a part of Sauron is directly transformed into a manifestation of the pure energy form of the gods. In the tens of thousands of believers, the sky rises like a bright star! Time and space are not distances. The soul crosses the boundary of the material plane, as if it has passed through a solid crystal wall and stands in the void of the Milky Way.

But this is not the point, a sacred door opened in front of Sauron.

The glory of glory emerged.

The figure of the angel appeared in front of him, and two black and white figures came out of the void, holy holy angels, evil fallen angels.

They are the oldest group of angels!

It is also the strongest spiritual creation that has survived in the long river. Now they have not been involved in other things in the universe. They only have one task now, that is, they are stationed in the Pantheon!

Leading new gods.

The two ancient angels were silent, "They looked at Sauron with their gaze, then they leaned over and expressed their respect for a true God, and then opened the door with a hollow."

It is a shrine that is so vast that it cannot be described in words!

It is the core of the multiverse.

A place more mysterious than the legendary 'Insignia City', because only the gods are qualified to step into the past.

This is the core of the rules of the entire multiverse!

Sauron nodded slightly and immediately stepped into the door of the front. When he entered the Pantheon, the knowledge that countless gods should master poured into his mind. This is the power of the oldest law. No one knows when the Pantheon was born, but in the knowledge that the gods have mastered, it begins with the birth of the oldest god. [The Pantheon] has already existed. Like the longest memories of the Orbis devil, they woke up from chaos and descended into the present multiverse.

The Pantheon is very quiet.

This is an incomparably huge space. Everything you see in front of you is shrouded in light curtains. This is the light curtain that the gods can't see through.

One of the gods is placed in the Pantheon.

Many of the figures can be seen in Sauron’s sight, and they sit quietly in the same place, without any concern for His arrival.

These are the incarnations of the gods.

It is also part of their souls, and any true God will send some of the souls to the Pantheon. As long as they are not completely degraded, the gods that belong to them in the Pantheon will remain. There are not many ancient gods who will pay attention to a new **** who has just been born as a "weak power". They stay in their own thrones against the coming catastrophe.

Natural gods.

Elemental gods.

Human gods.

Elf gods.

Dwarf gods.

Half-length man.

Drow spirits.


Orderly camp.

Neutral camp.

Chaos camp.

Good camp.

Evil camp.


The distribution of the entire Pantheon seemed to have a law that he did not know. Through the induction in the darkness, Sauron found his position in an instant.

At the end of the interval between the human gods and the elves.

Close to the corner of the left side of the Pantheon, there is a throne belonging to Sauron, which bears his emblem and reveals the power of His possession.

- [Weak power]!

One of the weakest gods in the entire Pantheon!

Without any gods, the half-elf race has only one of his gods and no clear allies. Because only after becoming a **** can formally form an alliance. So Sauron has an independent space in an independent position, even though he is in the most corner of the Pantheon. But if He chooses to join a certain god, then the constellation that belongs to him will move to another space. These separated light curtains are actually one space, which is bigger than what the eyes see. The position of the gods is not a constant layer. They maintain the normal operation of the entire multiverse, and in fact every ten thousand or so these miracles will change slightly.

There are gods and gods, and there are also gods to promote.

But most of the changes are at the end of the Pantheon, belonging to the elements of the gods, the natural gods and the many gods. No changes have taken place for a long time.

The last time there was a dramatic change!

The constellation, still belonging to the spider god, appeared directly at the forefront of the Pantheon. Her throne moved to the row of many **** gods, and it was not intentional or unintentional. Sitting opposite her is her former husband, the ruler of the elves, the Lord of the Elves.

This couple is really a smash!

Sauron sat in his own throne, and the space around him began to expand and became a small half-plane.

It’s empty inside.

Because Sauron does not have any allies, nor does it belong to any gods.


Sauron felt three gaze eyes, and they expressed goodwill towards themselves, from the ocean goddess, wealth woman and goddess of doom.

These three gods witnessed his god!

Naturally, he also noticed him at the first time when Sauron entered the Pantheon. If it was another time, perhaps the appearance of a new **** would attract the attention of many gods, but now the prelude of the Holy Holocaust is about to erupt. Basically, there are not many gods who will turn their sights into such small things.

Sauron is seated!

A light curtain rose around him, and there was a half-realistic figure of the gods on the Pantheon, which seemed to be no different from other gods sitting in the throne.

The power of the law flows into the body!

In the midst of it, Sauron seems to have realized some of the forces that belong to the rules of the universe, but He does not seem to fully understand it.


The gods are finished!

When Soren’s soul settled in the Pantheon, all the pastors couldn’t help but have a touch of inspiration because they suddenly regained the magic, even though they only recovered to the third-order magic, but for them It has a special meaning! My Lord Sauron has just completed the ritual of closing the gods. The power of his accumulation is not huge enough, but as long as he has spent this period of time, my Lord Sauron will be able to give higher-level magic.

Their power is recovering!

Sauron slowly opened his eyes, and the stars in the sky representing the half-elf gods were once again dim. Soon, when the sacred catastrophe was about to break out, Sauron could not and could not return to God, but He has a connection with this godland, because it represents the kingdom of God produced by the "semi-elf" priesthood.

Although it is already weak, it is almost crumbling, but still retains some of the details!

The Kingdom of God gave back Sauron's divine power.

if not. He wants to lift his own throne to the sky, absolutely not as easy as it is now.


The ritual of the gods was completed.

The figure of the goddess of doom gradually disappeared into the sky, leaving only a faint laugh. Ms. Fortune looked at Sauron, and she nodded slightly toward Sauron, and then turned into a golden glow to dissipate. This **** with [medium power] is not very powerful. In this coming time of the Holy Holocaust, she is not willing to waste too much power.

The only ocean goddess still in the sky!

The evil goddess smiled at Sauron, then lifted the Trident to the sea temple, and the huge power gathered since the establishment of the Port of Modo was all insane. It even extracts power from certain places in the sea.

She looked down at everything in front of her eyes and said in a majestic voice: "This city will receive a three-year harvest!"


Holy Word!

The sacred voice echoed over the city of Modo, and eventually a huge amount of power broke out, and even the surrounding space trembled. It has been passed to the depths of the sea.

The figure of the ocean goddess slowly disappears!

Sauron’s figure stayed in midair, leaning slightly toward her disappearing position, expressing her respect and gratitude!

This is the goodwill of the gods.

The goddess of the sea is expressing her kindness and telling Sauron that she is more generous than the other two goddesses~lightnovelpub.net~ is also more willing to cooperate with him.

Perhaps it is because Sauron has expanded her beliefs, or it may be because Sauron has a field of pirates.

Or they are also in the evil camp!

The idea of ​​the gods is hard to guess, but her behavior is worthy of respect and gratitude.


Sauron’s figure slowly descended.

The ritual of the gods has reached the final step. The figure of the high priest appeared in front of the statue, and she crouched toward Soren standing in front of the statue, humbly expressing her respect and love. Sauron put his hand gently on top of her head, and then a powerful power burst, and then he took out a scepter that symbolizes the supreme power of the half-elf church, and constantly infused his own power. Eventually it was handed over to the hands of the high priest.

Divine right of kings!

From now on, the High Priest is the supreme ruler of the Half Elf Church!

As the **** Soren will gradually live behind the scenes, many of his things need to be handed over to the spokesperson of the mortal, because this is the unspoken rule of the gods.

Sauron's figure is gradually disappearing!

The glory of the divine glory is as if he is watching all that is in front of him.

In front of the temple.

The face of the high priest came out solemnly, and she solemnly lifted the scepter and condensed her voice: "The glory of my Lord will be spread by us!"

"Glory to my master!"

"And we will eventually be reborn in the sacred kingdom!"

A cheering resounding resounds from the heavens and the earth!

In order to celebrate my Lord Sauron's enchantment, Modo City will hold a seven-day celebration of joy, and the city also has its first festival of its own.

..................(To be continued...) R1292

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