Abyss Domination

v7 Chapter 40: Floating Island Project!

Tallin left very fast.

It seems that when Sauron first explored the middle and high levels of the Arcane Tower, they already had such plans.

For some reason these towers can't leave the arcane tower, so they are always waiting for Sauron to arrive. If Sauron does not promise to give them freedom, these towers may really fight a fish and die. Staying in the same place for thousands of years, it is estimated that only the high alchemy can be attached to life, and it is already crazy to switch to other intelligent creatures. Seeing that these towers immediately opened the portal of the outer plane, the fallen witch was obviously a bit of a word, but in the end there was no opening.

This thing can only be chosen, but fortunately Sauron is a clue to the connection of the mechanical plane.

"Open the lock!"

"Connect the element pool!"

"Open the half-plane channel!"

Now that he has obtained the highest authority of the Arcane Tower, Sauron immediately opened the lock.

The energy required for the lock is very large. The element pool of the Arcane Tower is inoperable. At most, it is temporarily opened. Soren immediately turns to Gloria after activating the lock: "You will build an energy transmission channel." ""

"Try to find the energy of the [Elemental Furnace] into the Arcane Tower."

Gloria and the fallen witch also understood that this was the most important thing at the moment, and immediately nodded and prepared to leave. The other few people are wizards, and they are very curious about this and have followed suit. Only the high priest remained in place, she was a psychic warrior, and the things of the arcane were not very interesting.

"My Lord."

“With the Arcane Tower now, Modo City is equal to the ability to confront other gods.”

The high priest looked at everything in front of him and said slowly: "But."

"According to my view, this arcade tower is not very advanced. Its floating ring has not been completed yet, and the geo-network has not been established. I am afraid it can only fight against weak gods. In the face of some powerful power, there is still no Too big a role."

Sauron nodded. "I understand."

"But it is enough to have this foundation. The floating ring can be handed over to Gloria and the fallen witch, and the [Elemental Furnace] can temporarily ignore the energy of the ground."


“It’s important to build a network right now. Can you do it with psionics?”

Psionic network.

The high priest has a terrible ability to connect matter and psionic power to form a super-mind network centered on her.

After killing the spider god, she used her power.

Sauron is now ready to open up some of her high-level authority, using her spiritual energy to upgrade the control system of the Arcane Tower.

Use a simple metaphor.

The current arcane system is flat. If the high priest completes the mind network, it is stereo control.


"But my current strength may still take some time."

The high priest said that she saw Sauron, she was very clever and did not continue to speak.

"I know."

Sauron nodded at this moment: "But I still have no idea to completely remove the curse after the spider god. Her field of martial arts is too strong. If forced to lift, it may directly alarm her. Lead to some accidents."

"You still need to be patient."

"When I advance to [Middle Power], I can easily eliminate the curse on you."

Sauron lied.

In fact, he now has a way to get rid of the curse of the spider god, but the cost is a little bit bigger.

He needs to delay the time.

Because the strength of the high priest itself is still too strong, a psychic warrior with a professional level of more than 30, Sauron is no longer upgraded, not sure if he can sustain her.

If it is lifted now, the two sides may be really half-pounded in strength.

Sauron needs to pay a lot of divine power, including a certain divine value. After the curse is lifted, the power of the high priest will be greatly improved without accident, and it is very likely to become a semi-god directly.

For this reason. Sauron must ensure that his strength is stronger!

There is no trust or distrust.

Sauron needs everything in his own hands, and he may not do this kind of risky thing.

Even if it is a chance of one in ten thousand.

Sauron also doesn't want to take risks like this anti-customer thing!

Now is the time of the Holy Holocaust. Anything can happen. The gods are also unprecedentedly fragile. Soren must think more.

The high priest nodded.

She is not very clear about the realm of the gods, but as long as there is hope to lift the curse is good.

The spider **** is the old power [powerful power].

[诡术] The field belongs to a very special kind of power. Sometimes the ordinary gods really do not have this method.


A slight vibration came.

The flat ground outside the arcane tower suspended in midair moved, and Gloria and the fallen witch joined forces to launch a large floating ring, and the entire land slowly drifted toward it.

Floating movement.

This is the most basic ability, and the top floating city in the period of the Arcane Empire. Even the plane transfer can be done.

The entire city is directly transmitted to the stars!

of course.

This requires a huge energy shield, when the floating city is almost equal to the independent half plane.

"Start energy transfer setup."


"You are responsible for the puzzle repair!"

Gloria’s voice emerged in the minds of everyone, and Sauron activated all the permissions, but it was connected to the Arcane Tower. A special function is triggered when the energy of the warplane half-plane is activated.

"Phase movement!?"

Sauron’s expression was a little shocked, and he muttered: “No! Is this a plane move?”

Arcane Tower Control Center.

A striking space marker emerged in his mind.

He is familiar with this position.

Because the space marker is locked in the city of Modo, and it is also a place where Sauron has an impression.

Time is back to the second half of last year.

Soon after Soren arrived in the city of Modo, he explored the nearby land.

Near the land occupied by a mutated plant in the city of Modo, Sauron discovered an ancient ruin that had been destroyed. This ruin looks a bit like the ruins of a tall tower. The corresponding coordinates are the arcane tower of the shadow plane.

Sauron later sent people to explore there.

But in fact, there is almost nothing special there, and it has already been destroyed.

Later, the expansion of the city of Modo, the place was also flattened, almost no major discoveries, has been included in the next plan of the city hall.


There is now a transmission mark in front of Sauron’s eyes.

Space markers are connected to the lock. The half-plane of the war chess is like a grafted bridge, and the final connection is the entire arcane tower.

"It seems to be able to deliver!"

Sauron muttered at this time: "The coordinates are northwest of Modo City, and the space markers are very stable."

"This wizard tower can be transferred to the material plane!"

"Just next to the city of Modo!"


“The energy required for transmission is very large!”

Sauron’s words stopped Gloria and the fallen witch, and the two legendary witches immediately rushed over.

Wizard Tower.

The city of Modo is now a tower that shocks the enemy!

If you can transfer this arcade tower to the material plane. And just around the city of Modo, then it can be incorporated into Sauron's current plan.

The Witch Tower can serve as the energy core of the entire Mondo Island!

Even the defense system, including the Temple of the Modo City, can be assimilated to the Arcane Tower. The most important point is that the Arcane Tower and the Lock are connected.

If the arcane tower can be transferred to the material plane.

Then the lock of this space lock can also be transferred to the material plane!


So far!

There are only two forces in the whole material plane that have the enchantment. One is the Northland Witch Council. The other is the Wizarding League.

If you can have a lock, Moto City's defense ability will be upgraded directly!

"Transfer must be empty!"

“This requires my mother and my mother to complete the large floating ring and place it below the Arcane Tower.”

"After floating."

"We can pass the half-plane to the city of Modo in the material plane."

The transfer can only be floating.

According to the information displayed by the Arcane Tower, this transmission cannot be connected to the earth. Only when the tower is raised can they start transmitting energy.

“How long does it take to transform this arcade tower into a floating tower?”

Sauron has always been decisive ~lightnovelpub.net~ immediately said: "Moto City's manpower and material resources can be handed over to you. If you need anything, I can find a way."

The Arcane Tower was not completed.

Look at the floating ring below to know that only two-thirds of the way is done.


“The material of the floating ring needs Mithril infiltration, and there is no Mithril reserve in Modo City.”

“Completing the Arcane Tower requires a lot of gems and materials.”

"These can be obtained through the Witch Council, but the price can be as high as millions of Kindler!"

Gloria's calculations are fast. Immediately said: "There is no problem with manpower. If there is enough material, we can complete the transformation within half a month."

"We need at least a pound of Mithril! And more than a million Kindler funds!"

Mithril! ?

Sauron couldn't help but frown.

Kindler is not a problem. He secretly controls Treasure Island and is also working closely with the Fortune Church. But Mithril is really rare, and it is almost hard to see in the surface world.

Want to get it can only go to the dark area.


A pound of Mithril is already a very scary weight.

This kind of reserve is probably only possible in cities with relatively dark areas, but these forces are basically impossible to produce such expensive and rare materials. If the price of the shot is very very scary!


(ps: At the end of the month, ask for the next month's ticket! Why do you write the story of throwing off the festival every time? The Buddhism is written very specially. This is a very pure person.) (~^~) Mobile phone users Please visit m.

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