Abyss Domination

v8 Chapter 173: Brush the strange pool!

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Shadow **** country.

Initially this country was too close to the shadow plane, so the interior has been assimilated into a semi-shaded form, and everything is gray. Most of God's domestic prayers are shadow creatures, but as Sauron controls the kingdom of God, everything inside is restructured, especially in the otherwise gray world, and there are more colors at the moment. However, the area of ​​the entire Kingdom of God is very large. Soul can not complete all the transformations without the fact that the body does not enter the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is still a desolate shadow country in the northwest of the Kingdom of God.


At this moment, there have been some special changes.

A huge reincarnation pool was placed here, and the prayers were unable to conceive and multiply, although the gods gave them far more than mortals and even reached lifespans of more than a thousand years.


Any prayer can't be pregnant and multiply, even a stranger can only be created as an angel. Therefore, the population of God cannot rely on internal increase and can only rely on the souls of other worlds. This is why the gods quickly withered or even destroyed directly after the destruction of the church in the material plane by certain gods.

The guards of the first team are in the border zone.

The boundary of this land is a river. When Sauron opened the space to bring the water of the St. River into the Kingdom of God with powerful power, the special reincarnation pool that had been placed here was also started.

Sauron can't freely transform the soul into his own prayer.

However, He is able to transform these souls into other forms, and the devil is only one of the ways in which the soul evolves.

When the water of the Styx brought the soul into the kingdom of Sauron, under the influence of the plane law, the reincarnation pool automatically operated, and then a shadow appeared in the vicinity of the reincarnation pool.

This is like a beginning.

When the first shadow appeared, the second and third appeared quickly, then other forms of ghosts, more advanced shadow life and so on. According to the difference in the essence of the soul, the reincarnation pool automatically converts it into the same level of shadow life. However, for a while, hundreds of shadow lives have been gathered near the reincarnation pool. They have long lost the memory of their past lives. After being transformed into shadow life, they are essentially hostile to other people. These shadows kill each other and even attack the nearby petitioners, but they are quickly destroyed by the spirits.

God abroad.

Sauron gasped and took back his power. Diverting the Styx even the gods was a bit overwhelming, but it seemed to be a success.

"The first brush pool seems to be complete."

Sauron closed his eyes and perceive everything in God's country. The inability to enter does not mean that he cannot be perceived. The gods in the late Holocaust can already know some things in God's country.

Brush the strange pool.

This is what Soren is going to do with the Styx.

Not only is the Abyss Blood Pool stealing the soul of the Styx into a demon, but the reincarnation pool of the same shadow plane will also transform the shadow life.

What Soren did was to intercept the soul in this tributary of the Styx.

The most important material planes are the general believers. Many of them will not enter the kingdom of the gods after death, but will re-shape the sea along the river. What Sauron is doing now is like a thief who steals a steady stream of souls into his own kingdom of God and then uses the reincarnation pool to become a shadow life.

This is like a brush strange pool!

As long as there is a soul passing through this tributary of the Styx, the reincarnation pool will constantly brush out the shadow life.

More importantly,

The kingdom of God itself is very close to being inaccessible. As long as the soul enters the interior of the Kingdom of God, once it is killed, part of the power of the soul will be absorbed by the imperialists to evolve into the spirit, while the power of the other part of the soul is It is automatically integrated by the kingdom of God itself, and it can be transferred after Soren enters the kingdom of God.

I mentioned a bit earlier.

The prayers will also die. When they die, the power of the soul will automatically dissipate within the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God will absorb the power of these souls to expand the area.

The matter itself is made up of energy!

The power of the soul is closer to the energy structure at the bottom, and the area of ​​the gods can be continuously expanded after the transformation.

at this time.

Within the Kingdom of God in Sauron, thousands of shadows have emerged.

They quickly expanded and occupied a site, about 50 square kilometers, and outside this area is the place where Sauron's imperial spirit is stationed.

Brush monsters also have to raise monsters.

The value of the shadows of too low level is not high. Soren has planned a region centered on the reincarnation pool in the country, as the site where these shadows expand and grow. As long as the water of the Styx continues to keep these creatures, it will not be less. When the shadow life accumulates to a critical point, it is time for the British Army to kill them.

This number can't be too much, otherwise the heroic casualties are also quite a lot.

But not too little, so there is not much benefit.

According to Sauron's judgment, if there is no huge natural disaster or man-made disaster in the material plane, there will be too many people who die too much. Perhaps the brushy area inside the country of God can be cleaned up for three days. The power of these accumulated souls will gradually expand the area of ​​the kingdom of God, and automatically extract energy from the elemental channels to form new matter, possibly the sea or the mountains, in the case that Sauron itself is not inside the Kingdom of God, these The birth of matter is random. Only when the gods themselves are in the country of God can they control whether the interior of the kingdom of God increases the area of ​​the sea or increases the area of ​​the land.


at the same time.

On the third floor of the bottomless abyss [forgetting ~lightnovelpub.net~ after a full day and night of killing, the mother of the most powerful worm finally appeared.

He killed and swallowed the mother of two other worms, and then a huge abyss worm of more than 30 meters appeared in front of other demons. This is the mother of the biggest worm that Soron has seen so far. He even has the power of a dragon, and he is close to the strength of a weak god.

"I! It is the leader of Barlow's Demon! The Lord of the Forgotten Land!"

The raging fire ignited on the body of Sauron, and he walked step by step to the mother of the worm in front of him, Shen Sheng said: "Humble insects! Surrender to my feet!"


"I will kill you without hesitation! Take your soul!"

The devil's lord's pressure shrouded the entire blood pool. Sauron held a huge dagger sword and flew the devil's wing to the front of the worm's mother. The 30-meter-long flame whip gently waved, as if the other side had the slightest Rebellion will not hesitate to take down.

The mother of the newborn worm seems to be uneasy, hesitating and seems to resist.

But in the end it gave up resistance because it could feel that it was not an opponent of Sauron, and that the mother of the worm itself served the demon lord.


After confirming that the mother of the worm had surrendered, Sauron slowly flew down.

Behind him, a large group of succubuses swarmed over, and Sauron turned and said to them: "Control here. No other people are close. Count the number of abyss worms born every day."

"It seems that my demon army needs to expand!"

An abyss blood pool, a shadow reincarnation pool.

On the third floor of the bottomless abyss, Sauron has taken control of the two tributaries of the Styx. The longer it takes to control, the more souls he steals!

.................. (To be continued.)