Abyss Domination

v8 Chapter 174: The giant net behind the spider god!

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Fine needle forest.

A tall human ranger traversing through the dense forests, she has a very high level of wearing forest steps, seems to be advancing at a speed unimaginable to ordinary people.

Soon, this human ranger reached its goal.

It was planted with a large number of woodlands, all of which were planted according to specific rules, while the center was a large pale gold oak.

This is [Lin Zhongsheng.

It is a place dedicated to the ‘forest and the goddess of the Ranger’-Melika. The goddess does not have many temples. Her favorite altar is the holy land of the forest. Often there must be an oak tree near the altar. Melika is the daughter of the father of the oak, and is also the most powerful **** of natural power today, but since the father of the oak and the mother of the earth have disappeared, Melikai's right to speak in the natural gods is not great. The goddess has been trying to regain control of the power of nature for a long time, but this kind of attempt is not very successful, and she is best at [Sen Shen.

"My Lord!"

The human ranger kneels down on one knee and respectfully: "There have been a lot of magical spiders in the forests in the southwest."

"Their number is getting more and more, and the speed of reproduction is very fast."

"I suspect that this is inseparable from the drow in the dark area. They seem to be planning to re-war with the surface elves. The spiders of these spiders are plotting something, maybe we should try to organize them."

The center of the Holy Land in the forest.

A tall woman in a green-brown fine leather arm turned around. She has an extremely beautiful look, but she has an indescribable British spirit, strong and beautiful. Melika is a humorous kind **** with a confident smile on her face. She is very cautious about making friends, but once she is identified as a friend, she will protect them loyally and faithfully. Although she understands that death is also a part of the life cycle, she is not as indifferent as Sivanas, but she often intervenes to heal the wounds of sympathy. The goddess has been guarding the forest, she is the goddess of the Ranger reverence.

"What do you think?" Melika turned and looked at her side.

An elegant golden unicorn is strolling leisurely. He hears Melikai's words and then raises his head and makes a girlish, crisp voice: "It should be a conspiracy of the spider god."

“But now our most important thing is to protect the forest from being eroded by the undead.”

"Imagine that the elves can cope with the conspiracy of the spider god, we just need to ensure that the magic spider will not spread to other forests."

A touch of golden brilliance.

The unicorn in front of him showed a noble elegance, and the nearby Ranger quickly saw himself after seeing her.

This is the unicorn goddess-菈芮, she is Melikai's most loyal friend, partner and mount. I love to roam around, and her character is somewhat capricious. However, once she believes that the other person is trustworthy, she will show a faithful friendship and will never give up on the troubled believers. When it is necessary to face the battle, you will be a very difficult enemy, but she loves all kinds of relaxed play, clever puzzles, novel discoveries, and joyful explorations in life. The unicorn goddess rarely manages the church, and her church is basically attached to the church of Melika.

Both goddesses have a large number of Ranger believers, and the pastor will also become part-time and become a Ranger and Druid.

Among them, the priests and druids who believe in Melika are free to use the ranger's weapons. This is the special ability that the goddess gives them, just as the priest of Sauron can use the machete.

Melika Kay was immersed in contemplation.

After a moment, she looked up and said, "Yes. How is the tree near the foggy forest? Are they still unwilling to integrate with us?"

The Ranger shook his head gently.

She thought for a moment and said slowly: "These trees serve the father of the oak tree and firmly believe that one day the father of the oak will return."


"They seem to have a close relationship with the shadow master. The healing of the entire foggy forest also has an important relationship with this god."

Shadow dominate?

The unicorn goddess heard an interesting look and whispered: "What kind of **** is he? Can advance to medium power in such a short period of time, no doubt he is a real powerhouse. ”

"I want to thank him in person for killing the Mara bastard!"

The **** of hunting - Marathi.

He is the most hated forest of the unicorn goddess, and does not mind killing him. Mara is also eager to taste the blood of the unicorn goddess.

She has always been eager to see Sauron and express her gratitude.

But she is also the ally and the mount of Melikai. In the case of the eruption of the Holy Ghost, she must be guarded by Melika. This goddess may not be powerful, but it cannot be underestimated, because the unicorn itself is a very powerful creature, just as many of the dragon's gods are weak gods, and it is not simple to really get started.


Melikai heard a hint of curiosity on her face and muttered: "He seems to be different from the other evil spirits we have seen. He sheltered the South and rebuilt the order."

"Maybe have a chance to see you."

Although the gods rarely move, their news is not blocked.

Sauron’s fame has spread throughout the multiverse, and even the oldest gods have heard of his rumors.


Spider forest.

This is a forest ruled by spiders. Inside this huge forest, there are a lot of poisonous spiders, phase spiders, shadow spiders, etc., and now there is a terrible spider.

That is - black spider [magic spider.

The spider has a length and width of more than three meters. It has sharp teeth and fangs. They are proliferating under the influence of certain forces. Nowadays, there are countless wins. The elf was forced to quit here, and now the entire spider forest is covered by a white spider web. The forest that spreads hundreds of meters is pale, the spider web covers everything and kills all the creatures that enter here, including the wandering souls. The speed at which the magical spiders multiply is quite amazing. Through the spider webs, many magical spiders can be seen perching in the holes. * There are thousands of occasional signs of activity, but the scalp is numb at a glance.

Druid is watching here.

The Rangers are just waiting.

The elves are also embarrassed, worried that these spiders will rush out and shred everything at any time. No one knows how many demonized spiders there are. Since the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, the spiders here are expanding rapidly. Now I am afraid there are already More than 100,000, their food does not know where it comes from, anyway, the number has not stopped growing.

The nearby gnomes and dwarves have been forced to relocate, and even the ogres have been forced to flee.

These spiders constantly cover the forest with spider webs, they are expanding toward the southwest, the area of ​​the cobwebs is getting bigger and bigger, and eventually it is approaching the elves.

This is a giant net compiled by Spider God - Rose.

Looking at the entire multiverse, only she can control so many spiders, the drow in the dark area seems to lurk, but the huge group of spiders is constantly expanding, and the twisted spiders are more and more common.

Not only is the drow elves corrupted, but even the surface elves have been turned into spidering elves by some kind of secret.

This is the power of 诡.

From the beginning of the spider **** - Rose is constantly collecting the power of scorpion, and now her giant net has been formally formed, this giant net from all sides to the Elven kingdom. But at the same time, because of the massive proliferation of spiders, the original material plane ecosystem was severely damaged. She also caused the vigilance and hostility of the forest goddess Melika.


Modo City.

Sauron sorted everything in the study, and after stealing the soul of the Styx, his strength increased every minute.

The Demon Legion is expanding.

The British Army is growing.

Sauron is constantly accumulating strength, and this force must ensure that he can stand firm in the spirit of powerful divine power, which cannot be achieved by the magic image.



At this time, an incomparable voice came, a black and white two identical Weiwei Anxing rushed into the room, crisply said: "We finally succeeded!"

Vivian and Lilian.

After such a long period of running-in, they finally adapted to the transformation of the gods under the guidance of Sauron, and successfully completed the transformation of prayer and magic.

"Congratulations to you." Sauron smiled and hugged them.

Vivian smiled and enjoyed Sauron's hug. She wore a white princess dress~lightnovelpub.net~ After looking up at Sauron's side face, she suddenly thought of something: "Yes. Brother!"

"The recent situation of Lulu is a bit wrong."

"Can you go see her?"

Soren heard the question and raised his head and said: "Lulu? What happened to her?"

Lilyan answered: "She seems to be a little uncomfortable recently. She used to be alive and kicking every day. But recently, her spirits are languid, and the whole person seems to be unable to say it!"

Sauron frowned. "Okay. Let's see it in the past."

Lulu lived next door to Vivian, and as the strength of the city became more and more, the battle she needed to join herself had been reduced.

Saul hasn't seen her for a while.

In the room.

Soren soon saw the languid Lulu, and when she saw Lulu, who was in front of her eyes, Soren’s eyes immediately showed a glimmer of light, Shen Sheng said: "When did she appear? of?"

"About a week ago." Wei Wei'an whispered.

Sauron frowned and went over and pressed his hand on Lulu’s forehead and muttered: “Listen to me? Have you been exposed to any gods some time ago?”


Lulu squinted openly, as if she had not slept for a long time, and muttered to herself: "Is there? I don't remember!..."

When she finished, she went to sleep again.

Vivian's expression suddenly became tense. Her relationship with Lulu was always very close. She was anxious: "Brother! What happened to Lulu?"

Sauron’s face was dignified.

He turned and glanced at the little girl, and his voice was cold and cold: "Someone (God) wants to use her to regain her life!"

"She was planted with a divine seed."

.................. (To be continued.)