Abyss Domination

v8 Chapter 63: Imprint City

Under the quiet night sky.

Sauron stood at the top of the wizarding tower overlooking the entire city of Modo, and the stars in the night sky have become increasingly dim.

The power of the gods has been declining very seriously. Basically, most of the gods have fallen into the mortal world. After the initial careful avoidance, some gods began to appear in the eyes of the world. The halflings were transferred to the Shire area, and the Glorious Lord completed control of the southern region. After the Spider God, the drow spirits of the dark areas were unified, and the elf gods also gathered together at the moment.


As the Holy Holocaust becomes more and more fierce, the gods have a strong uneasiness.

Soren silently stared at the city under his feet. The city of Modo at night was quiet. There were no pedestrians on the street. Only the faint light of the magic crystal lamp, there will be patrols passing by at regular intervals.

The devils can't find any chance here.

"Not sleeping yet?"

With a faint scent, the fallen witch appeared behind Sauron.

Sauron did not look back, but whispered: "Since the gods, sleep is no longer necessary for me. It is only a habit to maintain sleep."

The fallen witch did not speak.

She just walked side by side to Sauron and whispered: "You seem a little confused."

Sauron is silent.

The fallen witch did not stop and continued: "I can feel it. You are making a very big decision! This decision has the potential to change the whole world!"

"You are a little hesitant."

“It seems that you know what kind of change your decision will bring! It makes you feel uneasy and embarrassed!”

"I saw you for the first time."

"do you know?"

"I am curious what you are going to do! But I know I can't ask, but I will wait patiently for the day you told me!"

Feeling it?

Sauron is still silent, he is indeed making a very big decision, this decision will inevitably change the pattern of the whole world. As the two closest women around him, Gloria and the fallen witch seem to have noticed, but Gloria did not ask.

The fallen witch took a deep breath, the night wind blew her long hair, and she smiled sideways towards Sauron, whispering: "No matter what decision you make."

"I will stand by your side."

"Maybe you don't believe it now, but one day I will prove it."

The fallen witch looked at Sauron very seriously.

Compared with her in the past, this time in Modo City changed her a lot, a little frivolous and a little more stable. Unconsciously, Corinna also began to have a leader-like atmosphere. She is no longer as paranoid as she used to be. There are many changes in her body, although I can't say it but I can feel it.

“The operation of the elemental furnace has been completely completed.”

The fallen witch did not continue this topic, but seriously said: "The next part I need is the knowledge of [element fission]."

"If you can succeed."

"The energy produced should be enough to make the entire city of Modo float."


"Before this, I might need to leave."

Sauron frowned slightly and turned and said, "Leave? Where are you going?"

The fallen witch gently picked up the long hair that fell, this action is almost exactly the same as Gloria, she slowly said: "Ink City!"

Imprint City.

The site of the painful lady.

Sauron’s expression was dignified and whispered: “Why did you suddenly go to this place? Although it has opened the door, it is still very dangerous for the outside world.”

Imprint City is a very special place.

There are many terrible existences in this city, and some even the gods can't fight!

The fallen witch looked solemnly: "I need knowledge about the alien fortress. The seal of the imprinting city began in the era of the destruction of the Arcane Empire. There should be something I need."

"As for a little bit of danger."

"Everything we do is risky! Isn't it?"

The fallen witch decided to go to Imprint City, and the news was not good for Sauron.

But her decision is not wrong, because Imprint City does have what they need, as a god, Sauron is difficult to set foot in some places, and Imprint City is one of them.

Ms. Pain does not welcome any gods.

As a mortal, a legendary caster, it is much easier for a fallen witch to enter the Imprint City than Sauron.

"I won't leave right away."

The fallen witch hesitated, and immediately said: "This action is not led by me alone. The eyes of the Northland will also go together."

“Many witches have lost their ability to cast spells.”

"The Eyes of the North and the Wizards of the Wizards will act together, expecting to find information about the Arcane Empire from Imprint City, and let most of the casters regain their power."

Still the sequela of the magic network crash.

In the case of losing the magic net, the wizards can only move toward the path of the arcian.


Bottomless Abyss, 422th floor. Cursed the throat.

The savage nature is doomed to the carelessness of the gnoll, and in the mortal slaves enslaved by countless gnolls, some people are constantly obsessed with escaping.

The Jeno ancient believers and other dangerous predators are filled with seepage forests, while the greedy undead of the Ghoul King breeds in the screaming peaks. So for the mortal who fell into the bottomless abyss, the safest thing to do is to flee east and head to a raging yellow ocean - this refuge is called the curse of the throat. Away from the coast, a mortal slave fleet gathered for survival, revolving around the coast to rescue the fugitive slaves, or even reluctant to obey the mortal coyotes who were requested by Jenoguco. Although an accidentally captured sea beast can be used by the entire fleet for a month or more, their most common source of food is human and meat.

When the food becomes scarce, the crew will isolate and kill the weaker passengers, and then use the body to fill the dry food for everyone on board. Every member has to eat a small piece of flesh and blood from his former companions to prove his loyalty and dedication to his survival, but the real feast has not yet begun until some newcomers refuse this kind of A creepy meal. At this time, the nervous people will attack these "weak" with ruthless and cruel wildness, kill them and cook the body into the main dish.

The leader of the Cursed Throat Fleet is Malagas-Unos, who calls himself the King of Cannibals.

He directed the large sailing reaper in the center of the fleet. Every few months, Unos will lead his fleet away from the coast of Jenogou to the boundary of this layer, and then into the bottomless abyss ocean across the plane. There, they continued to cruise the sea and search for more ships to join their growing fleet.

At this time, on this maritime boundary of the bottomless abyss, a large-scale naval battle is erupting.

The disappearance of the Succubus Queen gave the Queen of the Gnolls a valuable breathing space, and he realized that his enemies seemed to be in great trouble. This allows him to launch a plan that is ready for a long time, to destroy the rebel chasing fleet, and to completely control the 422th floor of the bottomless abyss.

This is a war full of chaos and violent.

The King of the Werewolf had been premeditated for this action for a long time, so when he encountered the fleet of Unos, he quickly achieved an overwhelming victory.

A large number of escaped mortal slaves were killed, and the sailors were smashed by the ghoul king's minions. Jenogu was very pleased with this victory, but what made him dissatisfied was that Unos seemed to run away with his battleship.

The bottomless abyss of the sea connects the Styx.

Jenogu does not like the ocean, so when his enemies break into the sea, He has no way.

But at least for a long time in the future, Jenogu can be sure that this nasty guy will not mess with him, and then Jenogu will have enough energy to expand his territory.

The ruins of Azar, the end of Bachard, the cursed throat, the dark prairie, the screaming peaks, the seepage forest, and the assembly gate.

The whole level of this bottomless abyss has completely fallen into the control of Jenogu. Without the suppression of the succubus queen, the power of Jenogu is unprecedented, so he seizes the opportunity to make himself stronger!

He is ready to expand his territory.

A huge map was spread out in front of Yenogu, and all the layers depicted on it were the bottomless abyss. The bottomless abyss is more and more desolate, and Jenogou is not prepared to occupy the lower plane. He needs the upper space. The more souls that are transformed into the upper layers, the more they have been dominated by other demon lords.

The king of the Gnolls thought for a long time, and finally Jenogu locked his eyes in one place.

"The third layer of the bottomless abyss [forgotten land]!"

A plane that has not yet been controlled by the demon lord, near the top of the bottomless abyss, and the legion of the old succubus queen of his old rival.

This is an opportunity.

There is a cruel smile on the corner of Jenogu. Through the door of assembly, He can quickly send the army to the upper level of the bottomless abyss. In this case, the other demon lords are indifferent, the king of the wolf is thinking that he can Quickly occupy the [land of forgotten].

Next, he can aim the target to the upper [red shroud].

A sorcerer lord who has hated him for a long time, I believe that when the succubus queen returns, she will find that all her minions have been killed by him!


The bottomless abyss, the third floor, the land of forgetting.

The Columba Arena is expanding at an alarming rate ~lightnovelpub.net~ and the rise of the demon Sauron is also faintly letting other demon lords realize the emergence of a powerful opponent.

The powerful enemy makes some sub-devil lords try to unite together, which faintly forms a stalemate, but the stalemate always has a broken time. Just as Sauron stepped on his opponent's gradual growth, the trail of the gnolls suddenly began to appear in the vast wilderness borders of the forgotten land.

Many, many gnolls!

They didn't know when it came out, and they didn't know where they came from. In just a few days, they destroyed a sub-demon lord who occupied the northwest, and at the same time rapidly expanded and attacked the fortress of the Succubus.

When the news was sent to Sauron, he only frowned slightly.


The high-end succubus that stood by him at the moment was not shocked by the shock, and it was very rare to reveal a sense of anxiety.

.................. (To be continued.)