Abyss Domination

v9 Chapter 1: [Order] field!

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"I am going to die?"

The ignited bonfire could not dispel the chill of the body. Zoe hugged his younger brother in the arms. Hunger made him lose most of his physical strength, but at this moment he still tightly guards his 10-year-old brother under his body. The eyes are waiting for the pain of being bitten.

"Maybe death is relief." Zoe thought so, he could feel the younger brother shivering.

He tried to calm his brother, but he didn't know what to say. He could only whisper: "I can see my father and mother soon!..."

The expected pain did not come, and there was a scream in the darkness, followed by a plop of earth.


A slender figure appeared in the darkness, and he frowned and glanced at the ghoul in front of him, then glanced at Zoe toward the rear: "Captain. There are two living people here!"


Zoe opened his eyes in surprise, his face was full of despair and ecstasy, and he turned to see a body.

It was an unusually ugly ghoul, once his companion, named Xinov, from Nanfeng County, used to be a groom. The ghoul's limbs are very slender, and the skin of his head is sunken. It seems to be in a state of hunger for a long time. The only thing that is special is its belly. The ghoul's belly is high and looks like it seems. Stuffed into the stone. This feature is also present in Zoe and his younger brothers. They have a little belly in their stomachs, because their stomachs are not food, but bark, grass roots, leather, and even some kind of Soft soil. These extremely difficult to digest foods can temporarily resist hunger, but they cannot supplement the nutrients they need. The former companions fell one after another. Many people became ghouls because of their hunger during their lifetime, including his Father and mother.

They are refugees who are in the wilderness. I heard that the south coast is rich and stable, and I hope to cross the wilderness and reach the wind and spear hills.


The young rogue throws a small parcel, but his eyes are still alert: "First eat something."

Have eaten.

Zoe slammed his eyes in the air, and took out the dark bread inside. It was a sip, and the familiar taste suddenly made him cry. He had not eaten real food for a long time. As if he had thought of something, he quickly squatted down a small piece of bread, then chewed it a few times in his mouth, then took it out to reach the weak younger brother, whispered: "Joy. Have something to eat. Bread, You have to work hard to eat."

"Water." The rogue saw his movements softer, and then threw a kettle.

In the wilderness he has seen many refugees who have completely lost their humanity and reason. The young people in front of them are much better than the many people he has seen.

"Is there still a living person?"

A middle-aged man with a cold expression appeared, followed by two soldiers with exquisite light. The middle-aged man glanced at Zoe and then said, "Is there a check?"

The young rogue shook his head.

The middle-aged man glanced at him and said: "Give them some food. Then take them to the temple and give them to the pastor. This is infected by the plague."

After that, he whispered to the people next to him: "Now send them away, be careful on the road and turn them into ghouls."

"you guys!……"

Zoe recovered a lot of strength after eating something. He looked up and looked at the man in front of him in awe. Suddenly he seemed to recognize something. Surprise: "You!... Are you from Modo City?... ..."

The middle-aged man nodded, but did not pay attention to this young man.

He still has a lot to do, and the nearby water sources are polluted. Many hungry refugees need only a little bit of death, and they become ghouls in weakness and hunger. Some of the groups that he first received were turned into ghouls on the road. Not only did they kill many refugees, but even three of them were killed.

These are all from the hands of Modo City!

At the thought of this middle-aged man, his face was distressed. The strength of the Guards of the Wind and the Spear Hills was too poor. He brought twelve people from Modo City. He did not expect that a mistake was actually killed by a quarter.

That **** ghoul!

The young rogue watched Zoe and recovered a little spirit and walked over. Shen Sheng said: "How many people do you have?"

Zoe thought for a moment: "Some are left behind. We have a group of goblins on the road. Some have become... become monsters for eating people... I don't know... there are more than one hundred people when we set off. ...now only two of us are still alive..."

The young rogue is silent.

At this time, Zoe discovered the other pretty ears, which is a half-elf rogue.

"follow me."

The rogue does not seem to have an interest in speaking. Shen Sheng said: "I will take you to a safe place first."

The food gave Zoe a little physical strength, and his words made Zoe full of hope. He helped the younger brother and stepped up.

Along the way, the rogues in front were leading the way, but they kept a distance from them. There was still a little vigilance in their eyes. Zoe didn’t know why, but he could guess, maybe he was afraid that he suddenly became the kind of 'cannibalism. Monster's right.

Zoe has seen many kinds of monsters that eat people.

They are called ghouls.

These parents, including Zoe’s parents, became these monsters after death. He still remembers the scene at the time. If the adventurer in the team did not kill it, his parents would have killed him and his brother.

Hunger afflicts their souls and will, and when death comes, many people become undead.


"team leader."

A tall woman came out of the night, and she said to the middle-aged man in front of her eyes: "There is no living person in front. The rest are all turned into ghouls, and they are eaten without becoming ghouls. It is."

The middle-aged man looked calm and said: "Ready to clean up."

"This is an important route to the wind and spear hills. It is not allowed to occupy the ghouls. The dark-guard garrison is informed to prepare for the action. The order of the city of Modo is cleared within three days."

"Yes." The woman fell back and disappeared into the night.

The wind is whistling.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed and muttered: "I have been staying in the city of Modo, and I don't feel anything about the outside world. I didn't expect the once rich South to become a **** on earth."

On the way, they passed through several villages and towns, all of which were covered with bones.

"Get ready to act."

The extra feelings don’t make any sense, and their mission can’t be delayed for too long.


Zoe was groggy all the way, and he didn’t know how long it had been.

In the end, his whole person's consciousness was blurred. When he recovered, the first thing he saw was a middle-aged priest wearing a white robe. The other person smiled softly toward him and immediately said to the rogue next to him: It’s all right. The plague has been dispelled. Bring it back to a full disinfection and you can send it to the resettlement camp.”

Zoe turned his head and saw the sleeping brother.

Immediately after the fatigue, he fell into a deep sleep again, feeling like he was transported to the carriage, and then half-awake in the bumps.

When consciousness was completely restored, he had already arrived in a shed that stretched for more than ten miles.


"place of birth?"

"How old?"

"What other relatives?"

The expression of indifference looks like an official who asked him a few words, and then handed him and his brother to a team of soldiers.

People like them look a lot, thousands of people are being escorted forward, some people are expressionless, some are full of hope. They walked like this for a morning until a green appeared in front.

"Wheat field?!..."

Zoe opened his mouth in surprise. It is winter. It should be reasonable not to have wheat fields. Even winter wheat should be planted.

An amazement sounded.

However, the soldiers were quickly urged to move forward. They had already escorted many people. Every time they were amazed, they were already bored.

"Look at those people!... Those people are druids..."

Next to Zoe, a small man whispered: "It is said that they have the power to make the earth rejuvenate."

Some druids appeared near the wheat fields, and many farmers were busy nearby. They occasionally looked up and then lowered their heads to work. Nearby, the temperature seems to start to rise. After passing through the front of the fortress, Zoe feels a lot warmer.

At noon.

Zoe and others arrived at the destination, a medium-sized town that was placed south.

People with special skills were selected, while those without special skills were concentrated near the farmhouse.

That night.

Zoe slept on a soft, hay-filled bed. After a day of walking, Joey slept very much, but there was a faint whine. He got up and went to the window and looked at the dark night sky. language.

He doesn't know what the future is.

But now they are safe, their father and mother have passed away, but there is a younger brother who is alive.

Regardless of the future, he can only persist.

The disaster has taken him too much, but hope also gave him the motivation to continue to live.


town Hall.

A clerk-like man walked in quickly and then headed to the seat of Adele-Ishabella: "Adult. The sixth batch of displaced people has already been counted."

“The population currently receiving is close to 200,000.”

“There are 80,000 people in the southern towns, and they are now close to saturation. Other populations are likely to be placed in the east and west.”

Adele-Isabella heard his words and whispered: "Know it."

“How is the crop harvest?”

The clerk took a book and looked at it quickly and replied: "With the help of the agricultural church, one third of the land has already been planted. The druid has allowed some crops to grow ahead of time and is expected to be harvested next month. The first batch of food."

"At present, according to the supply of Modo City and the assistance of the agricultural church, it can still be maintained for about half a year."

Today, refugees throughout the South are gathering in the wind and spear hills.

Because Modo City has suffered the least interference in the overseas islands, it is now the biggest backing for the wind and spear hills. Whether it is materials or personnel, it is inseparable from the assistance of Modo City.

"Send this document to Modo City."

Adele-Ishabella picked up a document and handed it to the next attendant, then said: "You can inform the temple to arrange an action."

The population is faith.

Most of the refugees in the Winds and Sparrows have suffered, and the gods that once believed have long become very weak, and at this time, only a little guidance, lightnovelpub.net~, will provide them with a new life. Believers.


The new moon era 1677, early November.

Just after the resettlement of the seventh batch of settlers in the Windshoe Hills, Sauron, who was far away from Modo City, suddenly felt as if he had sensed, and then returned to his temple in a moment.

A golden light column rises.

With the prayers that reverberate around the temple, the power of great faith converges toward Sauron’s body, and this force also motivates the laws of the universe, and in a moment a new field of ability is adopted by Soren. Mastered.

A row of data comes to the forefront:

"power enhanced!"

"Faith conversion!"

"You have recast a new order for the South Coast!... In the chaotic period of the Holocaust! You created the law of the city of Modo! And reorganized the chaotic South Coast!... You got the [rank field Some information!..."

"God transformation!..."

"You have acquired new abilities - [rank field! From now on, some followers of the orderly camp will be able to access your [rank field and gain new blessings!..."

Heaven is divine.

A little golden brilliance blended into Sauron's body, bringing him 5 divine powers and 5 divine powers, while the power of faith over the temple was quickly consumed, turning into a new field of ability by Soren. grasp.

The order of the city of Modo did not bring about a real transformation, but when Sauron brought order to the south coast.

The quantitative change has finally caused a qualitative change.

Sauron has mastered the rank field that other gods need hundreds of years to obtain.

To gain this powerful field, it takes hundreds of years to obey the order, or it can only reshape the order in turmoil.

.................. (To be continued.)