Ace Evolution

v1 Chapter 50: Street Fighter!

Fang Lin took a deep breath and walked into the dormitory building. He walked up two floors first, and then slowly walked down. The darkness approached slowly, and the crimson rays of the ghostly ghost head tore through the barrier, and he soon returned to the deep mysterious world. Immediately after entering the personal space:

"You will enter the world of StreetFighter in twelve hours."

"This scene is a predatory scene. Killing a character with a nightmare mark will have a chance to capture the items on it and the kill value will increase. Please be prepared in advance."

"Come here ..." Fang Lin took a deep breath. He had already expected this. Since there is a peace scene, of course there will be a killing scene against it. But he didn't expect this day to come so fast! You know, in the previous world of peace, companions have become tools for betrayal, so what kind of chaos in the coming naked killing world?

Fang Lin sighed, spent the remaining 10 potentials by 7 points, and upgraded the level 4-4 basic footwork to level 7-and carried out another major stage of improvement, and the basic steps The attribute of law level--7 is strengthened to increase its own movement speed by 50%, its jumping power by 4 meters, and reduce its damage from falling by 40%.

Add passive effect: blur, making you interfere with the opponent's sight when running at full strength, making it more difficult to be targeted.

He went to buy at this time, spent a lot of points to buy some of the drugs and foods that were returned, and then performed a level--2 cutting operation to break down one of them, and then carefully recalled about The information of StreetFighter sat quietly in the fighting room, exercising his physical strength, waiting for the moment to come.

Twelve hours later, a white-lighted gate appeared in the center of the nightmare space, and one after another began to enter. Fang Lin sorted it out carefully, recalled it, and walked inward.

"Starting into the nightmare world ........."

"Because of the special nature of this scene, some characters with special props will follow the same regionality for input and data debugging ..."

"Begin to assimilate characters with this world ..."

"Starting to enter the world of StreetFighter ..."

Characteristic Japanese Sumo wrestler Edmond Honda

Character Information: Height-185CM



Measurements-Bust 212CM

-Waist 180CM

-Hip circumference 210CM

Blood Type-Blood Type A


Profession-Japanese professional sumo wrestler


传记 Biography: Edmond Honda is a legend in the Japanese sumo world. Since his birth, he has been under the guidance of the best sumo coach. Honda is invincible in the sumo world. Although his large body made him lose a lot of agility in his actions, he used his hand and head to avoid weaknesses, leaving some agile combatants without a countermeasure. Because Sumo has not been recognized and loved by the whole world, Honda has always wanted to prove to the world the charm of Sumo. As a teenager, Honda defeated Sodom in Japan's sumo competition. Sodom suggested that Honda participate in the Street Fighter competition and become the world's strongest warrior, so that everyone in the world knows the greatness of Sumo and at the same time promotes the Honda family.

Now he has been invited by General Vega's Street Fighter contest ...

………… ..

Fang Lin's lights were bright, Fang Lin closed his eyes first, and opened his eyes after his pupils adapted to the bright light. He found himself in a quiet room in a high-rise building.

The fax machine beside me made a slight noise and printed a sheet of paper from the machine's throughput. Fang Lin took it and looked at it, it said:

Task 1: Get invitations to Honda Tea Party in ten days. Note: Only five of this invitation have been circulated outside. How difficult is the task?

Task 2: (Activate after completing Task 1) Within fifteen days, touch the qualification letter of Edmond Honda's Street Fighter Contest and get its content. How difficult is the task?

的 Consequences of failure to complete the task: 7500 points will be deducted, and if the points are negative, they will be erased.

In front of his eyes, a string of fast-moving numbers appeared: two minutes and thirty-three seconds before entering the world of StreetFighter. Scene information also popped up immediately:

"Scene: Nara, Japan, 1989, Difficulty: High (A grade). Pain reduction is 20%, and personal attributes are not enhanced. This scene is a killing scene: killing characters from the nightmare space will be rewarded randomly, and Your own killing value has increased. Tip: Your mental strength has exceeded thirty ~ ~ The nightmare imprint authority has been increased, so you are already qualified for mental scanning. "

精神 (Mind scan: use mental force to investigate the surrounding environment, the current detection radius: 10 meters.)

After Fang Lin received this news, he immediately began to query the number of people entering the world from space. The answer is that the authority is not enough, it can only be no less than forty people! Five invitations are contested by at least forty people, and you may get additional rewards for killing your opponents.

And ..... These two tasks are obviously a cause and effect relationship. This Edmond Honda comes from a huge family and has a high reputation. If he wants to be exposed to his treasured street fighter competition qualifications Letter, I am afraid that no matter whether it is clever or aggressive, there is no chance. Only at this Honda Tea Party, we may get some chance.

More importantly, although the qualification letter of the Street Fighter Contest is important, the people of the Honda family do not think that someone will come to it. After it was stolen, it was of no value at all. Therefore, as long as they are invited to the Honda family, the precautions will not be very strict. It doesn't seem too difficult to touch it and know its contents.

关键 The key to everything is how to get the invitation to the tea party!

Xu Fanglin stood up slowly, exhaling a long breath, and now he really has a feeling that it is very tricky. It seems like a mess, and it makes him completely unable to find a breakthrough. However, Fang Lin was puzzled by the fact that he did not know how to use the ability of mental scanning.

He thought for a long time, and suddenly got the hint of the Nightmare Mark:

"Note: The reincarnation is approaching."

"Note: The reincarnation is approaching."