Ace Evolution

v1 Chapter 6: Ambush

After a few more miles, another sentry card appeared in front of him, Fang Lin was quietly lurking for a while, and I was very relieved: there were only four masked servants and a saber, and the body of the saber, He did not wear a red cape, and even the heavy armor on his side was unloaded.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the powerful and mutable eponymer he had previously attacked was obviously the eponymous leader of the army of the nearby evil archduke Galliburdi. Only in this way could he explain that he had eight masked servants The waiter, and his temperament and toughness are completely different from the one in front of him.

Wu Fanglin thought for a while, and after taking a roll in the mud next to him, he deliberately stepped forward and ran away to the masked slave who was sending his whistle. The guy was naturally surprised, and immediately called out:


The Fang Lin was extremely embarrassed. He ran forward a few steps with crawling belts, his foot was soft, and he rolled down to the concave land under the slope, deliberately facing the ground, pretending to be unconscious.

At this time it was night, and there was a mask to cover his face. Under such a tense atmosphere, who could tell whether he was true or false? He only felt that someone had flipped his body a few times, and he heard the heavy swordsman scurrying around wearing heavy chain mail, anxiously urged:

"The three of you hurried over to the camp and left to serve me with armor. I'll be right away."

The three mask slaves hurriedly drew out their short swords and hurried over. Fang Lin estimated that after the three had gone away, they suddenly worked hard and groaned in a vague voice:

"Master, lord ..."

This action naturally attracted the eyes of the remaining heavy armored swordsmen and masked servants. They naturally came around. Fang Lin deliberately and laboriously made near-death movements, and his body was trembling constantly, reaching hard Crouching his fingers said:

"Sword .... Sword ..."

The masked servant next to him couldn't wait, and actively took his sword into his hands. Fang Lin held the sword tightly and put it flat on his chest. This seemed to be a sense of security towards the heavy swordsman. Low channel:

"The Lord said before he died ... that you will inherit his place."

His words were very vague, and partial life could make people listen. The slayer's heart was startled, then ecstatic, and he couldn't help but came forward and said:


Ji Fanglin cut his throat with a sword easily at this instant!

Next, all he had to face was a horrified mask slave. With the double attribute of this world, it took him less than half a minute to solve it.

Then he lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead. For him, this was not only a repetition of old skills, but also a repetition of conventional skills. In the same way, after paying half a blood tank, the three masked slaves were killed by Fang Lin again. After the jerky and strangeness of the initial killing, Fang Lin found that he was gradually adapting to this life. The choice between killing and living in the shadow of death not only made him feel irritated and relieved, but also got rid of the pain and annoyance brought to him by the real world.

清理 After the camp is cleared, the first task: enter the world of the round table warriors, familiarize with its rules, and kill seven masked slaves, two epeemen near the village of Warfare in Act I, and earn more than 300 points. It's almost complete, and the points are only 30 points away.

Wu Fanglin played with the intermediate dagger in his hand and thought for a while, and in the wooden box in front of him, there were three decorative silver ornaments specially used for 70 points. He lingered for a long time, but he closed it and did not sell it, but turned around and walked back to the residence outside the town. Intuition told him that it wasn't time to complete this first task in a frantic way, at least, not yet.

Uh ...............

Fang Lin returned directly to the dilapidated cabin outside his village and fell down to sleep. He didn't worry about being attacked-he was alone, and he joined the world for the first time. Familiar with this survival mode, the enemy is facing two major aspects. If you arrange to arrange a night attack, then there is a description of this map, it is impossible to be easy!

After a good night's sleep, Fang Lin woke up and found that not only was he energetic, he had recovered all his injuries, and even his digital ability showed great improvement. Now they are strength 4 (3) and agility 5 (4 ), Physical strength 6 (4), mental strength 13 (13). The values ​​in parentheses are the values ​​when they first entered the world. Among them, strength and agility have been increased by one, physical strength has been increased by 2 points, and mental strength has been kept in place. It is because it is not used at all.

Fang Lin was not overly optimistic about the prospect because of this. The reason why his personal attributes can grow so quickly is that his potential in the body has never been exploited. After the battle last night, it was brought into full play. If you want to grow in the future, you can only rely on your own hard work.

He stepped out, took a deep breath of the slightly cold and fresh air in the morning countryside, and was used to the reinforced concrete forest in the real world. The lush and quiet countryside in the middle of the world is really fascinating.

In the fields of Sheshan, there are jungles, flowers, green grass and green fields. In the mountains or green wheat fields, or green grass fields. Even the hillside is a large expanse of lawn, with various trees standing in the air. Field trails are lined with green green leaves and small white and purple flowers, giving a sense of harmonious natural beauty. The scattered villages are half-covered in the green fields. Although dilapidated, they have a primitive beauty. Even the flowing streams are very clear.

Fang Lin was not in a hurry to go out. He sat quietly in front of his dilapidated hut, recalling and summarizing the details of the gains and losses of the last night's war, and at the same time exercising his body. Falling twice in a pit, not to mention in this seemingly peaceful and beautiful world, there is cruelty that cannot be restarted --- until he sweats all over his body, With a slight breath, he exchanged the points obtained last night for this world-wide silver coin through the nightmare mark on his chest and headed for the village bank.

At this time, it was about ten o'clock in the morning. I felt that some hungry Fang Lin went directly to the only inn in the town. The sleepy traveller was yawning from the crumbling old stairs. Go down.

Wu Fanglin's stomach is really hungry. The food that is purely for replenishment seems to be two different things from the one that fills the stomach. He straightly ordered half a piece of lamb leg stuffed with garlic and yellowed wheat bread, and then began to gobble it with the meat and bread. When the belly was filling up, he ordered half a whole chicken and a bottle. Rum, slowly tearing and eating, killing time, his chosen position is very clever, it just can be seen but very unobtrusive.

It seems that this life is very suitable for his current identity. Seeing that at noon, the hotel owner who had lame a leg was sure that Luo Lun (Fang Lin) was full. Afterwards, he was very attentive and sent two honest Alguan intestine, this thing is used to cut bread, cut with a meal knife, you can see its cross section is pink fine meat, mixed with fatty meat and whole grain pepper.

Fang Lin was very satisfied with this rich lunch, and was about to join the fierce controversy of the group of people in the dining room --- when preparing to get some useful information from it, the broken stone road in the center of the town suddenly suddenly A rushing horseshoe sounded, and a young man covered in blood hugged the horse's neck and rushed in, shouting in panic:

不好 "Not good! Outside the town are the army of the evil archduke Galliburdi. Soon after we set off for the city, the caravan was attacked by them, and Marina was looted!"

Wu Fanglin's eyes brightened, wasn't Marina just the bar girl with a few freckles on her face? It is her that can make Marce, who is as strong as a stone mill, obedient! It seems indeed wise that he did not choose to complete the first task directly last night.

In fact, the person who has experienced the same experience as him before, after entering the world, usually responds directly to the reconnaissance of several Galliburdi army camps. Each camp will dispatch one every hour. The famous mask slave came to fetch water. Just kill this single mask slave to pass the level.

What happened next was that, in order to verify Loren (the unified identity played by outsiders), Marina came to invite him to go early in the morning to verify whether the information of the evil Archduke Garibaldi attack was true. At the same time, because a masked slave disappeared last night, the Galliburdi army lurking outside the town began a small-scale search-the more people they lost at night, the more power they sent. The stronger.

Usually, only one masked slave is killed. The caravan organized by Marina can easily annihilate the patrol team encountered, and the first task assigned to the entrant can be easily completed.

However ... Fang Lin killed twelve masked slaves completely, UU reading will also kill the commander of the lurking Galibodi army! It must be said that it has a great relationship with his serial killing experience in the real world. Only in this way, the evil archduke Gary Porti's army naturally came out of the nest, and the intensity was so great that it could wipe out the entire caravan organized by Marina!

At this time, Fang Lin finally saw the sturdy Marce in the town in a mess, this man who looks stubborn like a hard rock, burning with anger in his eyes, he shouted and swear He wanted to organize manpower for rescue work, but panic spread like a plague. The man's efforts could only end in failure. At this point Fang Lin strode forward, faintly saying:

"I'll accompany you to rescue Marina!"

Marce hesitated:

"You can't do it alone."

Lin Fanglin looked into his eyes and said, word by word:

"Let's go together then!"

Marce's face suddenly flashed a complex, painful, contradictory expression, but Fang Lin seemed to have not seen it, scornfully:

"Love someone, not verbally."

Marce was stabbed by Fang Lin's neckline, wheezing and breathing like a red-eyed bull, but Fang Lin looked at him without fear, Marce sucked With one breath, Yangtian sighed:

"you are right."

At this time, Fang Lin's chest became hot, and the Nightmare Mark gave the corresponding prompts:

"Start hidden mission: Marce's rescue, medium difficulty (level C). Mission objective: help Marce see Marina, time limit, 8 hours."