Ace Evolution

v10 Chapter 11: Tiger vs. Evil Buddha

[Title: Ace evolution who fights! Who fights! Chapter XI of the top ten who battle evil Buddha Tigers VS Author: soil volume]

The latest chapter of "Ace Evolution" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the heroes in the infinite apocalyptic apocalyptic new world movie world smuggled into the holy god-level hex art Wudi evolution beauty long fantasy fast-wearing revenge office London.

This huge city blooms in the shadow of the night with another beautiful side, neon lights, street lights, plus fashionable girls, gorgeous clothing, and luxurious luxury cars. Make up the dizzying elements of paper fans. The Waldorf Hilton is one of the few top five-star hotels in London. Of course, there is still a certain gap compared with the seven-star sailboat hotel on the artificial island in Dubai, UAE. of. However, this is the case. The quality of the hardware and software in all aspects is also very good. This can be seen from the large number of famous cars staying at the hotel entrance.

Lei Zhe sat in his extended Rolls-Royce, his hands in white gloves crossed and held each other, his eyes closed, Fang Lin sat beside him, listening to the music casually, as for the driver, Unexpectedly surprised, I don't know where this young man is sacred, but he can sit on an equal footing with the majestic and noble master.

"The target is on the 17th floor. Room B-22. Check-in alone, the remaining passengers have been checked and very innocent." The boulder entering the guest room department helped Futong Road.

Their plan is actually very simple and concise. There are three waves of offensives. The first wave of offensives is led by the mercenaries of the S consortium. The people of Lei Zhe are responsible for clearing and finishing. After all, there is such a big movement in this downtown area of ​​London. It is not good to think that it has not happened at all, but the energy of the thunder person can make the big things small, and further the small things can not cause other people's attention, which is quite amazing.

The second wave of offensive was shot by Boulder and Lao Hu. At this time, according to their plan, no matter how powerful Relo was, he had to be baptized with guns and bullets without using his skills. It should be shameless. It is able to defend against surface attacks such as strong explosions. It may not be able to stop point-to-point attacks such as bullets. How can you be injured under cross fire? Next, under the joint care of two big men, Lao Hu and Boulder, It is extremely difficult for Rai Luo to escape from the two of them, not to mention the third wave of conservative offensives: the two big bosses, Fang Lin and Lei Zhe, sit firmly on the Diaoyutai outside?

However, because it is known that their own side has a decisive advantage, neither Fang Lin nor Thunder have used mental power detection, because neither of them has the bonus of equipment. Using mental power detection is likely to be used by some people who feel very sharp. It may be noticed that it is not good to fight against the grass. What's more, it's still Raleigh, one of the four kings of the chosen one. Therefore, their grasp of the situation is limited to the mouth of the hotel receptionist.

details make a difference.

This detail directly led to the bankruptcy of their first planned raid.

In Fang Lin's conception, there should only be Raeluo in the magnificently furnished room. But when the S company mercenaries were fully armed and ready to break through, a large group of people burst out from the left and right rooms, and the firepower was even more fierce than theirs!

Raleigh is a cult leader who has long lost his cult. Only in recent years has it revived, but it has risen extremely fast and is dedicated to a black happy Buddha. These are the twelve apostles selected from among his fanatics! It is true that Rai Luo lived alone, but the twelve apostles from his land had already entered in batches to worship the Lord! If it is said to be brainwashing and deceiving. Arthur in the last world is not inferior to Relos. His twelve apostles can say that everyone is willing to die for him, and is willing to give everything for him!

Therefore, Fang Lin's first offensive immediately broke down. Although those S consortium mercenaries are also powerful fighters. But the horizontal ground is also afraid of not killing it. Especially in this narrow corridor. Not even a cover could be found. It is typical to meet the brave on a narrow road, but the cost of the brave is at most at the same time in his own shot. Is there a difference between giving the enemy a few more bullets and hitting his head with two bullets and hitting his head with four bullets?

This first wave of offensive turned out to be counterattacked by Raello and his team. And the group apparently realized that the crisis was coming. Immediately rushed to Lao Hu and boulder sitting on the stairs of the town. The previous round was fierce. The five-person battle team of the S consortium was completely annihilated. The Twelve Apostles died of only three. The bodies of these three people were also carried by their companions as shields!

Obviously. The twelve apostles were beside Rai Luodi. All aspects of capacity have been greatly increased than normal people. And this increase should not come from the nightmare world. It was Rello's original ability! It is different from Fang Lin, a poor boy / orphan / murderer in the real world. Relo was between entering the nightmare world. Is the dignified leader. There must be something similar to a specific function. Otherwise, it is impossible to confuse people to death.

But the twelve apostles could easily break through the five-man battle group of the S consortium. It definitely does not mean that they can pass the level between Lao Hu and Boulder!

These two people. But the powerful war machine created by the nightmare world! At this time they were wearing the highest specifications body armor. Hold your head and rush straight up. If the giant shark goes up against the current. The bullet hit the bullet jacket. "Squeaked". Smoke came out of positions. Because the bullets are too dense. ^^ Go to see the latest novels so bounce / fly. It feels like it can't do anything at all.

Boulder sneered. He had held the muzzle of an apostle ahead. Five fingers force. Then he turned this silvery white desert eagle into scrap iron. Then he lifted his left elbow and hit it **** the unlucky guy's chin!

This guy immediately flew out ten meters away and fell to the ground without a word, and even a long bloodstain was dragged on the smooth terrazzo floor. His jaw shattered into seven or eight pieces. And the neck was twisted in a weird way, obviously the cervical vertebrae were broken!

Another apostle was shocked and furious, yelling at the hole in the black hole at the head of Boulder:

"Go to death ..."

The word "dead" got stuck in his throat

Stuck forever.

Stuck with the word and his breath, blood. Lero, who stood about five meters behind the apostle, frowned. He saw with some distress that the head of his cronies and stewards and disciples. For a moment, he was forcibly twisted into the back by violence, his tongue was spitting out long, and his throat was still rattling, and the pair of anger now covered with a layer of dark blue eyes staring desperately.

A very big and powerful man suddenly appeared, stood upright, held the apostle's neck with one hand, and lifted up the European who weighed nearly 100 kilograms lightly. The two were similar in size, but looked as if they were It was a brutal butcher who carried a chicken to be slaughtered! It also means that this big Han wrist force. The arm strength has reached an extremely terrible level, and with just the strength of the forearm and wrist, a person's cervical vertebrae can be twisted apart!

Hu Huahao threw the apostle away! By the way, I hit a person who was aiming with a gun. This is the real world. Obviously, the rugby player's actual combat experience in the realm of stone is different from Lao Hu's former special commander + public security director. Lao Hu's standing there feels like an impassable mountain, whether he wants to penetrate, detour, or climb. Are afraid to pay a great price!

Four elite apostles accompanied by Rai Luo rushed together. These four people were Rai Luo's confidants, and their physical strength was similar to that encountered by Fang Lin, which was much larger than the others. When Raleigh met Hu Huahao, he knew that the situation was very bad. Although Hu Huahao and Ju Shi are strong together, if only the two of them are available, then Rai Luo will not even lose the victory, and there are more than 50% chance of winning, but Hu Huahao and Ju Shi appear. At least it means that the new fool behind the person behind him has stepped in!

If he did not look against the alliance, Rai Luo would not be afraid of Fang Lin, but at present he still has to face the alliance to kill and face Fang Lin's pressing. Such a pressure is really unimaginable. of. As long as Relo is willing. The twelve apostles can be retrained in one day.

Various factors overlap, so he immediately abandoned the child! Abandoned the apostles or the followers around them, those devout zealots were filled with the enthusiasm of devotion to the leader!

The boulder roared and rushed forward, attracting most of the remaining apostles' attention. The bullet hit his muscles, and it was shrunk and squeezed out within a few tens of seconds, and fell on the white tile floor. "Ding Ding" sounded. As soon as he punched out, he was hugged from left and right by two people at the same time. When he died, he hit the door of the hotel room next to him. The wooden door of the mezzanine cracked and broke apart with a bang. The wood chips flew out fiercely. Even a few bloodstains were rubbed on the face, but then there were two apostles who were not afraid of death. The big hug holding the boulder

The pressure on Hu Huahao's side was a lot less, so when he saw Rai Luo fled, he hurried away immediately. The remaining apostles saw that this man was amazing in strength, so they followed the method of dealing with boulder over there. To avoid Lao Hu's sharpness, he would fight his hand to lock his joints, in an effort to delay time for the leader to escape.

However, these people do not know that the same tricks may not be effective on the same person, let alone Hu Huahao who is good at throwing skills?

Lao Hu slammed his shoulders against the wall facing forward, and his running tendency remained unchanged. He felt like a tank coming straight up against the muzzle of the main gun's black hole. Just as Lao Hu was about to hit a wall of four fanatics, the four separated, and two people began to bend down and reach out to embrace Lao Hu's feet, while the other two bent down and hugged Hu Huahao. Under the armpit, the intention is to curb the range of movement of Lao Hu's hands. They do not seek to limit how long these two people are, and one minute is enough. As for their own safety gains and losses, they have not been considered.

But their wish was completely shattered.

They want to stop Lao Hu by using a close-up capture, but unfortunately they don't say that delaying Lao Hu for one minute, even ten seconds!

This is as funny as the rabbits against Tigers who have sharper minions!

Facing the two people holding their arms, Hu Huahao actually stretched out his arms and allowed them to hold them, and then the two large arms pulled firmly in a clockwise direction, pinching their arms and dragging down!

There were two clicks, and both arms were broken alive by Hu Huahao. The severe pain distorted the faces of both fanatics. They are still struggling to fight back, but Lao Hu's hands have gripped the throats of both of them, pinching the core of their throat lightly.

The two people who pounced on Hu Huahao's legs below were even more tragic. Lao Hu stumbled on one's face without saying a word. This unlucky face immediately seemed to hit a steel plate and immediately flattened !! His neck was weirdly twisted backwards, looking like a candy man pinched by a naughty child.

The remaining man successfully hugged Lao Hu's thick legs. Unfortunately, according to Hu Huahao's strange power, his weight was completely ignored. Lao Hu started to run. The poor apostle clung tightly for less than ten seconds, and finally let go of his hand, because he was struggling with something on the wrist!

The wrist dropped immediately, and the place where Lao Hu was caught seemed like skin. It was like flesh and blood, and it was mixed with bleak white bone residue.

Rai Luo ran in front and Hu Huahao chased behind. The longer the running distance, the stronger and stronger Hu Huahao's momentum will be. Because Lao Hu ’s nickname is Thunder Tiger, in the field of close combat, I am the only tiger I have to respect, and not a cheetah with a strong and short duration!

Rai Luo obviously also felt this. The room he lived in was on the 13th floor of the hotel. After running down the stairs to the 6th floor, he even broke through the next wall and leapt from the 6th floor!

The masonry flew, and it splashed. Although the manpower of the S consortium is rich in combat experience, it still knows nothing about these samsara who exceed the limits of the human body. So there is no excitement here. However, Hu Huahao, who was not afraid of the sky, followed closely with Rai Luo's leaping trend, and a giant tiger roaring head only visible to the reincarnation emerged behind him, gnawing at Rai Luo!

Rello rolled in the air and turned around. His suit and leather shoes shattered into pieces of butterflies in the wind, and then showed the red badger with the right arm on the inside. He taught the master body ... and the nightmare mark on his chest!

After Fang Lin killed the fool, the nightmare mark on his chest became a black and white Tai Chi figure. And Rai Luo seems to have made a strong breakthrough in the previous world. The shape of his nightmare mark has changed from a ghost head to a Buddha!

A black Buddha with thousands of hands and eyes!

The two were staggered in the magnificent neon lights over the bustling London streets!

Evil Buddha and Tiger,

Who leads the show? The scenery was smeared into a soft afterglow, but the night's forest cold has emerged, and it feels as if the sun has been helplessly silently defeated by the darkness. Lin Yinshou and the fourth child looked at the giant shadow stretched by the sun on the ground, full of alert. Just looking at this shadow. You can feel the mystery of the body. Cruel and bloody!

They waited for a while. But the shadow didn't move. They took a few steps forward tentatively, turned around the blocked corner, and suddenly took a breath. It turned out that in the afterglow of the setting sun, there were countless stones in front of them. The paved flat square, with two huge statues standing left and right!

The statue is more than ten meters high. On the left is a strong warrior with a snake head. His muscles are swollen. He holds a sharp axe high and it seems to be cut off at any time. And the sharp axe is carved with blood on it. If you look closely at the face of the stone statue, you will find that the snake's head is not very like a snake, but rather similar to the dragons outside.

The statue on the right is a unique beast in the Amazon basin, with black jaguars all over it! And that jaguar was about to clawed, two sharp canine teeth even protruded more than ten centimeters outside the lips. It looks like not only a jaguar, but also a black saber-toothed tiger that was extinct thousands of years ago! The black American saber-toothed tiger shows a posture of leaning down, giving the impression that it is about to peep at the target hunting, and under its claws tramples a lot of carved resentful souls, its face twisted and shivering.

The color of the stone of the snake warrior is very strange. It looks like granite and basalt. Anyway, it is very different from the stone texture of the surrounding buildings. The black American saber-toothed tiger building material is made of black marble. Both the eyes of the snake head and the eyes of the saber-toothed tiger are inlaid with huge cat's eye emerald gemstones. Really vivid and amazing, lively and aggressive.

The four gemstones that make up the statue's eyes are obviously precious and extremely valuable. But for Lin Yinxiu, it was actually just a few stones. She took a few steps and felt that no matter where she went, she was watched by these two giant statues. It really feels a little fretful. Although No. 56 is a living dead, his ability to observe and observe colors is first-rate, and he saw the way of Lin Yinshou:

"The eyes of these two statues are really too evil, really unpleasant. Shall we make them blind?"

Lin Yinshou said suddenly:

"how to do?"

No. 56 immediately said:

"Is it OK to knock it down?"

Lin Yinxuan regarded money as dung, but 56 was not. He is also a very knowledgeable person. When he saw the gems on the two statues, they were polished and did not change color for thousands of years. The greed in his heart was born, but he did not think that this was a trap set by the ancient Maya. However, in the square in front of the statue, a lot of text was embedded with gravel, which is obviously an important clue. It must not be easily overlooked, but there are vines on the square. If you want to clean up the vines to read the text, you have to stay in this square for a long time, and it is really uncomfortable to be watched by the strange monster eyes of these two statues. If the eyes of these two pairs of gemstones are taken down, then you can not only read the text with peace of mind, but also use this valuable and priceless gem to fill your own pockets. Why not?

Lin Yin sleeve also understood the small abacus of the 56th. In short, he ventured to death, and the 56th beautiful woman in the gem forest in the area was still not paying attention. After she nodded slightly, No. 56 had already walked in front of the black American saber-toothed tiger statue, but he did not see any movement. She had bitten a Swiss army knife in her mouth, and quietly climbed the animal ridge more than three meters high Above. Like a snake entangled, silently dug out the pair of strange and beautiful gems.

Although the stone used to sculpt this totem giant tiger ground is extremely hard, under the cutting of the strong arms of the reincarnation and the alloy steel saw of the Swiss army knife, the stone powder fell and rustled. A jewel fell off, shining brightly in the air. The 56th body looked like a tight string, and the gem was picked up with a single foot hook, and the whole person shot like a tight spring! It seems that he knew he was dangerous. So once you succeed, you dare not stay long. Immediately, Fei shot in a very ugly position more than ten meters away. And Ms. Lin has long chosen to retreat to Tibet. But after a full five minutes, they found nothing happened.

See nothing at all. The 56th guts are even bigger. After removing the eyes of the precious stones on the two statues, Lin Yinshou began to sweep the vine plants on the square and carefully distinguish the handwriting on them. At this time, after the two giant statues were cast down their eyes, they lost the weirdness and strangeness they had before, stayed in stagnation and lost their vitality and stayed in place. The eyes of the four black holes were staring blankly.

Soon, the handwriting on the square was interpreted:

After passing the Qianzhu Square guarded by thousands of heroes. There will be angels of the **** of snakes and the king of the jungle to test your piety, worship a thousand times in front of them, and you can enter the pyramid to be blessed by the sun god. Those who dare to blasphemy will fall into the dark abyss.

Apparently the Angel of the Feather Serpent and the King of the Jungle are the statues of this man and one beast. While the sky was not completely dark, Lin Yinshuo quickly entered the Kukulkan pyramid in the rear according to the method described on the square. The ancient buildings left thousands of years ago are still full of mystery and majesty. The three-tiered ~ ~ 50 meters high stepped pyramid surface has not been grown by half a vine.

Scientists have found among other Maya ruins that the astronomical position of the pyramid is more accurately calculated: the light of Sirius passes through the air flow channel on the south wall and directly hits the head of Pharaoh, who is sleeping in the hall above; The air flow channel of the wall shot straight into the hall below. But among the Mayan pyramids that have been discovered, the highest is at most 30 meters, and there is no such towering pyramid at all. But Lin Yinxiu was not an archeologist, and the next day was the deadline, but she didn't notice any clues, and her irritability really increased day by day.

The night gradually fell down, No. 5 quietly sneaked back to the ruins of Qianzhu Square, dragged the two giant parcels left behind, but the giant lizards were still entangled around, very difficult, and they seemed The sacrifice of the Pygmies was obtained, so the two parties cooperated closely. Lin Yinshou blocked their return.

After the equipment was bitten by the dragon, most of the loss was food. The rest did not destroy much. Lin Yinshou felt very tired. He wanted to camp around the Kukulkan pyramid. Who knew the weather was dark In his life, a large number of poisonous scorpions crawled out from the surroundings, making it difficult to approach at all, so he could only sleep in front of the two statues with the smoothest ground. After Lin Yinxiu laid out the guide rails for the robot's operation, he installed the four tireless men "on duty" and rested early because of injuries.

After a while, No. 56 was so secretive that he knocked on her tent door. Lin Yinshou was a little impatient, and suddenly he saw tears in the eyes of the two giant statues on the square.

Blood-red tears! Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network