Ace Evolution

v10 Chapter 42: Chosen!

[Title: Ace evolution who fights! Who fights! The forty-two hegemony chapter forty-two selected! Author: volume of soil]

The latest chapter of "Ace Evolution" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Wudi evolved and smuggled into the holy apocalyptic new world. Infinity Heroes. In the movie world, the knights and gods of black magic art, fantasy, and fast-wearing revenge. Fang Lin defeated the previous 13th. The number was originally raised to number 12, but at this time it has slipped to number 14. He entered the duel space only four or five minutes ago. Someone has already beaten the person in front, with the number of net wins, he is in the front row. Fiercely imagined. And this is also the characteristics of the elders with mental strength. Both sides are not good at evasion. The skills are huge.

The reserve space before the battle is the exclusive privilege of Fang Lin as the defender. After the new person enters Fang Lin's space, the space flashes for a moment, and the silver balance flashes on top of the two of them. disappear. The number on the Fang Lin mask is number 1, while the number on the opposite cycler is number 2.

At this time, a beam of light was projected down, and the beam was bright and clean, giving the impression that it cut through the darkness. The black cloud beneath the cliff was surging, struggling to roll towards that beam of light, it seemed that the greedy python would pounce on the beautiful prey, but it could not be swooped up, as if an invisible barrier would thicken the substance The black cloud covered it.

The beam moved on Fang Lin's body, and finally stopped on Fang Lin's neck, where it was exactly what he wore: +7 position of the core of the ANDIGOS robot. ⑧ Then a projection shot from the sky, in the cliff space between the two, a large transparent display screen appeared, the +7 robot ANDIGOS kernel shape, color, effect, equipment conditions and all the details The information is listed.

There was a huge sound in the space.

On the 14th, the bet mode was proposed to the 21st. If you want to fight on the 14th, you must put up a corresponding bet with a value equivalent to it. If you do n’t have enough equipment / props points, you will be forced to extract your most precious equipment / props.

After performing the extraction. Your physical equipment will continue to play a role in the next battle, but the expendable items are frozen and cannot be used.

The winner will bet. The loser's bet if equipped by soul binding. Then it will be forcibly lifted.

If you reject the bet mode, you will be forcibly evicted from this space. Rearrange the opponents, the scores of both sides will not change.

No. 21 looked at Fang Lin, who was standing in amazement, in surprise. His mask only covered his nose and eyes, and he could see what his lips were talking about. But it doesn't matter if he yells out loud, although the distance between the two is only 30 meters. But nightmare space is strictly forbidden to exchange information before the war begins. It is a pity that the face he faces is Fang Lin, a very terrible intelligence guy, and only by the mouth of Fang Lin, he can understand the words in his mouth:

"Damn. How could this guy come up with such a thing? Isn't it possible to join the battle unconditionally?" This necklace is really good. If it matches my skills ..... that is perfect, damn, what should I take Come and bet on him? "

"This is an opportunity, but why haven't I encountered this before? I don't want to make any extravagance. Since the Taliban is competing for the title of mine, then I have a good chance of getting a candidate."

On the 21st, having said so, he has made up his mind and slowly disappeared into the space, apparently choosing to avoid war. Fang Lin closed his eyes. He doesn't care. For him, avoidable battles are best avoided at this point. When the last five people remained, it was time for him to go all out to fight.

Then two people entered one after another, namely No. 5 and No. 31. After seeing Fang Lin on the 31st, he hesitated, carefully looked at Fang Lin's bet, and then thought about leaving again and again. On the 5th, when I saw Fang Lin, I chose to leave as if I saw a ghost. Among them, Fang Lin was taken out as a bet to memorize the equipment before leaving. Obviously, the No. 5 knows that only the defending fool has this authority.

The fourth person who came in wore a black jumpsuit and even his head was shrouded in it. It looked like a sacrifice from the Middle Ages. Although the spine was slightly camel, it was very stable and had a handle in his hand. The staff made of wood is very simple and rough, and the top is swollen and raised, as if it was directly peeled off the bark branches and leaves.

The number on his mask was surprisingly low, it was actually number 127. The man looked up at Fang Lin, his eyes seemed to be indifferent, and Fang Lin's bet could not give him a glance, but he did not hesitate. Chose to accept, but this person carried a lot of points on his body, and directly chose to use points as a bet.

Suddenly, a silver balance tilted towards Fanglin appeared again in the empty space. Fanglin's necklace was placed on the left and a tray was placed on the right. Every fourth person who poured in injected 10,000 points into the right tray of the balance. There will be one more chip, and the balance will tilt more towards the right. As the number of chips increases, the balance will begin to balance. After the last 127th paid 150,000 points, the silver balance returned to balance.

"The bet is balanced!" The sound in the nightmare space thundered. "You will enter the battle, please select the terrain of the battle!"

Because Fang Lin considered that the enemy may have fully understood that he is the defender, so in the process of excluding the terrain, he abandoned the relatively complicated terrain. No. 127 gave up all in silence. Above a square, this square is quite wide, showing a step-like descending slope. There are seven fountains located in the center of the square from top to bottom in turn. The left and right sides are grassy lawns, facing downward. 30 degrees gentle slope.

Fang Lin stood in front of the bronze statue just above the middle of the square, while No. 127 stood on the lawn of the lower square. Both of them were blown away by hunting and hunting, and flew away with the wind. If the tourists above the square are weaving, they also echo melodious music, and the fountains in the seven fountains splash and slosh with the sound, reaching a height of more than ten meters, and then fall melodiously from the air.

As soon as the protection time passed, the 127 raised his hands to the sky immediately. After entering the battle space, he would put a layer of camouflage on everyone's body, but after the 127 appeared, his body was covered all over. The camouflage suit immediately smashed into pieces! Regained to the Middle Ages, wearing a black jumpsuit. Even his mask was hoisted up, showing a half-wrinkled old face, as old as the bark.

The square time cut into the battlefield is at dusk in the evening. A large group of people next to No. 127 are twisting along with the melody of music and dancing aerobics. Seeing the appearance of such a weird person, most people were just surprised and not afraid, and some even thought it was a new trick made by a moviemaker or a beggar!

Then the red light flashed in the eyes of No. 127, just like the preparation of a very savage hungry beast before hunting, and then the skulls of everyone within ten meters of his side burst together, just the mixed flesh, The bones and brain are not flying, as if there is an invisible film surrounding it!

Then naturally appeared a terrible fleshball with a diameter of more than ten meters, slowly spinning in the air, and finally condensed at a high level, slowly spinning above the hands raised at 127 ~ ~ nothing Doubt, the power of this blow is terrible! Fang Lin had already bent down and sprinted at a high speed. It seemed to be trying to intercept his action before No. 127 hit this skill!

Fang Lin's charge was like a wolf.

However, he suddenly found out that No. 127's eyes were closed tightly! And a thin layer of blood mist appeared around No. 127's body.

Fang Lin's mind flickered with a thought like a flash of light, and the thought flowed out of his mind and fed back to the body was to close his eyes tightly! At this time, No. 127 had entered the range of Fang Lin's mental shock, but Fang Lin's mental shock only made the enemy snorted from the throat. The flesh ball rotated faster, and a great suction force was generated to move those far away. The innocent tourists running in horror were all involved.

"Spirit shock actually only caused harm? Immune to dizzy effects?" Fang Lin's face muscles twitched, he wanted to open his eyes subconsciously, but realized that his eyelids had just opened a line, and he felt the smoke was smoked from the tear gas Moderate, fire burning pain. You can imagine the consequences of opening your eyes completely. Fortunately, Fang Lin still has the mental power detection skills and can effectively grasp the surrounding environment, but he immediately finds that the scenes detected by his mental power are very hazy, just like being rushed. The scenery reflected by the water waves is full of distortion and haze, and has suffered strong interference. If the efficacy of the pupil of the fool is still there, then this interference can be removed. Unfortunately, ...

"This terrible ability can be said to be close to the" realm "and other things, depriving the most important vision of the enemy's five senses!"

"Then .... No. 127, like me, are no longer allowed to participate in the war .... Selected people!" Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network