Ace Evolution

v10 Chapter 76: Thunder split gun!

[Title: Ace evolution who fights! Who fights! Chapter 76: The Thunder Split Gun! Author: volume of soil]

The latest chapter of "Ace Evolution" Pro ~ This site's domain name: \ "君子 聚义 堂 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: God-level black magic beauty, fantasy fantasy world, knights, infinite spirits, apocalypse, new world, smuggling into sanctification, immortal evolution, fast-wearing revenge office. This dead white bone needle seems ordinary, but it is The history is very long, but it is the mystery of the Maya that Lin Yinshou obtained from the Mayan black crystal skull. Specially used to make the "slayer" for sacrifice. For Fang Lin, the hostage around Sorok must be more valuable than dead. When he is not dead, Fang Lin takes them. It will take Sorok's chips to gain weight to the limit.

It can be seen here that Fang Lin's macro overall situation has also grown to a new height. Even though he was deliberately led by Sorok in the details and wisdom, Fang Lin is still a firm leader in the overall situation. His advantages are easily lost. As long as the church is filled with deadly poisonous gas, as long as the person whom Sorok cares about is an ordinary person, then he will definitely try to get a gas mask for him before he can rush out. So the key thing to do is to put it on the gas mask!

The bone needle piercing Thorock's brain had just touched his skin, and it snapped incomparably, like a crisp match that was chopped alive. The strong power of Sorok's mental power can be seen, and after the bone needle penetrated into the skin of his bodyguard, the skin of the bodyguard was as tough as rubber, and the bone needle's stabbing force deeply affected his skin. A pit with a depth of nearly three centimeters was pierced, but he still could not pierce his body.

But Fang Lin didn't even think that he could use these institutions to secretly account for these two people. His purpose could not be simpler. It is to distract the two, and at this moment, they cannot take care of the safety of the person around them who needs protection.

A "snap" sound, hidden in two hidden places in the head mask of the man behind Sorok's bodyguard, suddenly broke out two broken dead white bone needles, and a "dad" fell Landed on the ground. Sorok took it seriously, but in such a situation he did not protect himself. You can also use your mental power to protect yourself.

However, there is Fang Lin beside him!

There was a weird wriggle of skin in his brows. This time, however, with the help of the pupil of the fool, he concentrated his mental strength into a line and pierced Thorock's mental power from the side! Then the dead white slender curved bone needle in the middle of the ground was driven straight into the head and penetrated deeply into his head!

"NO!" Thorok screamed, and tore off his hood. ^^^^ It can be clearly seen that the person that Sorok has been protecting is a teenage girl, wearing a normal dress all over her body, and even a dirty face. The bone needle pierced through her left temple, looking at the depth, at least 10 cm deep into the brain! It's just that she just closed her eyes. As if asleep.

At this moment, the monitors of the ES Consortium have at least pointed at this little girl who has revealed the true face and took hundreds of photos, side portraits, frontal portraits, partial close-ups, and no detailed features have been left out. One second later, the instant fax image of this little girl had been developed, and it was sent to all parts of the world through the network waves inside the ES consortium. According to Fang Lin's instructions, her true identity should be confirmed in the shortest time, and all immediate relatives in her place should be controlled within the first time, and all relatives in her place should be monitored within 24 hours.

Three minutes later, the accurate news came that the little girl was Sorok's niece. The parents of the girl were already dead. When Sorok himself was thirty, he suffered severely from his lower body when he was doing the experiment. Radiation is therefore sterilized. The relationship between the two can only be described in four words:


After Solok realized that the little girl was still breathing weakly, she looked up at Fang Lin angrily. Although the two were 50 meters apart, at this moment. Fang Lin felt the entire burning cathedral. The pillar of Jesus, which was about to collapse in the fire, and Sorok, howling like a golden lion, roared perfectly. Coming at myself. Sorok really was extremely amazing. At this moment, he perfectly combined his anger, familiar environment, and painful mood, and the momentum expanded to the highest level!

"Want to rescue her? OK, just beat me!"

Fang Lin smiled. As he said, he suddenly shot and hit an elbow on the throat of the elite guard who remained next to him. This man had no defense at all, his eyes protruding at least two centimeters outside the eye sockets were like a goldfish, and he really was dead without staring, but he could n’t turn around when he wanted to turn his head!

The container in a heavy truck stopped a hundred meters away caused a violent shock, but it was loaded with various ferocious animals bought by the ES consortium, and these animals were controlled by Fang Lin using powerful magic. At this time, these animals that were safe and contented uttered a wailing wailing, rolling wildly in the compartment, and have been sucked out of life energy by Fang Lin with powerful magic charm!

The fool's pupil cracked the skin and grew out of it. The dark and dark vertical eyes felt mysterious and evil. Of course, there was a terrible light flashing, Fang Lin's deep breath, and it was ignited in the church for a while. The flames seemed to be ruffled by his sucking power!

He actually used the skills in the nightmare world in the real world!

Although there are three reincarnations in the cathedral, Fang Lin, Sorok and his guards. The rest were either comatose or dead, and there were no extra lucids, but at this moment there are at least three exclusive satellites of the ES consortium, and 186 cameras of various shapes can see the situation from all angles!

However, Fang Lin cannot be seen at all among these various advanced camera equipment. There was a strong disturbance and ambiguity in the place where he was. The reason for this could not be simpler, because the clothing worn by Fang Lin was a special device developed by the research and development room of the ES consortium combined with the highest technology, which could be distributed. A strong electromagnetic wave is very effective to locally interfere with the image of the photographic equipment, so even if Fang Lin displays his skills in the nightmare world, there is no possibility of leakage. ^^^^ It is impossible for Sorok to enjoy this treatment. Once he dares to violate the rules, then the live broadcast video on the site will be guaranteed to roll on the Internet, and it will be viewed by thousands of people.

So this round of Fang Lin's layout is really a dead end!

Sorok had to fight, and could not die. He wants to save the little girl who cares about him, so he has to face Fang Lin's impact and knock him down!

Even more ruthless, Fang Lin was prepared. He could use the skills of the nightmare world in the real world, but Sorok could not. This means that he will face Fang Lin's full blow in the real world where the attack power is not weakened.

The fire was gradually surging, and it had already swallowed the church beams on the roof. When the beams were burned and smashed, the cross hanging from Sorok's neck broke and cracked. Then, immediately after this thing was smashed, a huge shield was formed beside Sorok, the cover shrank quickly, and finally shrouded on the nightmare mark on Sorok's chest, obviously it played The role it achieves is not protection, but can temporarily isolate Sorok's own Nightmare Mark from the outside world, so that he can also release the Nightmare World skills without breaking the rules!

Sorok's blond hair was violent. Since he made up his mind to shake Fang Lin forward, he did not show the slightest intention to avoid Fang Lin, but aimed at Fang Lin at a very high speed. He rushed straight forward, and his arms were spread out like the wings of a hawk when he rushed, and it felt like a huge and sacred angry lion, and his nose screamed like a dive!

The fireworks tumbling behind him ~ ~ The turbulent air flow even drove the sturdy benches that were burning or not yet burning. The crooked crooked impact hit it, and it seemed to drove a large area of ​​burning debris. The momentum is amazing.

Even more frightening is that Fang Lin finds that Sorok's body seems to be still in place, it looks like it is divided into two and two people are formed. The shocked Sorok was anger and arrogant, but the expression on his face had solidified, apparently formed by the energy assembly. This man's energy was like a thundering Pentium, and he hoisted everywhere, flying away everything that was in front of him. When ordinary unconscious people were shaken in the air, they could even see their bodies. There were faint images of imagination all around, apparently even the soul was stirred out of the body, and it was not until the body tumbled to the ground that the soul returned to the body.

Level skills! Thunder split gun!

The most powerful part of this skill is not its power, but the intelligent intelligence based on the human form. It is equivalent to the intelligence of the subject, and has strong control ability. It directly initiates the soul of the reincarnation. Shock. As long as you are touched by energy, even if you successfully defend or block with shields and other things, you will immediately lose the ability to move. The longest duration of Sorok's ability to control the enemy is up to 60 seconds!

Sorok casts a mouse jealousy. If he wants to find a way to rescue his niece from Fang Lin, he has exhibited such strongest skills!

But behind Fang Lin, the head of a tall man with white hair and red short-sleeved tights emerged.

That image is the dried-up ground Qixi Society.

At the same time, Fang Lin pre-arranged the beasts in the container truck outside, and at the same time issued a terrible dying trombone to the sky, and fell silently together! Gentleman Juyitang Novel Reading Network