Ace Evolution

v12 Chapter 25: Force the palace

? readx (); The bayonet doesn't want to chase Cao Yu, but it can't catch up, but the person who stops him is Fang Lin!

The bayonet was interspersed by external forces and caused failure, and the reason was due to teammates. How can you tell him not to be angry? But his anger lasted for less than five seconds, and even before he had time to turn into words or show his actions, he disappeared immediately.

Because the Cao Yu who was pulled away burned in mid-air. The flame covering him was a strange purple. As the flame kept licking, he began to make intermittent roars and cracks all over his body. It was like a bamboo knot buried in a fire, making a constant crackling noise. Where it was engulfed in purple flames, the clothes were incinerated and the flesh was withered instantly, but Cao Yu's exposed bones were completely different from human bones, as if they were carved from wood, not only with the wood texture, The magic circle carved up with quite subtle and delicate methods!

"Fuck. This is also a puppet!" The bayonet gritted. He said on the other hand that the slender bayonet with which the crystal light shone in his hand had trembled, and a three-inch-long green wooden thorn was picked out from the shoulder. This thing came out when Cao Yu's body made a muffled explosion. It can be imagined that if the bayonet was chasing at the time, it would inevitably be shot into a hedgehog by the hidden weapon on Cao Yu, the scumbag.

The texture of the hidden weapon is usually divided into "gold" and "wood". Jin's surname is naturally sharp and invincible. The genus of wood is yin and poisonous, and if the bones of the sacrum are lingering.

Although the bayonet was as precise as a surgical expert at this time, at most, the venomous little thorn stayed in the body for less than two seconds, but the nightmare mark passed on a hint:

"You are poisoned."

"You will take 50 points / 5 seconds of sustained damage for five minutes."

"During the duration of the poison, your specialty surname will decrease by 20%."

The bayonet's face changed, and a small thorn was so good. If he caught up with him, then "Cao Yu" suddenly sprayed a hidden weapon all over his body ... he could not bear the consequences. This of course means that a big purple bottle will be consumed soon!

At this time Fang Lin had already raised his hand and played a purple ball of energy, which was gliding coldly on the ground, like a tail of fish swimming low-key on the water. Since Fang Lin already has a very good grasp of the air control at this time, if you look closely, then you can see that the momentum he has played seems to be close to the ground, in fact there is a millimeter between the ground and the ground. The distance is like a thin air cushion underneath!

This will undoubtedly reduce the wear and tear of this group of spirits when traveling close to the ground, so that its power can be maximized in theory!

The carriage attacked by Fang Lin was not the one with the strong mental power elder sitting in front of it, but the last one that had been caught by the butcher's chain and then broke free of the bond.

His blow seemed very low-key, but the former Thunderer Payne snorted for a while, because he suffered a huge loss under this move! The attacked carriage apparently did not know the power of Fang Lin's attack. The first skeleton horse had hissed for a long time, standing up, his hoofs waving in the air, and trampled down.

At this time, Fang Lin's eyes suddenly appeared a crazy look with only white eyes, the whole person also bent over, and the breath exhaled in the mouth like a steamy white mist. Such physical signs can only be seen on the crazy Iori!

Fang Lin suddenly rubbed his hands in the fierce breathing of "嗬 嗬 嗬"!

The undulating purple wave glides very low-key and glides to the front of the carriage, and then explodes instantly, as if the fireworks burst in an instant, freeing up a wave of wavy air, straight into the Go up to a height of more than ten meters, and then fall down like a giant flower.

Eight wine glasses!

The target of Fang Lin's attack was not people, but horses!

Although he did not have the aid of such artifacts as the Eight Gods and Eight-foot Gou Qiongyu, he could completely reverse the time, but the copycat's eight-bowl glasses also had a similar effect. After the lilac vigor was eroded, there was originally a strange oily light, which suddenly became rusty.

In the previous Mercedes-Benz in situ, the horse leg bones made elegant waving movements in the air, and they looked very light when they were in the air, but when they landed, they were quite vigorous and powerful, but after hitting the eight wine glasses, they suddenly felt like pulling. Old cows with broken cars can even hear the harsh noise of the joints rubbed by rust.

There was a muffled sound in the carriage immediately, and a black light shot out of it immediately enveloped the stallion in the middle, but the left and right stallions were completely rusted, weathered, and crackled after landing. Destroyed by the force of the shock, the decayed body collapsed to the ground. Only the stallion in which it was able to walk forward, crooked forward, but it was moving at most not faster than walking.

Fang Lin stood up at this time, with a slight amount of sweat on his forehead. At this time, he realized that after absorbing the blood of Storm Goanniz, all the Iori skills displayed had an uncontrollable feeling. Mustang is so difficult to control, the only reason for this is ... the blood of the eight gods in his body has begun to quickly transform into the blood of madness! He exhaled a long breath, straightened up and said lightly:

"Regardless of whether Cao Yu was inside or not, the people inside the carriage suffered serious injuries in order to keep the horse, and the spirit of the Eight Wine Glasses still did not dissipate. They wandered outside the carriage and the people inside could not escape. Yes, let ’s focus now on getting rid of the trouble in the first carriage! "

The former thunderer Payne took a deep breath, his hands suddenly hugged, the palms of his hands were facing each other, and suddenly a ball of thunderous lightning **** emerged, and then turned into nothingness in an instant.

Immediately after that, a blood-red thunderbolt flashed out in the sky, and it was shot down round and round, aiming at the carriage leading the way! The hitting giant horse on the left was rushing on the hoof. After hitting this lightning, his body was stiff immediately, keeping the previous action of CLP, and the skeleton of the skull quickly appeared grayish white. It turned out to be a petrified blow.

It took only a short moment for this 巨 skeleton giant horse to move from extreme movement to extreme silence. You must know that there are a total of three 傀儡 skeleton giant horses pulling the car. At this moment, one horse is missing and the horse suddenly stops to become a towing oil bottle. Then, it became clear that the carriage suddenly leaned to the right in an instant, and the petrified puppet skull giant horse lost balance and fell to the left, and then hit the rock next to it heavily, like a sculpture. Broken into pieces and then smashed!

Although the former Thunderer Penn did not have such a powerful surface attack weapon as Lei Ya of Destiny, the red lightning he sent at this time had the dual effect of killing the enemy and petrified state, and it was indeed a pervert.

Seizing this opportunity, the bayonet had sprinted up. He turned into a black line, and the sound of air whistling was made where it passed. The sound was okay. The closer it is, the more reminiscent of the cold wind. , Sweeping across the cold and deserted land!

After this series of delays, the butcher trio also came up! First, the mutant elite fat man fired a shot from afar, the spindle-shaped white light flew out, spattering a dazzling light on the roof, and then bombarded a corner of the compartment, and then the **** chain of the butcher It broke through the protective layer on the outside of the car body, wrapped around the wheels of a carriage, and broke it down and dragged it down. The iron needles in the distance continuously controlled the ice needles and poured them directly into the holes in the carriage, and even the exterior of the carriage was covered with a faint layer of hoarfrost.

In this case, the mutant elite fatty man shot a shot ~ ~ and threw the sniper rifle that was slowing down the movement speed, and immediately launched a brutal collision. Although the fat mass is not as huge as the butcher's body, there is no fat on the body, and it is all tendon meat that is tightened tightly. The incarnation of the fat mass hits it like a huge meat dumpling. In this case, , The people in the car will not shoot again, then the end must be the end of the car crash.

When the mutant elite fatty man was about to hit the carriage, the black duster opened the curtain again and appeared in front of them. The dust lifted slightly, and the top of the carriage was scattered like a blast, but the explosion gave people a well-organized feeling. The planks and timbers that had been constructed on the top of the carriage were arranged neatly in the air, and then quickly folded in half. A black silk thread was shot in the middle, and it was quickly tangled on the wood of the plank, which actually formed three cypresses and intercepted them in front of the mutant elite man.

Although this Tochigi looks quite rigid, when he moves, he is agile and abnormal, and can even detect that his body is full of the power of the explosive surname! A former Tochigi man actually collapsed in the air and collided with the mutant elite fat man. Even if he slammed into a fragment again, the impact of the mutant elite fat man suddenly stopped. , While the other two Tochigi shot at the same time, hit the mutant elite fat man's body! The body surface of the mutant elite man is plated with a layer of green color!

(To be continued)