Ace Evolution

v13 Chapter 92: Gradually revealing the truth

No matter who it is, there are usually only two possibilities at this moment in the face of death:

The first was that he was so frightened that his body was slumped and urinate. Close your eyes and wait for death.

The second is that the adrenal hormones quickly secrete and breathe heavily.

Camille was also caught in a situation of life and death at this moment, he looked directly at the "blank nothingness" approaching the vastness. At this time, his heart was also very clear. Once this seemingly innocuous thing was attached, it was a disaster of toplessness. He didn't think about anything in his mind, but he yelled according to the instinct of survival and flew. Out of the silver knife in his hand.

This knife is the same as Fang Lin ’s “Xie Niu Dao” previously obtained. It is a very powerful special prop, but Fang Lin ’s various encounters and focuses are not the same. Fang Lin ’s Niu Dao did not play much role, and This silver cutting knife was almost as important to Camille as the pupil of the fool.

And the consequences of Camille flying throwing this cutting knife are almost the same as the consequences of Fang Lin's self-explosion of the pupil of the fool!

As soon as the silver knife came into contact with the "blank nothingness", an extremely dazzling silver light erupted immediately, and even in an instant, the entire empty duel was stained with a layer of silver. If you say that the previous artifact, Yaruo, was in the middle of the sky and quietly radiated the cold light, then the brilliance emitted by the silver knife at this time is just like Zhongtian, if Lieyang cannot be seen! For a time, even the extinction of Huaguang played by Fang Lin was obstructed and forced back!

In the final analysis, the extinction of Hua Guang, played by Fang Lin, is also an energy, but it is the most overbearing one. Not only can it assimilate and absolve everything, but it also has the authority to understand the field.

But this does not mean that there is no way to counter it. It is like the aqua regia with the strongest surname in the real world. Even iron and steel have to be melted by it, but such dissolution is limited. One kilo of aqua regia has no problem dissolving half a kilo of steel, but it loses 10 kilos and 100 kilos of steel. Go in, then it can only do nothing.

Seeing that Camille's blow directly broke through the middle palace like a galvanic electricity, and the light came directly. The target was Fang Lin's heart, and Fang Lin, who could not move all over his body, was indifferent.

Fortitude is easy to break. Although Camille's blow seems to be able to restrain his glory of extinction, in fact, he is drinking and quenching thirst by burning the body of the **** soldier, and lacks the subsequent power. Mill's blow has broken into less than ten meters in front of Fang Lin, but Fang Lin can almost certainly judge: at most, the silver knife advances another five meters, which is the end of a strong crossbow.

His biggest threat came from Hades.

Because Camille has proved with facts that the only way to deal with Fang Lin's radiant extinction, which seems to be mercury everywhere, is to neutralize its violent energy with offense and attack.

Hades had to admit that the extinction of Hua Guang, which Fang Lin himself realized, really whistled with the great destruction. When he first saw it, it was irresistible. However, Camille ’s behavior let Hades know that when people ’s feelings are wrong, irresistible does not mean that they ca n’t resist. It ’s like the thunder of the sky. In ancient times, people could only be passive. However, modern people can use lightning rods to guide lightning disasters. Although fighting against this extinct Huaguang has done more with less, it is very laborious, but it is also the only way to win and survive in the dead, which is to use your own skills to consume and use your own life to fight !!

After a short period of misunderstanding, a clear circular expansion field was emitted from the center of Hades. The field was full of evil death gas, and it seemed that the air was dyed with the turbulent atmosphere of the underworld and spread rapidly To the whole field.

Render of Necromantic Breath!

This powerful field surname skill caused Fang Lin to suffer a lot in the last battle, which can reduce the enemy's vitality recovery speed / spiral recovery speed / physical value recovery speed at the same time. Attack power / defense power / moving speed / attack speed / down 9%. And the negative effects received by Fang Lin will be added to show Hades.

At this time, of course, this area did not extend to Fang Lin's body, but there was also a ripple-like impact on the edge of the extinction. Hades's fighting method is often to directly attack the enemy through the space. Now he cannot play this hand because of the barrier of extinction, but the power of the black death giant sickle can not be lightly insulted. There was no wind, the wind was violent, and a black sword came in. Fang Lin had to deal with Hamill's blow. The persecution of Hades was a little relaxed. The "blank" approaching slowly "None" is actually a delay.

Hades laughed aloud, from top to bottom, wielding the sickle straight down again!

The sickle in Hades's hand is long enough, and the blade reveals a dark red in the snow, which seems to have been soaked in the blood of millions of people. Such a terrible sickle is in the hand of Hades Waving inside is as light as anything, and the sickle passes seems to have the effect of tearing the space. The deep night sky and the twinkling of stars appear faintly in the knife marks. Although they disappear immediately, the shock is unprecedented. .

The cut of Hades is simple and simple, just any fierce ghost, demon soul, as long as the soul governed in the kingdom of death, all must succumb under this giant sickle!

This cut is actually cutting the body of the sickle into "blank nothing"!

There was no sound, but the "blank nothingness" that had arrived in front of Hades began to recede, and the price paid by Hades was also very tragic: the body of this artifact began to rapidly dissolve again, like ice falling Into the water. And in Hades's eyes, he was full of zeal for concentration, and his hands shone with black glare, as if the fiery lightning flashed past, and it seemed to be the mighty light, shining on the earth! But the light was dark and hot!

Suddenly, with the handle of the giant dead sickle as the core, a circle of dead black energy erupted, which looked quite similar to Lao Hu's mine quake energy, but the edge was like a tidal wave rolling like a rush. And the air wave was close to be seen clearly, and the head-to-head of the ghostly ghosts twisted the imaginary image of their faces and flew into Hadis's body.

Countless cracks appeared on the surface of the sickle, and then an overwhelming dull sound was heard, and a "snap" exploded into tens of thousands of pieces, and even one piece fell to the ground and became dust drifting with the wind.

Combine two into one!

This is the third form that Hades discards the artifact body and absorbs the artifact soul!

At this point, Fang Lin's "blank nothing" envelope had been fully compressed, and Hades' eyes became reddish, roaring loudly, and the muscles on his body showed a clear swell and The mouth became sharper and the ears became longer, and then a swipe of the back pierced two black wings, just like the wings of a giant bat.

Pluto demon changes!

Immediately after he was suspended in mid-air, his body leaned forward slightly, the contours of the muscle lines were very clear, and a pair of demon-like giant wings opened freely and trembled slightly, giving the impression that the runner was preparing to accumulate strength Force running is average.

This is a precursor to Hades's intensive use of his ultimate ability, "Pure God Instant Kill".

In the last battle, Fang Lin avoided the fatal attack of the instant kill of the underworld with the ghost walk of the Eight Gods, and Hades this time used his body and life to impact the killing and extinction of Fang Lin. !! If you set the unsuccessful, then you will be killed!

"Failure." Fang Lin's thinking was still very clear at this time: "If Hadith's blow to the **** of the instant kills out, I will be defeated by the two of them."

"But, Hades, did you not realize that my layout started long before the duel? The victory or defeat was actually doomed at the beginning. If the artifact of the surname is used well, it may not be better than the attack Poor artifact! "

At this point Camille's complexion had turned pale, and the body of his little silver knife had almost burned out. Only the line of the sharp edge of the sharp blade remained strong, still stubborn like a comet. Lin, but such behavior is futile, because the forward speed of that point can be calculated in centimeters per minute. To put it simply, Camille's hope of survival lies in Hades.

Hades who was determined to break the ship!

Life and death line, life and death line!

At this time, Fang Lin's pupil of the foolish sent out a gentle light, the light was not sharp, nor strong, gentle as family atmosphere, just want to tell something lightly.

And the eight-way mirror in the sky is again like a moon approaching the sky, echoing the gentle light in the space, with a kind of casualness and gentleness in which the wife puts on a coat for her outgoing husband. The mirror-like mirror of Mercury reflected Hades's shadow.

Hadith suddenly found that the surrounding scenery was rippling with water, and when he switched to being able to see the thing, he found that a huge spinning gun was flying from outside the sky, and it was close at hand! Hades's heart was not well, and Fang Lin was downplayed a bit-could such an illusion scare himself? But what Hades unexpectedly was, just before the huge gun was about to stab his chest, suddenly a tender body flew in front of her, and the huge gun was deeply pierced from her body. Go in! Blood sprayed on his face ... Hardis didn't know why his heart was full of intense tingling sensations. He had a strong urge to see the woman's face clearly, but he just couldn't see clear!

Next, the eyes were rippling again, and the scenery was switched again, but it was dark all around. In the wet sleeping bag, Hardis hugged a warm body tightly, followed by a fiery kiss, a trembling moan, and Deadly lingering. Hardis only felt that the warm body in his arms was so familiar, but so strange and long-distance. He wanted to frantically search for the light to see the face that seemed to be engraved in his soul, but how could he not find the light! !! !!

"Don't forget me ..." If the voice came from below Jiuyou, if there was a helpless cry, then it was almost inaudible, and finally fainted, and Hades heard the voice, and could not bear the miserable tears. Flowing! He didn't know why he was sad or why he was sad. He repeatedly warned in his heart that this was an illusion and an illusion, but his body and thoughts were like those of a moth that fluttered with fire. It was difficult to extricate himself!

Hades couldn't help roaring in tears:

"You will pay for your **** illusion!"

But he heard Fang Lin's voice sighed and said lightly:

"Don't you understand? This is not illusion. How can illusion move a person? It's your lost memory ... it's the memory erased by nightmare space after you try to enter IV difficulty."

Hades had a disorder in his heart. "This is an illusion. This is an illusion. This is a * hallucination." He seemed to be chanting as if he were enchanted, but the body and the entire soul are eager to recognize the face of that voice, even if it is a hundred deaths. No death, no regrets!

"The barrier of life and death ..." Fang Lin's voice seemed faint from outside the sky. "Master Hades is amazing and brilliant. He has both the indestructible offensive tricks such as the underworld instant prison kill, and the absolute defense skills such as the barrier of life and death ... To be honest, I am determined that you do not have this ability, but I don't know what Master Hades thought about when he created the barrier of life and death. "

When Fang Lin heard the name of this defensive technique, he immediately felt helpless and helpless. From life to death is easy, but from death to life, it can only exist in legend.

If you are a prince, a trafficker, a talented woman, an overlord, you ca n’t escape a dead letter. No matter whether you are a hero in your life, whether you are prominent or inferior, you cannot reverse the inevitable rule of death. And Hades was said by him, the thought in his heart turned involuntarily with Fang Lin's statement. At this moment, Hades suddenly seemed to be struck by a thunder, and a pair of words appeared in his mind. Tears and decided eyes.

In the long river, Luo Yuexia,

A very familiar figure burst into blood mist under the sweeping huge hammer.

"Angoni ..." Hardis lip pursed. His whole body was shaking.

Then the sloppy figure rose up and greeted Jinyujing's huge and seriously injured body under the setting sun. She was so decisive when she left, but she turned back and smiled, falling down a sentence:

"do not forget me."

But Hadith can only look at it at this time, watching ... silently watching this woman who seems to be connected to her life, but can't see her face, rises to the sky, turning the flesh and soul into a glorious glory They all covered up the big move, and replaced his life with his own death!

"Don't !!!" Hades finally screamed like a wounded wolf. "How can I forget you, how can I forget you!"

At this moment, Hades burst into tears, but Fang Lin's voice fluttered softly, like a sticky spider web entangled.

"You didn't forget her. What's her name? What does she look like?"

Hardis's lips twitched fiercely. The blue blood vessels on his forehead bulged terribly, winding like a snake, giving the impression that it would explode almost immediately. He was originally because of the pathological growth of the pituitary gland. Only then has obtained the extraordinary mental power, at this time in despair and madness to search for their own memory, it is really a behavior close to self-harm.

He gradually remembered ... but all the memories were fragments of memories, like the ruins on the magnificent garden sites such as the Yuanmingyuan and Afang Palace, which can only be discerned after vicissitudes. Glory, but it is impossible to completely restore the magnificence.

"After the goldfish dies ... IV difficulty ... I will resurrect her, I must resurrect her, the light gate of the IVth world is in front of my eyes ..."

Hades murmured to himself, as if he was talking unconsciously, but every word that came out seemed to be cherished to read a lifetime, and Fang Lin's eyes shone with sharpness. Light, no one is more eager than his mood, because Hades's yesterday is just his and his partner today! Fang Lin definitely didn't want to become a puppet with his memory erased like the current Hades, so his heart was more anxious than anyone, but his face was not revealed at all.

"... A blank, how can it be so! How can it be blank? Hudson, Hudson? Hudson !!! What is going on with you, ah, why did he die?"

Hades murmured suddenly becoming extremely sharp, not only with a kind of crazy disappointment, but also a bit more indescribable mania, like a trapped in a cage with nowhere to go. beast!

But Hades' expression suddenly became confused.

"What's that ... is that light? Or brilliant splendor? Why are you here?"

Hearing here, Fang Lin's pupils suddenly tightened, so sharp, so aggressive, like a needle to pierce the air, pierce reality or even the future!

However, Hades's distorted face slowly returned to peace and was full of confusion. Obviously, after entering the IV world, he first saw a blank space, and then a person appeared. This person was Hardy. "You" in the mouth. What happened after that became a complete mystery.

But how could Fang Lin sit back and wait for Hardis to calm down? He deliberately took great risks to create such an environment, which is to discover as many secrets in Hades's mind as possible! Because, as he inferred from various clues, Hardis is the only one among the reincarnations currently in contact with the light gate that has entered the IV difficulty and then comes out!

So Fang Lin finally sacrificed his long-hidden killer! It's like a long-spent doomed snake probe revealing its fangs!

"who are you?"

Fang Lin's three words sounded like thunder in Hades's ear! He responded subconsciously:

"I'm Sorok, and I'm the leader of the Chosen Alliance."

"Did you wake up yet? Jones! Did you really forget Chassy?"

Fang Lin calmly said:

"Jones, Chasie." These two names were like a sudden tornado storm that instantly brought Hades's gradually calming mood back into the monstrous storm! This originally unknown information was exactly what Fang Lin did not notice when repairing the crack in the nightmare space!

Suddenly, Hades's eyes became blood red, suddenly protruding outwards, stunned in place, the illusion created by Fang Lin's words and the eight-mirror lens, all the memory fragments lurking deep in the heart at once Completely linked up! This had a fierce conflict with another virtual personality in his body at this time!

By now, Fang Lin has basically figured out what happened after Hades stepped into the IV World Light Gate. He formed a team that year, at least four people, except for Hades, originally called Jones. In addition, one is called Henri Road, one is Hadith's lover Chasey in the space (the relationship between the two is somewhat like Fang Lin and Lin Yinshou), and one is Hudson.

During the battle of goldfish, Jones (Hudith) and Hudson were seriously injured, and Henri died. Hadith's lover Chassi killed the goldfish with explosive life.

Next is the point. When Jones (Hudith) and Hudson stepped into the IV world, they found that there was a blank space, followed by Hudson's strange death, leaving Jones alone, until he returned to the nightmare space. There is no Jones in the space. Instead, the talents began to form the drafted alliance, and the aggressive Dorothy Hardis!

What will happen after stepping into the IV space Fang Lin currently does not know ~ ~ But now it is almost certain that:

First, no matter how many people go in, only one can be left. This person should be the strongest in comprehensive evaluation.

Second, all the memories of this person, including the memories of the real world, will be erased and replaced by another false identity, that is, completely stripped away from the previous!

Although the rest of the East and the West Lin do n’t know, these two points ... It ’s just that these two points are unacceptable to Fang Lin, how can he sit by and watch Lao Hu and Lin Yin sleeve die in front of himself, how can he let these two The life and death partner is directly obliterated, and how could he let his memory be obliterated! To bring father and mother back to life is the goal that Fang Lin has been working for since he entered the nightmare space. Losing these memories is really not as good as death.

[End of Book]

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